Session 52 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 52

Thydrom is contemplating what he saw in his vision and realizes he saw Yatish with his huhsband, talking. He saw them in an area that was black, green, and glowing. It appeared otherwordly. He got a really uneasy feeling while seeing this. The third entity he saw with them, was Gunta. He is unable to tell if they are spirits or not. In a panic or moment of curiosity, he casts another sending spell to Gunta to see if he is alive or dead. "Gunta buddy, this is Uncle Thyrdrom. Vaan and I are worried about you, where are you?".   Raui meanwhile is stepping up to fight Jorfin and they decide if they are going to use weapons or not. They agree to allow usage of their weapons, even magic. But there is one rule, no killing.   Thydrom finally gets a response from Gunta "You and Vaan are ok?" Thydrom says they are but asks again where they are. Gunta explains that Yatish brought them back. Thydrom inquires more and discovers that the bugbear had died and there is an implication that Gunta died and was brought back to life by Yatish. Thydrom asks Gunta to tell Yatish to get with him soon and to stay with her. But Gunta explains that Yatish is not with him anymore. Gunta explains he's at a big house and through some questioning he discovers that Gunta is at the mansion. He lets Thydrom konw that he saw his dad "Grandpa" and then reveals that grandpa left with Yatish. Gunta is too sad to talk about what happened to Thydrom friends that were transporting him and Gunta applogizes for not being able to talk about it yet. Gunta cried little rock tears while trying to talk about it. Thydrom tells him to go to bed and Gunta says good night.   Raui asks us to step back 20 feet and Snow and Zandro aren't too keen on this but everyone else wants to watch. Eventually Snow backs off 20 feet and asks Raui if that is good enough and she says that it's close enough. Pippy meanwhile is standing close by to the group and notices that her back is unusually cold. It's a familiar chill...   Raui begins to fight Jorfin and shoots off a bolt of lightning at him, being that we're under water it goes a little further that she was expecting but it hits him pretty hard. Jorfin is a little shaken and says "Ah, lightning?" and then he charges at Raui with his hammer and smacks her really hard, he then uses his shield to smack her again but Raui dodges out of the way. Raui gets up and smacks her thighs together with the force of a thousand suns, she hits with such force that the wave goes 20 feet from her. Thankfully the onlookers are safely out of it's reach. Jorfin smirks, tosses his shield to the side and grabs his hammer with two hands and starts swinging it really hard but gets knocked back with a blast of cold upon impact. He grimmaces and takes another swing at Raui but she casts a shield up blocking that. As this is happening Pippy feels her back getting colder and colder. Raui then tries to cast telekenisis on him but it has no effect. Jorfin then runs up to Raui again swinging his hammer and smacks her with the hammer, knocking her out but also getting a blast of cold at the same time the frost knocks him out. The fight ends in a stalemate as they both come to, out of breath. Jorfin compliments her on the good fight and then welcomes us, seated on the ground.   Raui stands up, weak from the fight, as the other triton knights walk up to us to escort us in. Snow asks our Triton, Marge, if the Tritons talk and she reveals that they don't like to talk with her. They go to walk and Pippy is holding her backpack cause it's really cold, she turns it around, holding it away from her skin as the cold is becoming unbearable. As we approach the doors we're told to halt. The doors close behind us and the water drains from the room we're in. We are then welcomed to the Triton kingdom. We are now inside the Triton kingdom. As we look around we see a lot of Tritons walking around, there are a few other races but mostly Tritons. There are a lot of guards around, a giant hotel that looks like a castle - like a 5 star hotel, it's pristine and has rainbow prisms bouncing off it. There is a large tower in the middle, most likely where the king and queen reside, lots of shops with a lot of food and alchohol, weapons and trinket shops, a little church that is run down.   Pippy suggests we find rooms to unload our stuff and Snow asks if we have to pay for our rooms. Raui says that Thydrom can pay for us to which he says no. She then asks Thydrom to heal her and after a little back and forth heals her. We then discuss what to do about rooms. Pippy suggests sharing rooms to cut down on costs and reveals she doesn't have a lot of gold. Zandro suggests that we go find some jobs to pay for our rooms or to get Snow to distract the inn keep so they can grab keys. Snow is going to try to seduce the innkeeper to get us good rates. While this discussion is going on, Pippy is investigating why her bag is so cold. She lifts the top and is blasted in the face with icy cold air, freezing her hair. She then asks for someone to peer into the bag and Raui offers, she peers in and feels nothing. Only Pippy can feel this chill.   