Session 51 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 51

Thydrom is looking into his crystal ball, Snow sniffles and wipes his nose and then steps up. He proclaims he has to talk to someone and then instructs Pippy to continue with her ritual. She yells at him for interupting her cause she has to focus. Soj kneels next to Pippy and looks at Ra as the boat pulls up. Uraim looks down and sees the scene and asks what's going on, jumping from the boat for a closer look. Zandro lets him know that Astral attacked Ra and killed him. Uraim is concnered about Astral showing up. Wi Po speaks up about how the encounter went. Uraim realizes the severity of the situation. Wi Po states that there must be a way to fix this. Uraim asks if we have the artifact that would resurect someone and Zandro mentions that Raui's arm has it. Uraim asks if she knows where the arm is. Raui only remembers being tossed in a cell after her arm was chopped off. Wi Po asks if we can scry for Raui's arm. Uraim asks Raiu what kind of a cell it was, if it was normal or if anything stood out about it. She can tell she wasn't on this plane. Uraim doesn't think we can get that artifact now. Pippy finishes her ritual, protecting Ra's body for 10 days, and speaks up about a book she heard about that contains a spell to ressurect someone. She then shows Uraim the map. He is concerened about it as it's a trecerous journey to get there and he doesn't hink we are capable. He's concerned about what we may encounter in the desert.   He goes on to explain that he doesn't really know what we would encounter but the last person they know that went there never came back. He also knows not everyone makes that way to the city. Wi Po then speaks up about how he wants to save Ra but he has another map showing how to get to Cri Ro and another artifact but isn't sure if any of that would save Ra. Uraim level sets with us and says that we should either go to the Tritons or go to the desert but that the desert may be a lot to do. Wi Po explains how Astral wants the artifact in the Tritons and threatened us if we showed up again. Wi Po asks if there is anyone else that can help. As Uraim thinks about that Snow books it back to us with a bunch of papers in hand, huffing and puffing.   Snow asks if Pippy knows magic stuff to which she says "obviously", and Snow mentions how he was looking into stuff that Bethrynna was learning about and hands her papers. Pippy takes them from him and starts reading as he explains that Bethrynna has been working on how to bring things back from the dead and he thinks they figured out how to bring someone back with their actual soul. Zandro mentions how he has some papers from Bimp Knoton that were Bethrynna's and were in regards to what she was working on. Snow says once she reads them he will need to put them back. Pippy sits down and starts making a copy of the papers Snow brought her. Zandro offers to have her read his papers sometime too. They then discuss what to do with Ra's body and we decide placing him in a bag of holding would be best. While this discussion is going on, Raui is playing with her skull she found. Pippy suggests having someone we trust watch over Ra's body, like her friend at the church. Wi Po shoots this down and as he does suddenly Keyleth runs up because Wi Po shot off his firework. Keyleth is sad that they are late. Pippy whispers into Wi Po's head that maybe Keyleth can watch Ra. Soj stands up, wiping a tear from their eye, and says that Snow should decide what happens to Ra's body.   Snow runs back up to the group and Pippy reassures him that she's good to read the documents and that Ra's body is protected for at least 10 days. Snow isn't a fan of us putting the body in the bag of holding. Wi Po suggest leaving the body with Keyleth and Wi po asks Pippy to make a scroll or two with the spell she used to protect Ra's body. She says she can try but she's never written one before and asks Soj if he can help with that. Keyleth then says we can contact him and pulls out another firework and hands it to Wi Po. Wi Po then suggests heading to Keyleth's house when we're done in town.   Raui speaks up and says we still need to decide where we are going. Snow mentions that we can go to the desert but wonders why Astral didn't take us all down. He ponders on why Astral is so bent on getting the artifact at the Tritons. Snow suggests going after this artifact to get back at Astral. Wi Po is still pondering on how to bring Ra back and Pippy brings up another option, talking to Baoth. Pippy mentions that Raui still hasn't asked for any favors from Baoth so she isn't quite as indepted as she is. Wi Po is hesitant to do that and Snow puts that option on the bottom of the list. Raui then walks up to Pippy and asks her to clean the skull, she tries to polish it up but gets frustrated and then summons Bob to clean the skull. Raui is intrigued and starts poking the spectral person as the rest of the party looks on in disgust.   