Kingdom of Iregaul

The Kingdom of Iregaul was founded by the Ungern leader MITHRICK in 1142, when he lead his followers into what was then the ruins of Iregaul.  He saw potential in the ruined buildings, and in the chaos of the lands of the MARCH OF ZEITZ.     Mithrick and his successors have each grown their horde.   They have stayed out of wars, and joined only in on raids and conflicts they felt were sure going to be successful.  Their selections have proved very well, and money has poured in.  Their success and wealth has attracted like minded creatures and those intent on relieving them of at least some of their wealth.     The current leader Bazur seems ready to bring his forces to bear in the wars surrounding them.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, City-state
Leader Title
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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