- Molly & Harry arrived in Ireland, and were followed before being led to a church with a priest.
- The priest encouraged Molly & Harry to get married to or adopted a cat.
- They used mech-kitty to be friend the cats and find titian meth.
- The others Sorcha, Fiona, Clair, followed the Cu Shide to a Fomorian trying to break into the entrance to the Fey courts.
- Quickly disposing of the Fomorian they entered in and were meet by Brigid who informed them of the situation, that the winter court, was threatening war if Nastoya was not found
- The group of Sorcha, Fiona, Clair exited the Fey wild having been there for the equivalent of a week in the moral world, rejoining Molly and Harry they found the entrance to to a Formarian cave.
- Fiona oped the door and the group filled in.
Entry for WorldEmber 2020