
Dolph is a huge furry mutant-bear walking the warriors path in ParaDICE Valley. Brown fur meets a blonde mohawk like tuft on the top of his youthful head. Draped in a crimson coat and red hockey pads with a yellow star.

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Ballard of the Beer vol7

Look I love a walk through the woods as much as any bear, but this is ridiculous we walked through the woods all day and see anything worth fighting. We did run in to a hover-drone with some special kill-cannon that threatened to crater the entire forest, but we aren't supposed to mess with those till Deniro gets her imp-gun back online.   Finally we bumped in to a couple mouse scouts who put up a small amount of resistance until they saw my machete and Eddy's wrench. Now that they had come to their senses they escorted us to their castle to meet their leader.   At the castle we saw some atrocities that I can still hear and smell when I close my eyes at night. Cages of captured cats emaciated and hobbled the rodents full of glee and malice in the pain of their wartime foes. The tribes must unite if we are to throw off the shackles of the Watchers, this horrific act only brings us further from emancipation. With my blood boiling I needed to find a way to let of some steam.   We ventured in to the belly of the castle where we discovered the rat king Fink surrounded by filth, vice, and a room full of weapons. Although I wanted to teach him a lesson this was not the time or place. To my shame we retreated deeper in to the Warren in search of Leonovs friend Sniffer. Leonov sent us away to comune with his friend, a great excuse to find a rat to punch.   Coming to the champions arena I finally found my excuse to scuffle with a rodent. Eddy and I signed up for a tag team match and we had the vile rats defeated before the first round was over. With the warriors roar growing inside of me I bellowed for a new challenger and was delighted to see Finky stepping in to the ring. As we continued to brawl I shrugged off a viscous slash and found time slowing in front off me. In my soul the warriors roar showed me a red path of violence where I was the one to break Flink and a purple path of fate where my sleuth-mate Wild Paw skewers him in a final conflict to free both our peoples. The rat's blade bit in to my flesh and the red roar took control of mind, I don't remember entirely what happened next apart from flashes of running, a loud bang and tearing flesh.   Although I am proud to have defeated the cruel Flink a warrior is more than just violence and I fear losing control of my self in the next battle.   For now my adopted tribe is focused on ensuring Finky is succeeded by a more collegiate, more malleable rodent. The storehouse hampster Gizmo seems like the perfect candidate I just need to convince him to stay away from the Watchers treats after midnight.            

Ballard of the bear vol6

Eddy and I have been really getting in to our karate. We spent a lovely evening training in the forest while the others were scouting the dog pound for some mystery item.   Finally the sneaking squad needed my help and we cunningly provided a distraction while Leonov was wasting time in the bar and Deniro snuck in to the weapons lab. Deniro did a great job finding a number of artifacts including my family's heirloom body armor. Unfortunately they managed to trip over while sneaking out of the compound. With some quick thinking Eddy and I managed to blame the event on the cannibal split-jaws that kidnapped Eddy's family. Hopefully the dogs handle the splitjaws and Deniro gets away scotfree; two issues solved by one Ursine genius.

Ballard of the bear Vol5

Today we meet a tribe of little bears calling themselves badgers, similar to my little trash-panda friend except less likely to rob you and more likely to hangout in a hole.     Turns out some cannibal cold bloods had been stealing their young to eat. We struck a deal with the badgers to form an alliance if we cleared out the cannibals.   Leonov and Bjork snuck in with the scouts while I waited behind with a bunch of their "heavy" hitters. Made a cute little sidekick Eddie Who ended up using my wrench to squish a few lizards and save his sister. I managed to find the biggest lizard and test my skills against the split jawed bruiser.   I was a bit distracted and didn't see where they went wrong but Bjork ended up getting a pummeling and needed our charming Ringo to help him out. Anyway I'm sure he will be healed up by the time we make it back to the dog pound with a few of our badger brothers to help us find the IMP gun. Can't wait to let little Eddie loose on those Muts; hopefully he can keep the pups at bay while I tangle with the big bad wolf.

