Twilight Elves

Twilight elves are teh smallest of all the elves, standing between 4 to 5 ft on average.  Their skin tends to a deep blue or black with hair being almost any color.  Most compelling are their eyes, which are typically violet, blue, or orange.  The have no facial hair and wear their hair in a wild assortment of cuts and styles.
They are the offspring of a band of HIGH ELVES who chose to remain in the world rather than leave with the coming of UNKLAR. They dwelt in the deeps of the TWILIGHT WOODS and there remained isolated from all their kin. Their lives were short and brutal for they were hounded during the Winter Dark. To hide themselves from the Horned God’s minions, they cloaked themselves in shadow and thus became the dark elves of legend.
They tend to be serious, with mirth reserved for holidays among their own kind and for intimate relations.  They dress in shadows and dark cloaks, carrying all manner of weaponry.  They hunt at night and avoid contact with all the peoples of the world. They worship UTUMNO, who came amongst them and offered them aid in the latter years of the WINTER DARK.
Currently while the highest concentration is in the Twilight Wood they are spread throughout FONTENOUQ.  There are also small colonies scattered over many of the deep woods of Aihrde.


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