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Sanguine's Rose

Sanguine's Rose

Wondrous Item

Very Rare

A rose plucked from the gardens of Demesne, Sanguine's plane of Oblivion. These roses are rarely encountered on Mundus.

The amount of uses the item has left is represented by the amount of petals left on the rose.

By burning a petal you conjure a Dremora Churl from Sanguine's realm as if you had cast the 'Conjure Daedra' Spell. The dremora will serve you for 1 minute. Similarly to the 'Conjure Daedra' spell, your Concentration may be broken. The dremora will likely however not fight you once your Concentration is broken unless provoked

By dissolving the petal in water, you create a powerful charming fluid. When a creature or person comes into contact with the fluid, the fluid loses its magical potency, but not before it casts 'Charm Person' or 'Charm Monster' on the creature.

By dissolving the petal in a beverage, this beverage gains enormous potency. For 10 minutes, you become very charming as exemplified by a temporarily increased Charisma score of 22. Once the effect wears off, those affected by it still won't know you used a Charming effect, although your charismatic aura is gone.

Item type
Unique Artifact


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