Time Tracker for the Savage Darkenfold Party

Time Tracker 08:24 25/05/20 1st of Erstdain, 1197 - Party is formed in Ackium when companions, returning from New Years day festivities, cross Udu Vrox in peril and help him. He offers them a map from his treasure if they will assist him.   2nd of Erstdain - The Party goes with Udu Vrox to the old ruins and kills the dragon and claims their treasure map.   3rd of Erstdain - The Party departs by ship for Elne   25th of Erstdain - The party arrives in New Edunburg   28th or Erstdain - The Party departs by raft for Elne.   14th of Regeerisch - The Party arrives in Elne.   16th of Regeerisch - The Party leaves Elne for Ends Meet.   20th of Regeerisch - The Party fights the Ungren at the Temple.   26th of Regeerisch - The Party meets Urstan near Round Top.   30th of Regeerisch - The Party reaches Greenbriar, and spends the night in the LongHouse Inn.   7th of Lothian - The Party saves the Ends Meeters from the evil fey.   7th of Lothian - The Party reaches Ends Meet, and takes up residence in the Cocklebur Inn   8th of Lothian - The Party departs for the Dungeon.   15th of Lothian - The Party reaches the Dungeon.   16th of Lothian - The Party enters the Dungeon   21st of Lothian - The Party leaves the Dungeon   28th of Lothian - The Party arrives back in Ends Meet   28th of Lothian - Dahaaka leaves for Alice.   28th of Lothian - Jason tries to track Dahaaka.   26th of Uthdain - All have finished training and returned to Ends Meet.   27th of Uthdain - The party leaves for Alice less Grimm. Battle at the Alice landing with the Orcs   28th of Uthdain - Grimm rejoins the party and they leave for Alice on the Pigs Trail. Encounter with the Nymph   29th of Uthdain - The party is at the Temple. Fight with the wild men   30th of Uthdain - The party enters the caverns beneath the Temple and Alice, and comes up in Alice. Jason and Grok nearly killed by the assassin vine.   1st of The Unmaking - Dahaaka, spots the Harpies and heads overland to the temple. The party decides to enter the tomb.   2nd of The Unmaking - The party enters the tomb and are defeated by the mummy within. They recuperate in the Temple and discover the defiled frog offering.   3rd of The Unmaking - The party leaves for Mount Hermitage. Meet the traders from Green Lonesome on the road.   4th of The Unmaking - The party makes it to and fights the Hag and heir allies at Mount Hermitage. Find Aulen and rescue him.   5th of The Unmaking - The party starts back to Ends Meet.   2nd of Falkhyn - The party arrives back at Ends Meet.   3rd of Falkhyn - The party learn about his time imprisoned at Mt Hermitage from Aulen.   7th of Falkhyn - The party arrives in Greenbriar to find Cawthorn dying and the tree stolen.   8th of Falkhyn - The party leave Greenbriar in pursuit of the trolls. The party has an eventful night on the bank of the River with a run in with a Willow tree, and a pack of Worgs.   9th of Falkhyn - Battle with Nixies and Werehounds on the banks of the River   10th of Falkhyn - Party back tracks to Battle Mound and spends first night in the woods.   11th of Falkhyn - encounter with the Ent, and 2nd night in the forest   12th of Falkhyn - Dinner with Ian the Gnome   13th of Falkhyn - The party reaches the Hornstooth encampment and cuts a deal with them to go after the tree   15th of Falkhyn - The party reaches the Flies Den and defeats the sentient and Quagmire   16th of Falkhyn - Ambushed by the remnants of Quagmire's band on the Pig's Trail.   17th of Falkhyn - Observed the Undead from the cliff top above the Pig's Trail   21st of Falkhyn - Reach Green Briar with the Sappling.   1st of Trokken - The High Summer Festival and planting of the Sappling   2nd of Trokken - Training Journeys begin   3rd of Trokken - Jason is taken into the field to train. His tales of the Undead Army lead to his group heading towards Alice to see what is going on.   6th of Trokken - Tynan and Grok reach Peterboro   12th of Trokken - Grimm is with some from the Temple that find a ravaged settlement Southeast of Ends Meet   15th of Trokken - Jason's group find the bustling undead activity at the Temple of the Og Aust   22nd of Trokken - Mista and Dahaaka reach the Grove   26th of Trokken - Grok has finished his training   27th of Trokken - Jason with his Ranger trainers begin tracking the main host of the undead to the East   30th of Trokken - Jason is dispatched to gather his friends and head Willowbreak.   