Session 53 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 53

Thydrom is currently being tongue fed grapes by the inn keep, Felroen, when Yatish walks into his room. Thydrom is upset by her entrance as she didn't knock but Yatish brushes it off. Yatish asks if he can be done soon so she can take him to where the rest of the party is. Felroen asks if there is anything he can do for Thydrom as he is away and Yatish says she isn't sure if Thydrom will be coming back after he hears what his friends have done. Yatish walks and talks with him and fills him in with what little information she knows. She then asks if Thydrom knows where Xerrik or Zandro are. He says that Zandro got his own room and he hadn't seen Xerrik since the concert. At that time Xerrik creeps out of a closet. Thydrom explains that he could have joined him instead of watching but Xerrik brushes it off. Yatish is looking away, unsure if Xerrik is dressed (he is). Thydrom is unsure where Zandro's room is so he sends a message to him to join him in his room. Zandro explains that some shit went down and to have strong drinks preparred. Thydrom then messages Snow but gets no response. Thydrom then casts scrying to try to locate him. He sees him wandering the hallways of the hotel. They go and find Snow who is wandering the third floor.   He has a bottle in his hand and isn't wanting to talk but is surprised to see Yatish. Zandro starts trying to fill in the group but Snow does not want to talk about it right now. Zandro keeps trying to say what happened but Snow keeps cutting him off. Yatish opens up a portal at Snow's request and they walk through to jin the rest of the group. As they enter this new room they see Yalda, and Wi Po walks up to Snow and hugs him hard and longer than necessary. Snow thanks him. Yalda holds this lantern thing up and looks at all of us, one by one, eye to eye. Her wings are behind her and has no weapon in her hand. She is towering at 6 foot 6 and as she approaches each of us we don't feel anything coming from her, but it's scary cause noneof us feel anything in this room. Like an empty void. Snow urges Yatish to get to the point and then keeps drinking off his bottle. Thydrom sees this and hands Snow 3 more bottles of whiskey as he thinks he needs them.   Yatish goes on to explain she wanted to do some clarification to be open and honest with us all. She explains that the group she is working for is Yalda and not Astral like we originally thought. Yalda is a goddess of order and truth. Yatish explains tht she met her at her lowest point in her life. So she helped her in her endeavor in exchange for the help in thwarting a couple of people. Yatish then asks us if we have any questions. Zandor asks if there is any reason she can't speak about the thing she keeps skirting around and Yatish explains she can't speak on it. Zandro guesses that she is resrtrained from speaking about it and Raui says to just let it go. Snow's question is why are we here and why are we talking to Yatish. Thydrom explains he suggested to Yatish to join forces with Yatish and her group and to get Ra back and get back at Astral. Raiu meanwhile is standing in the back of the group prepping for a fight as she doesn't trust any of this. Yalda then gets to Pippy and looks at her straight in the face and says "Pippy my dear, who did you kill that hurt you this bad? That makes you regret leaving your village?" Pippy explains that she regrets hurting so many, and regrets what she did to Snow. Yalda then asks if she did kill Snow, would she have regreted that moer or regreted letting down her God. Snow is uncomfortable and doesn't want to hear the answer but Pippy speaks up and says that she'd regret killing Snow as she did it out of fear of failing her god.   Yalda then goes on to explains that she doesn't think we've been given the answers we seek on the artifacts. She explains that her purpose is to destroy theses artifacts so their power can't be used for evil once more. There is only one way to do this. Each one one has a different artifact that can defeat it. The one that can defeat the fire artifact can be found in the snowy mountains, the snowy mountains can be defeated by the one in the desert, and so on and so forth. The final artifact is hidden outside of space and time and that one can only be destroyed by sacrificing yourself. Nothing can bring you back from that. Yalda says that she knows it's a lot to ask of any one of us but that is the truth. Yalda then says she has to have them all in one area as it's the only way they can be destroyed. This is why they need to be collected and why we need to get them away from Astral. We dont' know what he would do if he has them all, we don't know what he is going to do with the one Raui lost either. Yalda tells us to think on this and she wants us to join if it's the right thing to do. Wi Po then asks if she can help bring Ra back to life. Wi Po explains that he isn't sure if he can go along with the plan if he can't accomplish that. He doesn't care how long it takes. Yalda explains that there is a wizard out there that is learning how to combat the disapearance of resurection and they are located in the mountains. What they are learning there may help him. Wi Po is excited by this as he wanted to go there any ways cause Cri Ro is there. Yalda also says she knows about the book in the desert and that