Battle of Gokstead

The NORTHMEN built larger ships and filled them with eager warriors and by 1122md, the first large scale attacks took place all along the coasts of the INNER SEA. The raids picked up and the raiders became bolder, attacking down the coastline to FRIEBURG and beyond. The people there clamored for protection, calling to the powers in Aufstrag. The imperial response was rapid. They dispatched a fleet of galleys to destroy the barbarians. They came from IERGAUL, Avignon, and other cities, sailing north to the sprawling city-encampment of GOKSTEAD, intending to burn out the barbarians.   Twenty five vessels bore the 58TH Imperial Legion from Ascalon into the north, sailing for Gokstead. Two months on the open sea brought them into the vicinity of that town, but the Northmen set out in a host of long boats under King THORISMUND and met them at sea. They met the imperials in open battle, lusting as they did and still do, for death in war. Never in the memory of man had a human fleet contested the seas with the ships of Unklar. The captains were afraid, not knowing what to do, but the Northmen did know, and in packs they surrounded the larger vessels and disabled them with fire and axe. So great was their lust for slaying that they forgot all booty and with great waste burned the fleet into the depths. Making sacrifice to their grim gods they celebrated a great victory, and the 25 ships and all of the 58th Legion returned home never more.   This victory opened the southern lands to further depredations and eventually to migrations. The raids also triggered the creation of such states as KINGDOM OF ANGLAMAY and the HANSE CITY FEDERATION.
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