Ballad of the Bear vol4

[this page is written in a looping mess with several letter illegible due to Dolph's recent poison bite]   Catching up on a few days we've been super busy.   The North is crazy, they have fish on the land AND IN THE AIR!   So first off my mates and I clobbered this huge land-shark ohhh I want to see if he tastes like the salmon back home!! Then we've only just ran in to a flying eel with a wicked bite and an abundance of flesh for our supplies, didn't taste as good as the salmon back home but will do in a pinch.   Oh yeah, we were out here looking for someone!!!   We made it to the resistance HQ and you'll never believe who was there [big bears name??] himself the leader of my tribe! He's looking for some help and asked us to find a moose to recruit to the cause as part of some plan to break in to the dogs compound so that frogboy can spawn or something - my minds a bit cloudy right now-.   I picked up the trail of the moose but failed to get Half-paw [name???] to join us on the hunt, she seems a little shy I need to work on getting her out a bit more.   So yeah anyway we fight this big eel rescued on of Leonovs buddies and followed the trail of the moose till it's end. Unfortunately someone seems to have ripped him up which is a shame as he seems like a good wrestling challenge.   Oh boy im feeling a bit sick, I might need to have a little hibernation. What are we here for again? Badgers or something? I'm sure the others have it sorted iI'l just sit down for a second.   [the entry finishes with unreadable text, a possible drawing of a flying snake, and what smells like a mix of vomit and viscera both beer and eel.]

Ballad of the Bear vol3

[note to reader these pages seem extra crumpled and wet] Setting off for our next location I had to carry my brother bear and the slimy lizard so that we coukd jeep a reasonable pace.   Crossing the river got a bit hairy and I had to throw the silly lizard to safety - hahahaha kind of funny seeing him fly through the air- I didn't fall in I chose to go for a swim which was an issue when a pack of dogs showed up. The watchers good-bois tried to stand us over but Leonov managed to freak them out with some kind of magic dog chant. Lucky fir them because if i had got to them it would jave been much worse.   Approaching the dog capital we had to go through some tin-man checkpoints and i ended up sacrificing my families armour so that we could sneak little bears boom stick past the guards.   Rango really helped us out here when he could have sold us out to the watchers, maybe he's not such a bad guy.   Getting to mutt-manor i had a small disagreement with the guard and of my own choosing decided to go for a walk in the woods and connect with my ancestors.   I'm not sure what the others got up to but the frog seems really obsessed with some indoor spawning pool, those lizard folk are always a bit suspicious.   I heard there are some starving raccoons in the city I must come back and liberate them in future, possible allies if we ever have to come back.

Ballad of the Bear vol2

Ringo the cheating Gecko took us to meet some freedom fighters in the middle of the forrest. To be honest i definitely phased out while the alphas were discussing plans and other menial details.   Apparently were looking for some more allies and that's fine with me.   Back at the camp some extra chilly cold blood come over and was talking down to us about not provoking the tin-men and blablabla again i kind of phased out and was more interested in testing my strength against the giant lizard bodyguard [insert name]. I sure hope we get to come back latter and i find an excuse to show them what the strength of the bear clan looks like.   Anyway we're off tomorrow morning with Ringo to find some more warriors, he better not betray us.

Ballad of the Bear vol1

Ballad of the Bear volume 1.   Throughout the valley plants were beginning to flower as we transition out of the winter months to spring. All of the tribes prepare for spring fertility ceremonies and I had my own part to play.   I found myself in the middle of reptilian dance ceremony looking to trade weapons to the merchant Bjork in return for the intoxicants required for our own spring festival.   As we reach the crescendo of the ceremony and I am moments away from being crowned party King [this is a lie, the bear is lying to brag] we were suddenly interrupted by flying watchers kidnapping a cold blooded hard shell. Tapping in to my instinctual strength I gave in to the beast within, I don’t fully remember the battle apart from flashes of pulling one of the metallic monsters from the sky and Bjork flying through the air plunging a knife through its glass eye.   Coming down from the rage I noticed the gloomy pup Leonov – I like him he fed me- negotiating with a local spy [named???] who invited us to a secret meeting in the forest. I don’t trust the chromatic cold blood, better tag along to make sure Leonov doesn’t get ambushed.   Apparently the hardshell was a leader in the resistance maybe I might find some other allies here in the swamp to take revenge on the Yellow Watcher.   Note to self: who is Largo and can I defeat them in physical combat?


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