
Shark/Dragon Hybrid

Physical Description

Body Features

Dragon wings with Shark tail and head fin.

Facial Features

black sclera

Identifying Characteristics

eyebrows are often shaved off (so not visible)

Apparel & Accessories

Often found holding a Pride flag!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nym is a gentle soul with a heart full of kindness, a sweet demeanor, and a penchant for quiet happiness. Growing up in a quaint town nestled amidst rolling hills, Nym was always the thoughtful observer, finding joy in the simple moments that others often overlooked. From a young age, Nym exhibited a reserved nature, preferring the comfort of solitude or the company of a few close friends. Her shyness was evident, yet her warmth and genuine interest in others shone through her quiet exterior. Her upbringing was rooted in a nurturing environment. Raised by parents who cherished her uniqueness, they encouraged her to embrace her introverted tendencies while gently nudging her to explore the world outside her comfort zone.


While she excelled academically, she found solace in the corners of libraries, immersing herself in books and letting her imagination take flight. She had a small circle of trusted friends who cherished her gentle nature and found comfort in her empathetic ear. As she grew older, Nym began to discover her ambiverted natureā€”a delicate balance between introversion and extroversion. She found moments of pure joy in social gatherings, especially with close friends or in small, intimate settings. There, her sweet and caring nature blossomed, and she could effortlessly share her thoughts and dreams.


Her happy disposition was infectious. While she might not seek out large crowds or be the center of attention, her presence had a calming effect on those around her. She embraced her ambiverted nature, relishing the balance between cherished moments of solitude and the warmth of genuine connections.

Personality Characteristics


Dreams to be the best Pride leader

Likes & Dislikes

Loves going to Pride and bringing out another's self-confidence

Virtues & Personality perks

patience, sweet, shy, ambivert


Social Aptitude

Nym's social aptitude is a delicate tapestry woven with threads of kindness, empathy, and a quiet sense of joy. She navigates social situations with a gentle grace, preferring smaller, intimate gatherings where she can truly connect with others on a deeper level.   In one-on-one conversations, Nym shines. Her empathetic nature allows her to listen intently, offering a safe space for others to share their thoughts and feelings. She's a thoughtful conversationalist, choosing her words carefully to express her genuine interest in others and to offer support and encouragement. While she may initially appear reserved in larger groups, once she's comfortable, Nym 's warmth begins to emerge. She contributes to discussions with thoughtful insights and a genuine desire to understand different perspectives. Her quiet confidence allows her to shine without seeking the spotlight, making her a valued presence in any gathering.   Her social interactions are characterized by her sweet and caring demeanor. She's the friend who remembers the little details, the one who offers a comforting shoulder and thoughtful advice in times of need. Nym's kindness creates an atmosphere of trust and comfort, making her someone people naturally gravitate toward for guidance and support. Though she might not be the most extroverted person in the room, Nym's ambiverted nature allows her to appreciate both the tranquility of solitary moments and the joy found in genuine connections. She finds fulfillment in cultivating meaningful relationships, nurturing them with her genuine care and unwavering loyalty.   Nym's social aptitude is a beautiful blend of sensitivity, genuine interest in others, and the ability to create an atmosphere of warmth and understanding wherever she goes. Her presence leaves a lasting impression, characterized not by grand gestures but by the profound impact of her kind and empathetic nature.

Hobbies & Pets

Hosts a Twitch/YouTube channel and expresses her sexuality freely (Non Binary / Androgenous) while encouraging others to be themselves!
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White with Rainbow Stripes & black inner wings
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Be who you are, you can't be anything else without lying to yourself!"


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