Eldritch Goblin

Eldritch goblins are immortal, yet this immortality does not prevent them from being slain in combat. They take a variety of shapes and forms, though all are goblinesque in nature. Some are taller than normal goblins, others smaller, so much so that they are only a foot or so high. Their features are akin to an old knotted black-jack oak, twisted, and wrinkled like dried bark. This is representative of their age, the older the goblin the more knotted and thick his skin. Younger eldritch goblins, - those only several centuries old - still possess something of the smooth, stretched skin of their lesser kindred. Of course, some of the elders are possessed of luminescent beauty, a reflection of their magical quality (see below). Eldritch goblins have a great love of things, and they are always carrying them around, often tied to their persons, articles that they have come across in their adventures, articles they found interesting such as a beaded glass jar, a box of peculiar workmanship, a bone, etc. They are also fond of jewelry and wear ear, finger, and toe rings, bracelets, arm bands, and the like. In clothing, they are as varied as any species, some preferring colors bright and glaring, others armor, still others, drab cloaks or rags.   Eldritch goblins belong to any of the greater goblin communities, though they stand apart from vast hordes and often travel alone. Some rule their lesser kin; others live amongst them as strangers, revered as god-like figures. But few of the eldritch goblins work in concert with each other as their purposes are different. Some few, however, develop friendships with their eldritch brethren and spend lives in adventure. If encountering more than a dozen, it is very rare and usually an indication that something huge is happening in the goblin communities; war, or the like.   They are fluent in all human, demi-human, and most other humanoid languages, having keen intelligence and long lives to learn them. They revel in the history of their being and judge one another by their deeds and accomplishments, battle honors not the least. They are not averse to traveling with any of the other races, carrying no particular hatred for other creatures, secure in their own lifeless superiority.   The eldritch goblins were the first of the dwarves corrupted by ORNDUHL in ancient times. He twisted them and made them hate their Dwarven brethren. He taught them a vile sorcery, and in time, they became deformed. Also, the eldritch goblins saw into Ornduhl’s memory, and there they found the secret of immortality and other dark powers. Some are evil and vicious, ever seeking to begin again the great wars between dwarf and goblin. But many have discarded the corruption of the Red God and live now to further their own means; even evil deeds lose relevance after thousands of years.    For their part, the goblins worship the eldritch goblins, following their lead in every course.   Eldritch Goblins cannot spawn their own kind without a queen.  Instead, a mating of eldritch goblins results in a typical goblin.  Only a queen lays eggs from whence eldritch goblins hatch.  These are rare, usually 1 in thousands.
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