Green Lonesome Trail

Primitive cart trail from GREEN LONESOME to MERRIC'S FORD just west of ENDS MEET. It is a trade route that allows the industrious HALFLING traders of Green Lonesome to trade with the men of Ends Meet, the Elves of the Millorian, the Fey of Lilly Fare, and possibly the BOWLGAARDGE ORCS.   Starting in Green Lonesome the trail leads North past LILLY FARE to cross the RED MUD RIVER at the foot of the CHERRY HILLS. There it turns westward roughly tracking with the MISTBANE RIVER as it moves through the MILLORIAN and the WEST WOOD. Then again turning north the trail moves the dangerous regions of the BOTTOMS and passes into the woods north of them, and then ends at Merric's Ford. From there the traders can move up the OLD POST ROAD.

Purpose / Function

To allow carts to move between Green Lonesome and Ends Meet.


Rough hewn trail.


With the end of the reign of UNKLAR the halflings of Green Lonesome felt they could reach out into the greater Darkenfold for trade opportunities. The first part of the trail ran just to the Mistbane, where boats or rafts were built and poled up the river. this took a long time to build and was not fast, also the river was treacherous and lead to losses. So they pushed on west and north with the trail reaching the ford at Ends Meet where they could reach the road and go beyond to other towns and cities on the edges of the Darkenfold.


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