We still are standing on the dock, covered in blood, and decide we need to move on. We decide to head to the Tritons anyways and get on the boat. The crew on this boat is a dragonborn that is hanging out by the sails, he seems pleasant and has a little cat by him. He waves at us as we board. We hear some clicking and clacking and see a bird, and Aarakokra who is just checking us all out. His name is Heck and the dragonborn is Korinn. They introduce us to the captain, Heana - the one who got us to the Frostfall Mountains. And lastly introduces us to their newest member, Margo Mestra (she had the big giant sack and it's there again). Raui asks if there are any windcallers on board to assist with the wind. Heck mentions that if we see another ship and are asked to go downstairs to just do so. Pippy starts looking for a place on the boat to stay steady and hopefully not get sick, Zandro says to not lay on her back so she doesn't choke on her own vomit.   As this conversation goes on, Heana comes over and greets us and reminds us that this is her ship and to obey her orders. Wi Po asks about if there is any mead and Korinn takes him to go get some. Heana says her one rule is to not touch her wheel. Raui asks if it's just her or if the captain is hot. Snow agrees that she is kind of hot. Snow gets flustered and walks away and Wi Po goes and gets him a mug of mead. Korinn comes over and just stares at us, carrying the cat with him. Wi Po tries to pet the cat and Korinn moves the cat closer. The cat looks grumpy but is purring as Wi Po pets it. Wi Po casts a spell to talk to the cat and asks if it's day is any better than his and explains what has him so blue. Wi Po starts to sob into his mead and Korinn asks if he needs some emotional support to which Wi Po says no. Wi Po wildshapes into a griffon and curls up at the back of the boat.   Pippy is taking a short rest and then spending the rest of the time reading the documents she copied and trying not to puke, while also keeping an eye on Bob and making sure he finishes cleaning the skull so she can get it back to Raui. Zandro goes to talk to the captain. Raui also goes to talk to the captain (once Zandro is done) and then Xerrik goes to get some rest.   Zandro goes and talks to the captain and applogizes for calling her "hook". He then asks if she is a pirate or what she does for work. Heana says that in a way they are priates bt not quite. They do trades but are more along the lines of finding people, like a bounty hunter, and specilize in bringing them back alive. He then asks her if in her travels if she's come across objects like Raui's arm. She says she's come across it before but not often. Zandro explains that an arm like that is kind of like seeing a fairytale. The captain explains that the only way to go through life is to experience things so you can learn what isn't a fairytale and what is. Zandro explains he doesn't know much about it and that him and Raui aren't on good terms. She suggests appologizing to the half elf as the only way to get over things is to talk about it so you don't resent that person. Zandro explains that a lot of this is due to the fact that Raui is a half elf and that he was taught to not trust the half breeds. The captain suggests to learn, grow, change, and adapt, and to keep pushing. She again suggests fixing things with Raui and then maybe they'll learn something new. Zandro then walks away and explores the ship, just wanders about.   Raui, seeing that the captain is free, approaches her. Raui greets her, "long time no see" and the captain says that it looks like they have more in common than the last time they saw eachother, and points to Raui's arm and then motions to her own. Raui then asks about the new member Heck mentioned then asks if they are looking for a new member. The captain says she won't consider it until Raui is ready to give up the life of adventuring. Heana then goes on and explains what the work is that they do. Raui mentions that she needs to start working on that, keeping people alive. Heana asks if that interests her and asks if it interest her more than her friends. Raui is appalled at this as she doesn't consider any of the group a friend. She then asks what does everyone else think of her and Raiu says she doesn't know. Heana suggests opening up to everyone and trying to bridge that gap and be their friend first. Raui is afraid of this because it could mean her life but Heana mentions that Raui has been in danger in the past so why is this any different? She goes on and says that worst case, people are upset and learn what she's done but then you at least gave it a shot. The fact that Raui wants to protect the group from her is proof that Raui cares about them, she just needs to decide if she cares about them enough to let them in. Heana then says she is going to her captains quarters and says to decide what Raui wants to do, not with joining but with her friends.   