
Orkhan was an Ungern of the highest rank who rose to the Generalship of the 40th legion in the lands of Ethrum as part of Unklar's WESTERN COMMAND.  He would be one of the last commanders of Unklar's forces in the west.   When Lord MORGAN, MASTER OF THE HOLY DEFENDERS OF THE FLAME, defeated the imperial legions at the BATTLE OF EADORE the military might of Unklar dissolved in the far west and south. What remained were two legions, each commanded separately by generals PIUS and Orkhan.  Alongside the appointed counts they governed the counties of LECHUNFIELD, MAINE, and ROTOIS. Aside from their own soldiers, both generals regularly employed assassin priests of the CRNA RUK.   Before long a quarrel soon broke out between Pius and Orkhan, though what they fought over is anyone’s guess. Some rumors abound that they fought over the treasure of AZIZ which many believed he abandoned in the Lechunfield, but it is known that Orkhan wished to attack Kayomar and destroy Morgan, a thing Pius thought foolish at best and hopeless at worst. The argument came to blows when Pius refused to attack. Quarrels broke out everywhere between the servants of the two generals, in small battles in the streets of various towns and on the roads. Within a very short time the whole of all three counties was fortified.   In 1123, the two legions fought minor skirmishes throughout the summer and fall. By winter, Pius, tiring of the fruitless battles and desiring to shift his allegiance, made open war upon Orkhan. By spring of 1124, a full fledged civil war ensued. The brutal strife entailed the destruction of many men and ungern. Pius, at one point, needlessly sacrificed two cohorts of troops in an assault on several castles. After that, all the humanoids in his ranks fled for fear of him.   Dwarves from NORGORAD KAM inadvertently sparked the final battle. In several brutally fought campaigns they drove Orkhan from his mountain castles and forced him to move south. Caught between the hammer and the anvil he sought battle. In the late summer, on the fourth day of Trocken, Pius met him on the field and in a hard fought battle defeated Orkhan at the BATTLE OF REDHILL. The defeated general fled the field only to be slain crossing over into the GELDERLAND by the mercenary knight, Baldwin of Klun (see Baldwin I ).
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Baldwin of Klun
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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