Baoth Organization in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Baoth has been around for as long as time itself. A god, almost forgotten to time. Pippy received a book from Nioza who had received it from a strange man at the church in Gurina. As she read it, it pricked her finger taking a sample of her blood. She can now hear the voice of Baoth speaking to her. The following is a collection of what she has learned about this mysterious god so far.  
Baoth's church worships the god to the best of their ability and Baoth is understanding that no one is perfect, but follow Baoth is a way of life. His followers do his bidding when they want to and in return he helps us or vice versa. It’s about giving and taking. He isn’t a jealous god but when there is a god/goddess/or demon that goes against their teachings, that is when Baoth has a problem. The church is fully about giving. Giving ourselves and Baoth giving to us.   For anyone to get Baoth to speak to them, they just need to read Pippy's book. Once someone speaks to Baoth, it’s fully up to them to take on Baoth. Baoth will never force themselves onto others. Baoth does not take what is not given, and is willing to help others. Baoth does not discriminate but does give favor to those that worship them.   There are few places that worship Baoth and even less that acknowledge their existence. Baoth mentions giving followers powers as well as rest, but that will be explained later...   The book Pippy has also mentions the Great War from thousands of years ago, going a little into how things were back then when Baoth was widely worshiped. It explains that since the Blue Flame consumed the lands of Mynithrul that Baoth's teachings had died out. The one thing that sticks out to the reader of this book is the talk of control, that control is not always a negative thing nor should it ever be taken by force. Control is to be consensually given and going against this order can result in losing powers given by the God. In the introductory it started to go into how to speak Baoth, what they looks like, and mentions their powers.
Religious, Other

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