They make it to the inn and we learn that the rooms are 3 silver to 10 gold. There is also a master floor worth 100 gold. Thydrom immedietly tosses out 100 gold and the innkeeper reveals that they will be his personal chef. Thydrom is excited because he's heard that the food here is outstanding. Zandro is concerned about what the food will be, he's a little flabergasted cause to him these people are a myth, a fairy tale. The innkeeper's name is Felroen. The room has two bedrooms, a large kitchen, a pleasure room, three bathrooms. There isn't quite enough room for each us Felroen asks Thydrom who is allowed into the suite and he gives everyone's name except Snow but eventually adds them in. Raui then offers to share a room with Pippy, they each tossing in 5 gold each for a decent room, and then carries Pippy's bag as it's become unbearably cold for her.   Felroen then calls out another Triton to take care of the front desk while they help us to our rooms and tend to the master floor. The Triton is very sleepy as they were just napping. They ask if Pon is playing and after much back and forth, Felroen confirms that they are indeed playing tonight. Snow is very intrigued by this and follows along to see who the performer is. Zandro stays back to get his own room, Raui and Pippy also stay back to wait to be taken to their room. Snow, Wi Po, Xerrik, and Thydrom are being escorted to the master floor but pass by the performers. There is a Triton on stage putting on an amazing show, Snow is flabergasted, it's a bard named Pontrious from Savage Guardian. Snow is just in awe staring at his stage presence. Thydrom suggests seducing him and Snow disagrees as he doesn't want to disrupt the show and he is smitten by this performer. Thydrom tries to push Snow up to the stage but there are too many people holding their spots. Thydrom instead picks Snow up and chucks him up to be crowd surfed to the stage but tosses him so hard he just tosses him to the stage. Snow lands on his feet on the stage, looks around and Pontrious is amused by this as he's never had a person tossed on the stage. Thydrom says it's his dying wish to bask in his glory. Pontrious takes this as if Snow is actually dying and promises to make this a night he will never forget. Snow just goes with it and reveals he knows all his songs and is a performer himself. He is then invited to do a duet and Snow rips his shirt off to start performing with him.   Meanwhile Pippy gets this feeling, like she is supposed to remember something, She's thinking to herself "that one page of the book was making a picture of Baoth and the names on one page..."As she thinks this she gets hit with a piercing cold that creeps up her arm. She can't take the chill any longer and gets Raui to give her the pack and she starts digging through it to pull out the book of Baoth, which she assumes is the source of the cold. The book is icy to touch and she starts to flip through it looking for the pages taht were torn out. She finds them and they are covered in ice, she grabs the left page first and brushes the ice off before it can fully freeze over and is met with the image of Baoth himself. The other page has completly frozen over with ice.   Snow begins performing with Pontrious from Savage Guardian. His hips are filled with determination, he is putting his all into this performance and not letting this moment go by. Thydrom and Wi Po are watching this and the Triton comes back up to them and asks if he should escort them to their room or if they want to watch the concert. Wi Po decides to drink some mead while he watches the performance as the Triton and Thydrom go off to talk about a discount since Snow is "dying".   Pippy is staring at this picture of Baoth, in awe of the figure she sees. Raui asks who that is and she explains that it is Baoth and that she never wants to anger him after seeing this picture. She then hears Baoth speak to her as she says this. Baoth is asking for a favor to be fulfilled, it's time for her to kill someone. Specifically she has to kill whoever is performing on stage. She talks herself into it and out loud says "I can do this, I can do this.." Raui asks what she's talking about and Pippy frantically fills her on on the request. She has 3 hours to do it. She makes her way into the performance area and Raui follows behind to keep an eye on her. She sees a giant piano, a lute, there is no backstage but just a giant stage but there is a backroom that says "cast only". She looks on stage and sees both Snow and the Triton on stage. She panics, not sure who is the target but Raui suggests going after the one she doesn't know.   Meanwhile Raui is watching the performance and the Triton speaks to the audience, holding up Snow's hand and proclaims that he's going to perform with him for the next five hours. Raui heckles Snow from the audience and gets chewed out from the Triton who then declares that that mood has passed and instead they will perform all day tomorrow with Snow but will be ready for autographs in the next ten minutes. She makes her way over to the autograph line.   