Session 54 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 54

*** Live Notes ***   Before the group landed in the Triton lands, Yatish and Vaan had a little adventure. Vaan made her way to the Triton area (we'll visit this in a bit) and has her own room. Yatish has informed her that the rest of her party is there and to keep the key close to her. The rest of the group is in their own rooms (Raui and Pippy), Thydrom and a bunch of others (Snow, Xerrik) are in the penthouse, and Zandro has his own room (a shitty room). Everyone wakes up and Pippy and Raiu here a knock on their door, a stern one. Raui opens it and three Triton guards are standing there. They say to get ready as quick as we can as we have a hearing to attend and we'll be read our charges once there. Raui and Pippy start to get ready and have a mental conversation on whether or not they should go with them. Pippy is panicking about the potential to go to jail again. Raui is strutting out, knowing she did wrong, but is not bothered.   Up in Thydrom's room, Snow yawns and says hello to three guards and they immedietly ask for the Leonin. Snow asks if he can have a few seconds to deal with the morning "raw dogging him". Wi Po is nearby and wants to make breakfast first but the guards say no and that they need to come with them. Snow is confused as to what is happening and the guards explain that there is a hearing on some things that took place last ngiht and that they just want to talk. The rest of the group is welcomed to come but aren't needed for questioning but they are sleeping as they didn't want to get involved. Wi Po is hoping they have honey. They then go downstairs to the foyer and front desk area. The host is then asked if these are the individuals he saw last night and he says yes. They start walking again and say that they are taking them to their court but first they are doing an investigation and will ask some questions and that there are some percautions in place.   Raui and Wi Po are side by side and Pippy and Snow are side by side. Raui tries to fist bump Wi Po but Wi Po doesn't reciprocate. Pippy says good morning to Snow but he pretends to not know her. The guard that Raui faught is sitting guard and Raui telepathically says good morning. The guard beckons us forward.   Vaan is oblivious to what is happening and is just chilling in her room drinking the last of her whiskey but she finishes and goes to the bar and sees the four of them being led away. She decides not to touch that and continues her way to the bar.   The four are brought to the castle to the gate where guards are standing with giant spears and they open that door and let us in. It's big, almost like a cathedral, there are pillars all around and a giant rug leading forward. The sides of the room are dark but the rug is the only lit path. There is a giant cylander shaped room in front of us and a podium in the middle. Four chairs sit on the podium left and right with a collection of chairs facing them, like a courtroom. The guards look at us all and an individual, looks at us all one by one. Raui is sizing them up and they look like they could take on a fight as there are a lot of soldiers about. 16 brought us into this room. The one sizing us up asks Durthan if there is anything we shold know about and one of them points to Raui and says that they can speak telepathically. Pippy lies and says no. Snow and Wi Po also say no. They decide to pair us up. Pippy and Snow are going to talk first and the other two will wait in the wings. He then asks us to follow. Pippy asks what we are investigating and they say the homicides that took palce last night. Pippy plays dumb and asks us to follow. Snow follows as does Pippy.   They are led to a big giant room with a single table. Two chairs on one side and a giant one on the other side. Snow runs to the farthest chair away. Snow, says his name is Stylus and starts to explain Tabaxi names. The guard asks what if we know eachother and we both lie saying we don't know eachother. We then say that we both went to our rooms to sleep and didn't really do much. The guard points out that there are witnesses that saw a tabaxi performing on stage. Pippy is still playing dumb but gets called out for lying and is said it's ok to be a groupie that there is no shame in that. She looks at Stylus and then explains that she's a groupie with a hard on for singer of Savage Guardian. She then plays off like she is a big groupie and has been to many shows. The guard then asks if either of them followed the singer to their room. Pippy plays it off like the singer was racist against gnomes. The guard asks if either of us   They lead in Raui and Wi Po. Raui gets mouthy when the guards push them in and then Wi Po gives a great warm welcome to them. Wi Po sits close to the guards and Raui sits far away. Wi Po introduces them both. The guard gets to questioning and Wi Po just spills everything including how Pippy tried to kill the singer and Snow and talks about Baoth. Wi Po explains he's upset with Pippy right now. Raui then explains she's the one that blew open the door and that it was per Pippy's orders. Wi Po suggests to Raui to stop listening to Pippy. The guard is blown away by the information and then says there will be a trial. Wi Po is free to go but the rest must stay to be talked to more. He then sends some guards out.   