House of Anglamay

The House of Anglamay came into being when WILLIAM I became King of Anglamay.  His family was inconsequential so he assumed the name of the Kingdom he founded.  As his capital was located in the heart of the old Imperial Province of Anglamay it was retained as the demesnes of the family.     It is technically ruled by the heir to the throne the COUNT OF ANGLAMAY.  As the family also retained the title that they used to ascend to King.  But the practicality is evident in the quality of the rulers.  It frees up the King to deal with national issues, while the heir is settled into the work of being the local lord.  It also provides them with great insight into the difficulties of the other counts.  It also keeps them grounded in the eyes of the others and probably enables some of the infighting with them.     The family brought cotton into the land, and now it is a prime cash crop.  The family profits mightily from this product.  Their lands are some of the best for the crop and they grow and collect many bales each year.  They also are invested heavily in the ANGLAMAY FAIR.     The COUNTY OF ANGLAMAY all the lands between the ALIS RIVER and the ANGL RIVER.  In the North the boundary is the LEVIL RIVER, and in the South the Coast on the SEA OF SHENAL.
Founding Date
Political, Family
Leader Title
Family Leader
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