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Session XXXIV: Spiders Crackling Report

General Summary

Events in the Heart Crater

The adventures face the true form of Sabulah and the pair exchange heavy punches. Sabulah uses all her power to knock Oswald unconscious twice, removing the Fire Wall that kept the spider reinforcements at bay. It is Balin's shot in Sabulah's throat that seemingly ends her. She is shortly resurrected by one of her priestesses, before being decapitated by Nalan who keeps her head as trophy.   With reinforcements abound, the adventurers decide to take a closer look at the inner egg for any potential exits. They discover the egg hid another small vertical tunnel deeper into the tree trump. Nalan has no hesitation and goes down into the tunnel face down, Balin follows slightly slower but loses his grip on the way down. Oswald and John join them by climbing down safely. The inner chamber contains a large pedestal fashioned from metal that is meant to prevent the liquid inside the pedestal from vibrating. At the bottom of the liquid, multiple dead small worms reside. Furthermore, there are 4 large pods with small inlets covered with lyrium dust. Behind the pedestal, there is a semi-large lyrium crystal. Unsure how to proceed, they climb back up the tunnel but not before attempting to take the lyrium crystal. Upon touching it, the pods seem to awaken and in a hurry John drops the crystal and continues climbing.   The Invisible Oswald emerges first to find a horde of spiders having amassed within the Heart Chamber. Although wishing to charge, they are called of by Nalan who shows the decapitated head of their mistress. This persuades the head priestess to allow them safe-passage out of Sabulah's Domain.  


Having survived this deathly encounter, the adventurers make-way to the Craftsmen's Quarters to order multiple barrels of beer. The news of Sabulah's Demise quickly spreads through the city of Ban Grond and as the adventurers approach Aard to inform him on their victory, he approaches them with a congratulating hug. Aard & Zulk are already amassing their armies to scavenge Sabulah's treasures. The adventurers enjoy a Short Rest before Nalan & Balin join the assault on the Dark Forest. Meanwhile, Oswald and John seemingly retreat to the mansion.   At the edge of the dark forest, a spider massacre takes place. Zulk leads his troops on the back of his troll breathing fire upon his foes, marching on the house found within the domain. Nalan decide to join this band in hope of scavenging any rewards from the house. Alas he is unable to penetrate the goblin ranks who amass all kinds of alchemy supplies on carts for Zulk. Meanwhile, Aard uses his Thu'um to shred multiple spiders to pieces on his way to the Heart Crater. Joined by Balin, a bridge is quickly fashioned to cross the crater. It is from this point on only Aard and his most-trusted continue. Informed by the adventurers by the perils of the Chamber, he approaches carefully before taking the lyrium crystal for his own.   Oswald & John use the partying city as a distraction to search Zulk's Retreat once more. With their combined powers of Pass without Trace and Invisibility, their stealth scores go through the roof, rivaling Nocturnal's. Although not retrieving any new artifacts, they manage to study the history of the Island carefully once more, with many gaps of knowledge being filled for them.
The Island of Runaar
Oswald Fleetfeet
TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
wizard 5
26 / 26 HP
John Doe
Lawful Neutral Wood Elf (Inheritor)
Ranger 6
63 / 63 HP
Report Date
09 Dec 2021
Primary Location


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