Snow and the Triton make their way into the backroom to wait and Wi Po grabs Snow's shirt from the stage and walks up to the door. As he approaches he is stopped by the guards who say they will not let anyone in. Wi Po explains that he is with Snow and the guard pops his head in and checks in with the Triton and Snow and they let Wi Po in. They start to have drinks together and the Triton tries to determine what exactly Snow is dying from. Snow lies about being cursed but Wi Po beileves him and starts talking about how we lost Lehroth to a curse and how we lost Ra. It concerns the Triton and he just is flabergasted by all the death in this small group of friends and gets quiet. He doesn't want any part of the curse to come on to him so he's trying not to upset them. Snow asks what everyone is up to and finds out the Thydrom is getting a discount and knows Raui was in the audience but isn't sure where Pippy is. Suddenly a guard pops his head in and asks if they are ready to sign autographs, the Triton invites Snow to also sign autographs. Snow exclaims that this is the best day of his life.   Pippy is in the line waiting for an autograph but right as her turn comes up the line is cut and she is denied access. She tries to explain to the guard that she knows Snow and to let her in but he says only in a few hours will he do that. Raui comes up also looking for an autograph and PIppy explains the predicament. In her head Pippy asks for help in creating a distraction so she can make herself invisible to slip inside the room. Raui causes a commotion at the side of the stage and the guard locks the door and walks away to check it out. Pippy makes her self invisible but is pondering how to get into the locked door.   Zandro is at the front desk getting himself his own room with a view and then gets the key and makes his way to his room. Thydrom is also making his way to his room when he reaches to big red doors that are unlocked into this immaculent room. There is a giant dining table, there are fountains, everything is made of marble. Clearly they went all out for this room. Thydrom goes in and makes himself comfortable in the jacuzzi and asks for the royal treatment from the Triton servicing the room. The Triton strips down and takes out these grapes and starts to feed Thydrom the grapes, holding them with his teeth...   Back down to the entertainment stage, Pippy is invisible and the door is locked tight. Raui then asks the crowd if they want to see a magic trick while they wait. She explains that she can make people disappear and this Triton asks how it works. Raui says she can charge her full of energy and then she can run right through the door. Raui lines up the Triton in front of the door and then casts a lightening bolt on the door. As she does it hits the door and it breaks the doorknob, however there are a lot of individuals who were also trying to get to that door. She accidentally kills three people, everyone looks back at her but sees the door is open and then starts running towards the door. Pippy makes her way inside but the stampede tramples on four people on their way inside.   Inside, Snow and the Triton are stunned by the people coming in. The triton then asks Snow to talk to everyone for them. As that happens Pippy goes behind the Triton and casts a powerful spell on them, almost killing them instantly but they survived. She is no longer invisible and is seen by everyone. In this moment she makes that she is trying to help the Triton up and casts another spell on him as Wi Po is also helping him up and healing him. Wi Po catches on to what Pippy is doing as does Snow who asks what is up. She frantically explains her mission from Baoth and Snow asks how she knows it was the Triton she had to kill and not Snow. Snow demands that she asks Baoth. She does and Baoth asks if she would kill Snow if she was asked to, after pondering this she decides yes because she had promised to fulfil a favor to him. He then asks her to provie it. She looks at Snow and hugs his leg and says she is sorry as she casts a powerful spell on him, hurting him. Wi Po restrains her with a Griffon while the Triton is turned invisible and rushes to heal Snow. Pippy is screaming under the griffon "I was so close, I almost had him. I can not fail him." The Triton gets up and tries to rush out of the room invisible but Raui catches them and holds them so Pippy can finish him off but she's still trapped under the griffon. Wi Po then summons a bunch of water and tosses it on Raui and the Triton escapes with his life. Pippy is still yelling "I was so close, I almost had him. I can not fail him. I was so close." Snow is disapointed and walks off.   Yatish's voice appears behind them and says that they really made a mess of things here as she comes out of a portal. Pippy is still pinned under a griffon screaming and it roars at her every time she does. The group explains to Yatish what happened and she explains that she is there cause she wants us to meet who she is working for and getting the artifacts for. Pippy is in such protest as she's so focused on her mission but the griffon drags her through the portal. Pippy cries in defeat as everyone else walks through the portal.   Yatish then leaves us in a realm to meet her god, Yalda, as she goes back into the portal to get the rest of the group.

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