Hicko Dorestan Druggist
Hicko Dorestan Druggist, formerly Hicko Dorestan Apothecary and Barber, is the town's pharmacy and one of the oldest continuously operating businesses in Munson. It was started in the 1830s by Elias Hicko and Patty Dorestan, a Welshman and his Irish cousin, though some say they were a husband and wife, and others yet say a brother and sister. While the exact nature of their relationship was never public knowledge, all folks needed to know was that if you had an ailment, Hicko Dorestan could cure it. They made a great show of bringing Old World knowledge, with Dorestan in particularly leaning hard on the wisdom of her druid ancestors. (A bit too hard for some, myself included.) Still, they seemed to restore the health of anyone, regardless of their health problems.
The duo maintain an owners share in the pharmacy but have moved further west to Milwaukee. They sold the last third to Theodore Drebbin of Syracuse, who stops in seasonally to check on the store and its profits. He entrusts the very capable Mamie Briggs to run the day to day operations, but has been growing increasingly worried about some of the chatter he's heard about town. While he would loathe to dismiss Briggs without evidence, he also has a business to look after and the rumors are making it suffer.