Thydrom and Xerrik are sleeping up in the penthouse and they hear a noise, a beastly noise like a low roar or a growl and shakes the ground a bit. It wakes them both up and they open their eyes and they see Marge there going through the tables, grabbing leftover food and stuffing it into her big huge bag paying them no mind. Thydrom asks her what she's doing. She's startled and kicks the food near the bag and ties it up explaining that she was cleaning up the garbage and that she likes to eat leftovers and isn't a fan of paying for food. She plays it off like she's a street rat. Thydrom calls her out that she's hidding something and she tries to play it off as nothing. Xerrik asks how she even got in there. She says that there are no guards at the front door cause they are doing an investigation about some murders. Thydrom asks if the singer is still alive and she doesn't know, he explains that he needs to curse Pippy if that's the case. She says that Xerrik should probably put on some pants and Thydrom explains that he likes what he's seeing. They talk about if they should rescue them or not. Marge then says that they should go take care of that and get Zandro. Thydrom comes back to the bag and asks whats in it. Marge then turns it back to the system and says that they will need as much help as they can get if they are found guilty. Could be behedings, immprisonment, a fight to the death. She explains that it could be helpful to have people in the crowd to help out with their case. Marge then tries to divert attention from the bag again but Thydrom won't let up but she talks him out of it. Marge explains that they will see an individual, Valerian, she is very close to the king and that they should tell her these three words... she can't concentrate cause Xerrik is still naked. He starts putting on his armor and then she remembers that the phrase is "flock of seagulls". She then says to have a wonderful time and good luck and waits for them to leave. The moment they do she opens the bag and shoves more in.   Vaan's travels and flashback - went to find Ted, was found by Yatish, they went to Bethrynna to ask about Ted and she has no clue. They went to Hapicord and he has no clue where Ted is. Vaan asks who's up top of his office and Hapicord says that's where he sleeps. Vaan is trying to get up there and Hapicord is trying to get her to ignore it and Yatish is glaring at him. Hapicord says that it'd be innapropriate to have Ted up there and that it was Astral up there. Yatish tries to get some insight into where they may have gone. She turns her attention to Vaan and asks where all she's been. Yatish then suggests that maybe they went to the Frostfall mountains and opens a portal to Thydrom's mansion. They look around the brothel and Vaan "catches up with some old friends". Eventually they run into Thydrom's dad and Vaan asks if he's seen Ted. She gives a description of him and he says he may have seen someone at the bar in Frostfall. He explains he's with a Tabaxi/tigerlike folk. He then says that Thydrom said to wait here for Gunta and then explains that he was going to go search for him. Vaan is distraught that Gunta is missing. Yatish asks what that was all about and Vaan says it's none of her business but that they need to head towards a bar at an inn. Vaan snaps her fingers at her and tells her to make a portal and Yatish tells her off but opens a portal. They enter the bar and they see Pipe daddy sitting at the bar and next to him is Ted all tied up. He asks her to sit and says that there is much to discuss and that he wants to make a deal.   Back to present day at the trial...   