Pippy gets the skull from Bob and is trying to walk around to find Raui, amazingly she doesn't puke, but Raui pops out trying to scare Pippy. She jumps and glares at Raui and then presents the skull to her. Raui confides in her about wanting to turn the skull into a mask. Pippy gives some suggestions on how to make the skull into a mask and then Raui confides in her that she wants to kill Pippy. Pippy is taken aback by this and then asks her why she wants to kill her. Raui explains that it is because of the necklace Pippy wears, because of all people Lehroth gave that necklace to her. Pippy holds the necklace and explains that she isn't sure why he gave it to her and that she didn't think it was anything he knew much about and reveals that she was able to give him commands when he was alive. She then confides that she is planing on bringing Lehroth back alive by any means necesasry. Raui explains that this is likely something that Lehroth wouldn't want and Ippy claims she doesn't care cause she needs closure. She goes on to explain how this may even be another opportunity to show the good of necromancy. Raui then asks if Pippy at least loved him. Pippy gets flustered and bashful but eventually admits that she did love him but thinks it was one sided. She also explains she doesn't care if it was one sided, she still needs to bring him back. She then asks Raui if she still wants to kill her and Raui says yes and walks away.   Wi Po is still sad and drinking. The whole ship joins him in drinking and Snow joins in and shares a story with them about Ra and some of the antics they went into. This goes on for the next four hours and then its time to dock. As the crew prepares to dock Raui offers her assistance, as she is familiar with boats. She talks to the captain about assisting and the captain agrees. Raui uses her wind magic to ensure the boat makes it to the dock without any issues. The dock is super tiny, like the size fit for a row boat. A giant ladder comes down from the dock. Where we are at the water is clear but the dock area is murky. There is a hut nearby made of clay. Korinn offers to carry any of us down that need help. Raui jumps off the boat, using her wind to help her land gracefully. Pippy takes Korinn up on his offer. Snow thinks this is weird and grumbles to himself as he climbs down. Uraim comes down with us as well as the rest of the party climbs down.   Uraim says there are three things we need to know, the first is that he isn't coming with us as he isn't really welcome back, the second thing is that this boat will stay here until we are ready to leave, and lastly the only way to get down there is to cast a spell to help us breathe under water. Uraim will also take us to the gate. He then approaches the hut and becons us to follow him. Pippy asks if necromancy is ok to use around the Tritons and Uraim says it's good. Raui asks about her electrical powers and if it's ok to use and Uraim suggests maybe not using that power. Zandro then asks if his bow will work to shoot arrows down there. Uraim explains that they have necklaces that give us gills to breathe and Xerrik mentions that he's gonna be a dragon fish. Uraim then looks at Marge and asks her to show us around once we are there. The giant bag is next to her, it has dried blood stains on it, she mentions that she isn't used to being a tourguide and asks if it's ok to be herself. We say yeah and mention that we don't need anything formal but just be available for our questions. Pippy chimes in then and says "yeah questions like what's up with that big bag?" She tries to make the bag not seem like anything major but the bag breathes. She then mentions that there are a few people we need to know. Mostly that the king's name is Throsseos. She then leans up against the bag.   The door of the hut starts to open up slowly, and out comes an old Tortle. He talks slowly and welcomes us and asks for our names. Raui introduces herself first and the tortle says it's a lovely name. He then motions to Xerrik and he introduces himself. As he says our names he's writing them in the air. Everyone introduces themselves. Pippy introduces herself and asks if she can touch his shell. He offers and she touches it gently. He then says his name is Jupin Lee but we can call him Lee. Uraim then explains that we need help with being able to breathe underwater. Lee says he could do that but it's going to take him about 2 hours to get everyone up to par with that. He says he had other things to do but his farm can wait. We look around and see some farmland and a bunch of cabbages growing. His farmland is very well taken care of. He then goes into his home to get the supplies he needs for the spell. He then says that this is awkward and starts making small talk. The conversation comes up about who Stifle is as Raui hadn't met them, and it comes up again the Uraim is a dragon. Raui asks if he's an "evil" dragon and mentions how