Eduard Stark Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Eduard Stark

Lord Commander Eduard Stark

Eduard Stark, loyal servant and eventually acting ruler of the The Night's Watch. The man is described best as an honorbound tolerant man, with an intrinsic dislike for the Myrtanians after the @Battle of Longfields.


Eduard Stark was born in 1363 in a small village located in the Edaur After passing his childhood he joined The Night's Watch in 1378. The @Battle of Longfields has been one of the most defining events in his life, sparking his hatred for Kingdom of Myrtana . From the founding of Starkhaven][Kingdom of Myrtana he served as chaptermaster of the respective chapter, till his ascension to Lord Commander of the Night's Watch upon the dead of Marcus Vardenfell in 1430. He continues his deceased friend's policy as Lord Commander until his dead from old age in 1440.  


Eduard Stark hails from a noble family near Gotha. His family held lands there and as the third son of his father Jorvar he was sent to the Watch to hold off infighting between his brethren. As a noble, with training in the art of combat, Eduard quickly rose through the ranks and soon became commander of a unit. The Battle of Longfields was an important moment in his life, as he was filled with dread for the slaughter of his comrades. During the reign of Vardenfell he served as chaptermaster of Starkhaven, and assumed the role of Lord Commander in 1430.  


Eduard is a gifted fighter with a two handed sword. He further enjoys strategy games and knows how to down an ale or two. Being a noble, he knows how to read and write. He would generally be adorned in medium armor and equal a CR 8 fighter-class.   


Eduard is a generally honourful and tolerant man. Living on the forefront of the Watch has given him a connection to the Wilds and its inhabitants. He isn't quick to anger, but once angered doesn't lay low quickly either.  


Eduard's life has always been about his idea of honour, never one to take a shameful retreat.  


Eduard is greatly invested in the Night's Watch and its old ideals. He was a good friend of Marcus Vardenfell and generally agreed on his line. He only really mistrusts Myrtanians, ever fearing of a second Battle of Long Fields.  


Eduard major flaw is that he takes his time to plan his moves. This means he isn't as good in a situation that requires a quick gut fix. Eduard furthermore tends to hold the Gothic past as a guideline and can therefore be conservative in his opinions.  


Eduard holds a more isolationist line to the Westfork and other realms, but would never betray a forged alliance. He does mistrust the political game and especially steers clear from Myrtanian affairs.
1363 3E 1440 3E 77 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of old age
Aligned Organization


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