Capsul Apartment Buildings

These low income apartments are all the same and are a little cramped for most races. They are disposable housing that can be removed from the central "trunk" of the building and replaced with new capsules.   They come furnished with a bed with storage under it and a washroom, anything else must be acquired by the tenant. Building management is encouraged with commission pay to upsell module sets such as a kitchenette or laundry facilities.   Bellow is an example of an apartment.     Damir's and Chip's capsule apartment  
Apartment building / Tenament

Once out of the elevator he leads you into his apartment and any ideas of glamor were immediately dispelled. It was, essentially a box. Not only that, it was rather... spartan. While he was not lacking in furniture, it was the bare minimum of what a person would need for comfort. It also was not really decorated in any sense. The walls of the house were a very pale, powder blue color "Kitchen by the door, bathroom on the left." He gestured to the little kitchen set up on the right will all the basics. Cupboards and appliances all colored black and silver. To the left you could see a bathroom. Sink, toilet shower. It was the same color, except for the sterile white tiles and... whatever material they made baths and toilets from in this world. Past the kitchen was a small circular table with a couple of chairs. On the opposite wall was a whatever the TV equivalent is. In the corner of the room seemed to be a small personal gym. Treadmill, weights... nothing too fancy. Not much room for it. And finally, on the left, the room took an L turn, and you could see a Decently sized bed, with black night stand beside it. A closet shared the wall to the bathroom.


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