it is another option for us to seek out. Yalda then addresses Zandro who says that Astral is in the Triton area to get the artifact. Pippy then asks about which option for resurecting is best and Yalda explains that she can't answer as she doesn't know what the wizard's spell entails but she does know the book works as she's seen it work, however there could be difficulties with it if used more than once. Thydrom then asks what is the concequence if those artifacts are destroyed. Yalda explains that the magic would be returned, for example the artifact we're going over right now controls the seas, Raui's could breathe life back into bodies. With those artifacts gone, no mortal can do that any more. Magic would still exist but you could no longer command the seas as a god, bring back all the souls you want as a god. These artifacts were created by pulling the power out of these places by a person, Astral, who tried to ascend to godhood. The power was too much for him to take and he wasn't prepared for it so all the artifacts were taken from him. Wi Po says he'd be willing to give up his artifact to return it's power to the natural world. Yalda then asks Zandro his thoughts as an artifact weilder and he explains that he has never used it as he doesn't really know how. Yalda then offers to teach them how to use their artifacts. She then says she assumes the third is willing, Yatish then puts her hand up and says sure. We look at her confused and ask her what artifact she has and Yatish explains she can't say it but we can ask Vaan about it.   Wi Po then asks for any advice about getting the artifact from the Tritons. Her advice is to not tell the king that we are trying to take the artifact. If we let him fear that his power is being taken away, it'll lead to dire circumstances. Yalda then suggests for us to look at the giant painting at the opposite side of the desk so we can know what we are dealing with. Thydrom then asks how we can harm Astral as nothing we've done has had any effect on him. She tells us we need to get stronger. Wi Po then asks about Baoth as he's been causing problems. Pippy explains it only went bad cause she's behind on some favors. Yalda then asks who is this god and Pippy explains that he's a god of give and take and god of knowledge and free will. She then turns to Raui and asks what her relationship with Baoth is ans she explains that Baoth is interested but she hasn't taken it anywhere with him yet. The party then asks again what Yalda knows about Baoth and she explains she only knows what we told her. She then explains we should get back and that she'll contact us when it's time to meet up again and tells us to think about what to do. She then opens up a portal and sends us back to the Tritons. She leaves us with the parting words "I hope for your sake, Astral doesn't get this artifact."   The portal leads us to the front desk. Snow walks right through and then then walks away from the group. Most of the group walks out of the portal but Thydrom lingers behind and addresses Yatish as she mentioned having some gifts for them. She says she'll get to that sometime. He then asks if she's found a way to resurrect his husband Yatish is confused but Thydrom explains that he saw her with his husband and with Gunta. He explains that when Ra was killed he scryed for her and saw her with those dead. Yatish is confused and ponders and says that there is something she needs to look into first. She then asks Thydrom to do her a favor "The next time you see someone specific (Astral), stay at least 20 feet away from him at all times."   Now standing back in the lobby of the hotel, we see the picture of the king of the Tritons. It's the same as before but we see more of the photo, we see him controlling the Sea. We are contemplating what the artifact may be and if it's in him or on something he's wearing. We decide we need to get intel on him and this item and contemplate who we can talk to. Pippy suggests speaking to the Triton King's daughter (the one we're supposed to be getting a tour from) as she suspects they aren't on good terms. Thydrom knows he has a son (Durthan) and doesn't talk about his daughter and also has an advisor and that the king is very big on music. There is one musician in particular that stays there that is close to the King. Thydrom relays this to everyone and suggests that Snow puts on a concert for the king to get close. Pippy suggests that Snow can sing about his near death experience. Snow walks away at the mention of this and Wi Po follows him. During this whole conversation the Inn keeper is just standing there listening and watching us all.   Pippy then speaks up about what took place and the kill attempt on Snow and the singer from Savage Guardian. Thydrom and Pippy have a heart to heart about what took place and the difficult position she was put in. he lectures her about killing and that it needs to stop and that no true god would make her do these things. She agrees and thanks for the advice, hugging him. As she pulls away she hears Baoth speak to her and remind her that she has an hour. He then offers to give her a lead, and reveals that the target is in room 207. Baoth then offers to help give an opening to help her and all Pippy has to do is turn when told and hide and she'll get an opportunity to take out the target. She has an hour. As a gift, Baoth is giving her the name of the King's bard, her name is Vlarion but we can't use her real name. Say we've heard of V as that's her stage name. Baoth then says she has 56 minutes.   