Exhaustion Rules in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Exhaustion Rules

You can take someone’s attack with a dex throw and take a point of exhaustion. You can take however many points of exhaustion to increase your chances. If someone is about to die you can sacrifice yourself and give your life to save theirs. This will end the enemies turn. Revivify cannot reverse it. It’s a permanent death. You can take exhaustion to provide an extra spell slot, to increase speed, to give an extra attack, for advantage, etc. If you think of a way to ask for exhaustion, ask. But you have to ask before you roll.   1 level of exhaustion = disadvantage on ability checks level 2 speed cut in half 3 disadvantage on attack and saving throws level 4 HP is halved level 5 speed is 0 level 6 YOU DIE and revivify cannot work   Exhaustion will go down a level when combat ends, and after a long rest you’re back to normal. For a short rest you’ll go down a level as well.

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