Tribe Insurgency

For an Operation to succeed, the players need to roll at least one "Success" if not, the Operation fails. The Chance of Success of the Operation tells you the number of Base Dice to roll.
The Chance of Success is modified by these factors:
  • The Insurgency rating in the habitat in question
  • Any Watcher Operations being carried out in the same habitat in this turn.
  • Additional Cells sent to help the Operation – each extra Cell gives 2 extra Base Dice to roll.
The Chance of Success cannot go below 1 – you always get at least one Base Die to roll, no matter what.

Losses: In addition to the Base Dice, a number of Danger Dice are rolled when resolving an Operation – how many is indicated by the Operations table and modified by Watcher Operations. Use Gear Dice to represent Danger Dice.
Behind Enemy Lines: If a Cell carries out an Operation in a different habitat than its own, the Danger rating is increased – more Danger Dice are rolled. If the target habitat borders the Cell’s own, the Danger rating is increased by 1      
Spreading the Word Whispers in the dark, clandestine meetings, graffiti 10 0 Insurgency +D6
Demonstration A public display of defiance and rebellion 8 2 Insurgency +2D6
Purge Kidnapping or murder of informants or sympathizers with the Watchers 8 1 Insurgency +D6
Population −D6
Watcher Capacity −D6
Recruitment Recruiting members for a new Cell 6 1 One new Cell is recruited.
Disinformation Spreading false information in order to mislead informants and the Watchers 10 0 Chance of Success +2 to one Operation in any habitat in the next turn. Can only be carried out once per turn.
Reconnaissance Watching, listening, mapping the movements of the Watchers or flushing out informants 8 0 Chance of Success +4 to any Operation in the habitat next turn
Pinpoint Attack A quick and dirty attack against a Watcher or loyalist target 6 1 Capacity −D6, Insurgency +D6
Sabotage Destroying Watcher or loyalist infrastructure 4 2 Capacity −2D6, Insurgency +D6
Assault A large-scale attack against a Watcher or loyalist target 2 3 Capacity −3D6, Insurgency +D6


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