Meanwhile Zandro and Xerrik are alreted by a dragonborn sitting at a table twirling a dagger. He's been looking for them. He claims that Zandro hasn't repaid his debt in quite a while or hasn't even attempted to. He explains how he's been following them and seen the work in Grandia and the frostfall mountains and heard about us and our travel through the Fey. He then addresses Xerrik and that he was surprised to see him there. He says that Xerrik has been missing for so long from their home, Rasaldur. He then turns his attentino back to Zandro and asks him if he has any items that need to be delivered back to their mutual "friend". Zandro starts listing off useless items and then the dragonborn points to the cloak and asks about that. It's a cloak of invisibility. Zandro reluctantly agrees to hand it over. Zandro then explains that the cloak belonged to a dead friend in Grandia and that in return he needs to take out a mage (Bethrynna). He asks if there is an item or something that can be assisted with to take out the mage. The Dragonborn is intrigued and asks if it's Bethrynna. He then says that he can point Zandro in the direction of an item that could help but wants to know whats in it for him. He then says that he will give a map to the item if Xerrik agrees to come to the mountains in the near future, Rha-Zauul. Xerrik is unsure and is given a minute to decide and eventually says yes. He cautiosly shakes his hand but the dragonborn reaches in and grabs his arm and says "alright" and hands the map to Zandro and explains that there is a cave near the shore and he'll know what it is when he sees it. He is given a warning that if he doesn't locate some extra things then he will have to grab it himself as payment. It is a hat of disguise.   Everyone makes their way to their rooms or to the bar and Pippy sneaks away to fulfill her task. She sneaks to the room where the singer of Savage Guardian is but before she gets there she is stopped by an invisible Snow. Snow interigates her on her intentions and what she is doing and demands honesty from her. So she is honest to him and reveals that she is up there to fulfil her task that Baoth has given her. Snow is upset by this but ponders on it and says that they have done their own fair share of deal making to keep others alive and understands. He says that she can say no and that he isn't a fan of killing. He reveals his only spells he casts are to aid or give disadvantage as he doesn't like to kill. He then says to do what she must and goes to find Wi Po. Before departing Pippy asks him to not reveal to Thydrom what she is doing and he promises nothing. Pippy makes her way to room 207 and as she approaches a follower of Baoth, in a green robe, comes up and leans against a wall and the door to the room pops open. Pippy makes herself invisible and sneaks inside the room as the singer from Savage Guardian opens the door further and tells teh follower to shoo. Inside Pippy hears him talking outloud to himself about Snow and how he's talented and must introduce him to some people. he then passes out drunk on the table and Pippy casts a spell to finish him off, speccifically Blight so his corpse instantly decays. Baoth then speaks to her afterwards and asks if she truly wouldn't kill Snow if asked and she says that in the moment she panicked cause she was in debt and didn't feel like she could say no. Baoth asks again if she would kill Snow and she finally answers with a no as if she did she isn't staying true to herself. Baoth thanks her for her honesty. He then says that she has 3 more favors to fulfill. She must aquire the artifact or someone in the party must but the artifact can't make it's way to Astral or Yandra or it'll be considered as if she failed. The other favor is in regards to her village which she will find out in due time. Lastly the third favor he will reveal to her tomorrow after she has had some time to rest. He then says to tell Snow hello. She then makes her way back to her room and finds it empty and curls up to contemplate until she passes out.   Meanwhile the rest of the group is now at the bar having a drink for Ra. Snow suggests to Thydrom to send a message to Raui and Pippy to join them but Thydrom only sends it to Raui and gets no answer. This is because Raui is busy in the room speaking to her god, Kuzoo. She is requesting guidance and the god asks if she is seeking the artifact or the to take down this kingdom or something else. Raui says that she wants to take the artifact by force and the god agrees to help with this request. The god then asks how she is enjoying her arm and she says it's better than having one gone. He then reveals a secret about who forged the arm, one that they know but may have forgotten about. It's the dwarf, Stifle that made this arm. They are then instructed to call upon him in battle and they will show what true might is and says to do what they feel is right. And to remeber that strength not only comes from killing but also showing you can kill but choosing not to cause fear is strong and that is how the best rulers rule.   Raui then joins the group at the bar drinking to Ra's life and death.

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