Mehrunes Dagon in Mundus | World Anvil
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Mehrunes Dagon

Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon inspires change and revolution. While many gods have tried to invade the world of Mundus with their armies, Dagon is among the most prevalent. One major group of cultists pray to Mehrunes Dagon known as the Mythic Dawn.  


Mehrunes Dagon resides in the 'Deadlands', a plane filled with seas of lava with small rock islands. On these islands large black buildings made from stone are found. During the passing of his plane, he attempts to invade Mundus through the usage of Oblivion Gates. The plane is widely known among practitioners of the art of Conjuration, as the absence of wards allows for easy access to conjuration of most of the inhabitants. Among these inhabitants the following are found:


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