different colors of dragons can symbolize things. Uraim mentions he's a metallic dragon and Raui is intrigued by this. Raui asks if they are lonely and Uraim sarcastically says no. Raui wants to become friends which makes Uraim uncomfortable at how friendly she is getting. He looks at her arm and asks about it. Raui explains that they chopped it off but Uraim wants to know about the specific arm. Raui says she thinks Yatish gave it to her. He inspects the arm closer and ponders on what he is seeing. Raui is confused and asks if there is something interesting about it. Uraim says that he has to look into some things about that arm but will get back to Raui on it, nothing bad, but will look into it more. Uraim says "ok time to get the elephant out of the room" and Wi Po says "he already left us" and Snow immedietly gets sad and yells "You fucked up". Uraim feels ashamed but then comes back and says "you know those things you bought from me Raui? Well... those items weren't mine to sell." Raui says she figured that out and Uraim asks if the dude was let go and Raui says she didn't know about the guy. She then tries to get Uraim to high five her with the mech arm but Uraim refuses.   Lee comes back out with a bunch of stones in one of his hands and says he has the things we need. He then says we need to hurry this up as he has much work to do before he goes to sleep. He starts to do an incantation, picking up one rock at a time and holds it up to each person's head. A blue swirl surrounds each of us as the magic takes hold. Pippy asks a bunch of questions and he pauses briefly through his chanting to answer her questions about the magic which causes her turn to take much longer. During Raui's turn she gives a high five. Lee then thanks us for our time and for making him feel younger. Lee offers us some tea and Wi Po mentions that would be nice but Uraim interupts and says that he needs to get us to where we are going. Xerrik speaks up and says we are going to the tritons and that we need to warn them of a bad guy coming, Astral. Lee is saddened to hear of the loss of our friend and offers his home to us if we ever need anything. Uraim then says that those from the ship will be hanging around and Lee is fine with that as it'll make him feel young again. Raui then says goodbye in Primordial "Let the wind guide your soul".   Uraim then says we need to make our way to where we need to be. Raui asks if this is the water we are jumping in and Uraim says no and to just follow. He explains that we won't get wet as a bubble will surround us so we can breath. Snow is excited that he won't get wet but Xerrik is sad that he won't become a dragonfish. Uraim asks what kind of a dragonborn he is and Xerrik looks at his arms and says "red?". Uraim speaks to his badger an the badger goes away, and then he goes over to the crew and Marge follows with her giant sack but is falling behind us cause of how big the sack is. Raui offers some assistance but Marge says she doesn't want anyone to touch the sack. She says this outloud to everyone to not touch her sack.   We make our way to a beach area with open water. Uraim walks up to the watre and he speaks in Triton as the ground starts to shake. Two Tritons come up armed and in their gear, they recognize him and asks him to step aside so they can do their headcount. They include Marge in their headcount but then applogize to her profusly for including in the headcount. She then instructs us to pair up and hold a partners hand. Raui grabs Pippy's hand tightly, Wi Po grabs Snow's hand, and Xerrik and Zandro team up. We are walking and suddenly we just fall as a tide shoots us into the sand. We can't see anything until we pop out and are in water. We look across and see this giant, gorgeous kingdom, with a pathway that leads us to theri kingdom. We see a bunch of Tritons in armor and they raise their halberds to us as we walk underneath them. We have arrived in the kingdom. As we walk we hear someone say "oh wait, she's back? Someone has to tell her father!". Someone runs off to do that. As that happens someone walks up to us, he hass a big shield and weapon with him, looks us up and down and then greets us. The party looks at eachother until Wi Po speaks up and explains that Astral is coming to the kingdom as they are looking for something they have here and that Astral is a bad guy that killed our friend and we should all talk about it. He mentions that we are looking for an artifact and that Astral is looking for it too. The triton mentions that we are here for the fountain and assumes we want to talk to the king. He eyes up Marge as he says this. He says before we are allowed to do so, he has one request, to spar with one of us in hand to hand combat. Raui speaks up and says she wants to do this as she hasn't fought hand to hand in so long. His name is Jorfin and says that it'll be a pleasure to fight her.

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