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Isadora's Hut

The hut of Isadora, where all kinds of sorceries and alchemy supplies may be found. Of course being inhabited by Isadora, she won't let anyone close to her goods without paying for.  

Isadora's Goods

Item Price (gp) Description
Scroll of Animal Friendship 40 Allows to cast Animal Friendship
Scroll of Burning Hands 60 Allows to cast Burning Hands
Scroll of Cure Wounds 50 Allows to cast Cure Wounds
Scroll of Feather Fall 60 Allows to cast Feather Fall
Scroll of Ice Knife 70 Allows to cast Ice Knife
Potion of Healing 50 Heals 2d4+2 HP upon consumption
Scroll of Soul Trap 40 Allows to cast Soul Trap
Petty Soul Gem (Empty) (8) 10 Allows for the storage of CR 1 and less souls
Lesser Soul Gem (Empty) (3) 50 Allows for the storage of CR 2 and less souls
Petty Soul Gem (full) 50 Can be consumed to replenish charges to magic items, create spell scrolls, and as an ingredient in crafting magic items.
Scroll of Conjure Daedra 320 Allows to cast Conjure Daedra (see Spells in Mundus)
Scroll of Wall of Water 380 Allows to cast Wall of Water
Scroll of Banishment 520 Allows to cast Banishment
Scroll of Dive 230 Allows to cast Dive (see Spells in Mundus)
Lesser potion of the Fire Lizard 140 Gives resistance to fire damage for 1 minute
Lesser potion of the Frost Wolf 180 Gives resistance to cold damage for 1 minute. In addition, your gain you can add your proficiency bonus to Constitution Saving Throws made for 1 minute.
Potion of Greater Healing 230 Heals the user for 4d4+4 hit points upon consumption.


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