Snow, Pippy, and Raui are lined up and hanging out. People start to walk in to the viewing area including Thydrom, Zandro, and Xerrik. Vaan tails them. They start to talk about a contingency plan and Thydrom says they have to talk to Vlaryn and give the pass code of "flock of seagulls" and then says they should come up with a few backup plans. Thydrom contemplates having Zandro pick pocket keys for their cells. Vaan walks up and says "please tell me it's Pippy getting executed." Thydrom says that Wi Po, Snow, Pippy, and Raui are on trial (they don't know Wi Po was let go). Vaan then asks what has been going on and Zandro fills them in on the Baoth drama and the murders that took place last night. Zandro explains how it was a spectacular shit show last night and that's why they are on trial cause Raui killed four people and Pippy tried to kill Snow and Pontius (the singer from Savage Guardian) and Thydrom repeats that he's going to have to curse Pippy for killing him if thats the case. Then they fill Vaan in about Ra dying and that Snow and Wi Po have been really sad. Vaan then suggests to use the trial as an opportunity to find the artifact. Thydrom explains how he can keep the king distracted while Vaan and Zandro and Xerrik go look for it. They make their way to the front gate of the castle which is open due to the trial. They decide to try to look for the artifact.   Thydrom knows a little about the layout of this castle and knows roughly where the living quarters are for the king. The basement of the dungeon is where the prison is and that it leads to a colleseum. He has heard that the king has procured many valuable items and is paranoid about war and wants to be prepared no mater what. There is a weapon/armor/item vault where things are being horded. He knows it'd be near the colleseum or the living quarters. It isn't very well known informatino and he only knows it due to his background. Thydrom explains the layout to the others. As they walk in they see Pippy, Snow and Raui on the stand. A woman catches his eye as they walk in, and Thydrom asks her if she's Valryn by any chance. She says that she's the bard and that her name is V. Thydrom says he was told to give her a phrase "flock of seagulls". She plays it off that she has no clue what that' about but gives a hint that she actually does as she walks off to start the trial.   She starts to sing on the other side of the stage area for the trial. Doors open from upstairs and someone starts walking down the stairs. It is the king. He comes to the middle and puts his hands up and says "seat" and everyone sits down. The king explains that there was a heinous act of homacide last night and then says "Hail to Gagus". He then addresses those in the crowd that are new to this area and explains that this is a trial by peers. The king does not give the judgement but will give the punishment if found guilty. He goes on to explain that the three individuals; Snow, Pippy, Raui, have all taken part in the deaths last night. The names listed are the 4 who were killed by the stage. He then calls up Wi Po to give testimony on what had happened. Wi Po then says he's starving and asks for honey cause he's starving and the king orders for honey for him. The king then asks him to share what happened in the room after the show. Wi Po repeates what he said about how Pippy came in tried to kill Snow and Pontious and that Raui appeared and that this is all Baoth's fault. Eventually the honey appears and is given to Wi Po. It's an old jar of honey and Wi Po sits down and starts eating it.   The king then calls on Raui and asks what her confession is. She asks which part and the king explains the door and the people. Raui says she tried to blow the door off and bystanders got in the way. She explains that she's a storm sorceror and that she killed those people and blew open the door to get to her target. She's trying to play it off that the targets were hers to kill. He then addresses Pippy and she plays it off that she's a little confused. He leans into her and says "baoth is watching" and then she plays it off that she suggested that it'd be nice to get into the room and Raui took matters into her own hands. Snow is then called on about getting Pippy into the room and getting them close to the lead singer of Savage Guardian. He then turns to Pippy again asks about the attempted murders and she tries to play it off as a spicy hug.   The king then says it's time for the parents to step forward to share their thoughts. The first parent comes forth and starts to cry about the death of their child. Raui shows no remorse to the deaths, Pippy blames the guard for leaving their post for the deaths and bad parenting. The king then thinks to include the guard in the guilty party. Wi Po stands up to say it's really on Raui and Pippy's hands and Raui agrees. V stands up and then says that she has an idea because he is a just and fair king. She then talks about how Raui battled the guard and is obviously powerful. Then she has this idea, to do a thing for combat. To show the real power of the kingdom. She suggests Raui and one of the high military people do combat and Raui suggest to have the king fight her instead if they want to show the true might of this kingdom. (While this is going on Thydrom, Vaan, Xerrik, and Zandro sneak away.). The king says that if this is what she wants she should give him the last words for her family and asks if this is how she wants to go and gives her a final warning and then asks where Raui wants her grave. She choses to fight in the colleseum.   