Kingdom of Kayomar


Kayomar extends from the wilds in the north to the AMBER SEA, ELDWOOD, and the DARKENFOLD in the south, from the ARDEEN RIVER in the east to the RHODOPE MOUNTAINS in the west. This vast land of rolling countryside is a fertile plain, called the VALLEYS OF KAYOMAR, where four major and countless minor rivers flow in their tumbling courses to the DANAU RIVER before spilling into the sea. The people live in towns and villages spread thinly across the wide country. Though roads connect many of these establishments, the land is simply too vast for it all be connected. Hence, there are great empty stretches of grassland where herds of buffalo and wild cattle roam. Only in the south do the plains give way to more dramatic terrain, the stark highlands of the BERGRUCKEN MOUNTAINS, the Eldwood and Darkenfold forests, and the SHELVES OF THE MIST. The south is more populous too. Throughout Kayomar, the knights live in their castles and fortified houses.
The realm of Eadore, the Great King, Over Lord of Kayomar, Lord of Paladins, Protector of the Vale, Watcher of the Wood, Master of the Darkenfold, stands chief over Kayomar
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Controlled Territories


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