Gum Gum Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Gum Gum

Gum gum was raised in a mountain region deemed impossible to live in for most with a sect of Goliaths who were shunned from the main Goliath families for following their own beliefs. This regions habitat was mainly so dangerous because of the sheer number of dragon that roam there. Out scavenging, Gum Gum found a young injured dragon and cared for them until they were fully healed. This relationship between Gum Gum and the young dragon became the building block for a friendship between all the dragons on that mountain and after years of growing up, playing and flying on the backs of the dragons. Gum Gum and the rest of the tribe had become well versed in the draconic language and draconian history. Years of hiking and exploring the vast mountains, had made Gum Gum into a strong barbarian with great respect for the wilderness and skill in survival.

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