As they start to head out the king's son runs up and says that it should be their honor to fight them. The king won't have it and calls them a faliyre for loosing on their own turf to Raui when she first showed up. The king and Raui make their way to the colleseum and Pippy and Snow follow behind. Raui then says in Snow's mind "this is your time to prove yourself, get yourself out of here." Snow says back in her mind that this is stupid and that she's going to die and Snow is trying to talk her out of it. Raui says that Snow never liked her and that she never liked him. Snow then says that they need Raui to do a favor, as Snow has an idea. During her fight, make sure the attention is drawn to her and Snow needs her to follow her lead cause there is something he can do. Snow then says to tell Pippy to step away from his bag when they get to the coleseum and to be 20 feet away from him and he's bag. Raui relays the message to Pippy and she wishes her luck and not to die.   Now in the colleseum the people start to take their seats, next to Wi Po sits Marge. He offers her some honey and she asks what is going on and Wi Po explains everything that's gone on. Wi Po then goes to talk to Snow as he's curious why Snow lied since Pippy tried to kill him. Wi Po doesn't understand. Snow says he doesn't want to lose his friends and that he understands that Pippy did something very very bad and that he doesn't want that terrible decision to define who she is. He believes there is a good person inside of her and he's doing what he thinks is best for everyone and that he just doesn't want to lose another friend. Wi Po says he isn't sure if Pippy is a good person as she's proving that she isn't really. Wi Po is very confused by it all. Snow says that Wi Po doesns't need to trust Raui or Pippy or even him and that he gets it. Wi Po says that he'll go along with whatever Snow thinks is right and Snow says that if anything bad happens that Wi Po is one of his closest friends. Wi Po asks if they are going to get out of this andthen says that Snow shouldn't have lied. Snow says he is going to learn that today. Wi Po offers him some honey but he turns it down. Marge is nearby Wi Po when he returns and she says out loud "Is that my father out there?!?" all the guards heads turn towards her. She realizes she brought attention to her and pulls Wi Po back to their seats along with her giant bag.   The gates open and the king steps into the colleseum wearing what he's waering now and calls out to Raui and offers his hand to shake hers. She appoligizes and offers her left hand as it's the only one with real flesh on it. He gras it and says "live with glory and die with honor". He takes some steps back and says to have Raui show what she is made of and allows her to attack first. She calls out to Kuzuu and asks for his strength and he blesses her with it. She casts a song of storms directly on top of the king and he dodges out of the way but takes a little bit of damage and is stunned from the attack. Raui then unleashes a lightening bolt onto him, he's stuck from being stunned and he takes a massive bolt of lightening. The king comes to, takes a step back and says "this is what you have?" and Raui says that there would be more if there was an open sky above them. He says "do it again" and lets her take another try at attacking him. The song of storms is still going and it hits him again along with another lightening bolt. He looks at Raui and says "They weren't kidding when they said you could actually fight. Fine, lets fight then. I'll take it easy on you unless you want it all." Raui tells him to bring it.   The king goes up to Raui and attacks her with this trident he has and stabs her. As he stabs her she feels the equivilent of a fire hose to her chest dealing massive damage. She collapses to the ground. The king stands over her and says "So you wanted a fight, you got a fight and I didn't even have to use the ace up my sleeve to get you down. I'd like to say that you died with glory but not even close." He goes to stab Raui and Pippy feels something shake. She turns and sees that Snow is no longer there and neither are the guards. All sorts of chairs that are next to her are broken. She sees the bag is open now and turns to the colleseum and sees this beast knock the king over and they see a werewolf hovering over Raui. Snow grabs Raui and stares at the king in werewolf form.

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