Session 1: To Kill A Dragon

General Summary

The Party set out on New Years Day to go see the Illusion show at the main square in Ackium. On their return they saw a group of 6 toughs threatening an old man they recognized as Udu Vorx. The old storyteller that hung around the Blue Crab Inn and other inns and taverns about town.   They quickly acted with the young Wizard using a sleep spell that knocked out all the toughs. They got Udu, and made their way back towards the Blue Crab. When Udu was awakened and calmed down, he admitted that the men had wanted his treasure. He also told that he couldn't give his treasure anyway because there was a Dragon that was guarding it, well the room it was hidden in anyway.     He then promised the party a map to the fabled halls of Crisigill a legendary mage. The party agreed to help for the price of that map. Early the next morning they made their way about 4 miles out of town where Udu showed them and old ruined tower where he said his treasure and the dragon could be found.   The tower was in bad shape. A fly over by the Warrior Priest's Owl showed that most of the roof was gone, and the interior was filled with trees and bushes. Approaching the gaping hole in the front wall where the gates once stood, they found evidence of a large creature regularly making their way through that opening and heading off towards the river.   Cautiously entering the building they found themselves startled by the flight of the pigeons nesting in the trees. The Ranger moved towards the rooms in the back finding a small room in the NE corner that was dark, and still roofed. It's floor covered in grey slime. The larger room in the NW was occupied by 3 wild boar wallowing in a mud pit.   Others turned the eye to the adjoining tower, going into it they found a round room whose wooden floor had long ago rotted away. There was a stair going up to the South, and one going down to the North. The rogue headed up the stairs to find the next floor covered in debris and the roost of Pidgossums. These creatures chose to flee from our hero.   Meanwhile in the larger part of the building someone decided to take a shot at the boars. It was a miss, and soon the boars were bolting towards the party. Quickly mobilizing they tried to fight the boars. There was some contact on both sides, but the boars won through and fled into the surrounding woods.   The party then decided it was time to head down. Descending the stairs they found a room the same dimensions as the one above, with an opening in the same location as the previous floor. From the door came the strong odor of large reptiles, old mud, and stagnant water. Venturing in they found a room half filled by a pool of water. Udu warned them dragon was tricky and could be hiding. The treasure was in the far corner away from the water. The rogue made for the treasure. The Barbarian stormed in towards the pool. Suddenly the silence was broken as out of the water rose a huge somewhat turtlelike beast that lashed at and seriously bit the Barbarian. The party rushed to join the fight. The Barbarian got in a massive blow, and others played their parts, and soon the 15' long beast was dead.   In the aftermath the Druid noticed Udu sobbing softly. Approaching him she asked what was wrong. "He was so cute when he hatched" said the old man. He had found the egg, and hatched it. This year it had gotten to mean and big for him to handle, and he knew it had to be killed for him to get his treasure.   With map in hand the party returned to Ackium to plan their departure for the Darkenfold.
Report Date
22 Mar 2020


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