3rd of Frostig - Jason reaches Ends Meet and finds only Grimm in town. He sends word to Peterboro to Tynan and Grok to meet him in Elne. He and Grimm then head over the Old Post Road hoping to intercept Mista and Dahaaka on the way.   5th of Frostig - Tynan is sent to Dol Guellison by his mentor to gather info on Vampires. He and Grok set out. Having not yet received Jason's letter.   6th of Frostig - Mista and Dahaaka have finished their training and begin the journey home.   12th of Frostig - Jason and Grimm reach Elne and take up residence at the Whale's Maw where they can watch those crossing the bridge.   14th of Frostig - Jason and Grimm see Tynan and Grok in those heading East over the bridge.   16th of Frostig - They find Mista and Dahaaka in the crowd as Dahaaka is having trouble with the crowd.   22nd of Frostig - Crossing the Powder River Bridge   22nd of Frostig - Arrival in Willowbreak.   23rd of Frostig - Warning sent to Bent's Trading Post and Defense preparations begun   30th of Frostig - Attack of the Undead.   1st of Ersthroe - Victory Morning   4th of Ersthroe - The Party decides to explore the mystery at the Inn, and discover the Fey Oyvind Pal. He promises to free the Inn Keeper if they kill the Cyclops Radgar Brownshirt.   5th of Ersthroe - The party sets out for the Cyclops, but winds up falling prey to the Abolleth.   6th of Ersthroe - The Abolleth cuts the deal for their freedom if they kill the Cyclops. The party is able to locate him and kill him.   7th of Ersthroe - The Party finds the Cyclops lair the mysterious road heading South. They travel down the road, and find them selves at Bent's Trading Post at dusk. They spend the night at Bent's.   8th of Ersthroe - The Party heads back to Willowbreak.   9th of Ersthroe - the Party stays at the Cyclops lair.   10th of Ersthroe - The Party gets back on the river and makes it to Willowbreak.   11th of Ersthroe - The party spends the day in Willowbreak.   12th of Ersthroe - The party heads back downstream and returns to Bent's. Spending the night again. Meeting Beric Woodeye and Karl the bar owner better. Karl provides info on the Golden Shingle.   13th of Ersthroe - The party heads downstream for the old temple Karl has told them about. They fight the assassin vine and free Twigtoes Greensward an Ent from that vile plant. They then proceed to the House of Anduel, and climb the stair seeing both the tower of the Green Wizard and the mysterious copper item in the forest to their South. That night they pause south of the temple on the banks of the Powder River. Fight with the were spiders. Mista, Dahaaka, and Tynan infected, but Grimm has remove disease so they're fine.   14th of Ersthroe - Party loots were spider cave, and goes down river to point they wish to cut across.   15th of Ersthroe - Party finishes trek across from Powder to Mistbane.   16th of Ersthroe - They reach the tower in Valley across the Mistbane.   17th of Ersthroe - The party leaves for Haverstraw   10th of Leclicht - Party arrives in Haverstraw   12th of Leclicht - Party returns the Oathstone.   13th of Leclicht - Party leaves for Hopkinsville.   3rd of Nochturn - Party arrives in Hopkinsville.   1st Erstdain - Party leaves Hopkinsville   29th Erstdain - Party arrives in Haverstraw   2nd Regeerisch - Party leavers Haverstraw   8th Lothian - Party arrives back at confluence of Powder and Mistbane   9th Lothian - Party confronts the Mistbane Bridge Builders   10th Lothian - Party tries for attack on Southern end of Bridge   11th Lothian - Party discovers Orcs camping in valley with the old tower in it.   12th Lothian - Party recrosses the Mistbane, and heads North   13th Lothian - Party finds Bent's Crossing held by Green Wizard   16th Lothian - Party finds Willowbreak also held.   17th Lothian - Party heads for Elne   24th Lothian - Party warns Elne   25th Lothian - Party leaves Elne   30th Lothian - Party heads north up Rangers trail on the Powder River   7th Uthdain - Party reaches Long Branch River, and finds the Tower under siege   8th Uthdain - 1st assault on the tower - destroyed the Trebuchet   9th Uthdain - 2nd assault on the tower - Western Redout   11th Uthdain - 3rd assault on the tower - Eastern Redout: Party winds up being rescued by those in the tower.   13th Uthdain - Party breaks out of tower, but besiegers gain access tower falls, but party gets away.   24th Falkhyhn - Party arrives in Green Briar


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