Session 57 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 57

*** Live Notes ***   We are conviening and talking to eachother and Pippy is chatting with Baoth inside her mind. Before Baoth gives her an answer on what her task will be, she feels a hand on her shoulder. She looks over and sees its the King, with Raui mechanical arm. He looks at her and says "by decree I'm pardening you and your friend from any and all legal ramifications. Do anything else in this kingdom though and I'll toss you in jail." Pippy thanks him for the pardon and curtseys. The king then directs his attention to his wife and says to direct any questions or needs to his guards. Zandro asks the King to see Raui's arm that he's wearing. He calls Raui his friend and Pippy inqiures as to when exactly he was friendly with Raui. Zandro shoots her a dirty look but the king lets him look at the arm anyways. Zandro explains he just wants to view the ruins on it and the king pulls the arm off to inspect it closer and hands it to Zandro. The king is impatient and gives it to Zandro who looks it over. Meanwhile Karis is standing with their jaw open in wonder and says "you'rs is detachable?!?" (referencing the arm). Zandro looks it over and briefly catches a glimpse of the ruins when the light hits it just right. He can't quite read the ruins and the King confirms that zandro can keep the arm. The king turns his attention back to his wife.   Marge looks at us and says that we can reconviene at her place and that she'll meet us there tonight. Zandro then asks if were going to go explore the town and everyone pretty much says yes. Zandro says he's going to explore the arm. Marge then warns us to not leave Snow's body unattended in Marge's house so her owlbear doesn't eat it. The party debates what to do with Snow. Karis has an idea and goes over to her new minion (the little fighter). Karis asks them to protect them and make sure they don't get eaten or go missing and to guard them. He pulls out his big adventuring backpack and stuffs Snow inside it. Karis checks to make sure he doesn't need any supplies and he's good. Yatish is standing around wondering if we need anything further from her. Karis says that she owes her tea time. Thydrom says he's got his penthouse he's still renting out and invites Yatish to go shopping with him and she calls him boijee to which he says that he's royalty and is always boijee. Yatish then says drinks could be good and Thydrom promises her some drinks. Vaan says she's going shopping too (she's still dressed in Ted's hot date outfit). Yatish steps over to them and says "well, one thing that I've always wanted to try, Wi Po - you're good at making honey bisquits, correct?" Wi Po says he can cook a lot and starts listing things off he can put honey on. Yatish then says "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind creating a honey concotion for me?" Wi Po then says that he'll show himself to the kitchen and opens up a portal to Marge's place and Wi Po joins her along with Thydrom. The fighter stands next to Karis and says "I go where you go". Karis then goes through the portal as well. Pippy and Zandro then also follow inside the portal and we all make our way to Marge's place.   We walk in and we see her owlbear rummaging through the kitchen cabinets looking for food. Karis goes and pets the owlbear again. Yatish then asks Wi Po if he needs help with cooking. Wi Po says its more fun to do it together but he's capable of working in the kitchen. Yatish says she can set things on fire and Wi Po says that can help. Yatish says she hasn't cooked in years, and Thydrom says that last he remembers one time at his place. Then Yatish recalls a date night she had in the past and Thydrom passes her a bottle of wine and she says she doesn't want to talk about him right now and reference a dead ex of hers. Thydrom says she can talk to him about anything if she needs to but she directs her attention to making bisquits with Wi Po and sets a fire on the stove. Wi Po then offers to teach her the art of making bisquits. Yatish is trying her best but letting Wi Po take control in this.   While this is going on Pippy starts to notice that she is able to see her breath. She thinks "oh no not this again" and reaches into her pack to see if the book is cold, it is. Baoth then speaks to her and says "You owe two favors and everything will be even or I can make it one favor by combining the two into one. I'll let you choose." She decides to do one big favor for Baoth. He says "In order to do this, I need to relay some information to you. Very important information." He relays the information to her and then comes to with the Owlbear nudging her away from a cupboard. She shakes her head and moves out of the way and the owlbear rummages through the cupboard.   The group startss talking about what to do with Snow's body and Pippy suggests placing somewhere for safe keeping so they can focus on the artifacts. Yatish then says that there is a time limit on obtaining Snow's soul. Yatish says that there is a huge possibility that if we wait too long his soul could be lost forever. Pippy states that we don't even know if his soul is already lost for good. Wi Po demands that we try. Yatish ponders and then says that she will talk to Yalda about it. She then asks Karis if they plan to stay with the group and Karis says that they will. The group then discusses what to do with Snow's body and it's decided that his body should go lay with Snow's. Thydrom summons a elephant plannar ally which puts Karis and the owlbear on gaurd. Karis's minion hands the backpack with Snow to the new entity that Thydrom summoned.   After the exchange happens, Yatish comes back wearing a different outfit and says we can go shopping. Yatish confirms that Snow's soul is still around. She says that the soul is in a place in a different plane and we can do that or loose Snow forever. She says that if his soul is lost then he can't come back. Yatish doesn't remember exactly what plain his soul is located in and will ask Yalda about it. She says we should go shopping first and then she'd take us to that plain. Vaan is then looking for a place to change and goes into a door. yatish then asks how often does Vaan waer Ted's clothes or change into him. This confuses most of the party and Vaan over hears this and plays it off as her casting disguise self. Vaan then glares at Yatish and Karis says "oooo you're in trouble". Yatish orders her to never say those orders again. Pippy offers to come with for shopping and Thydrom offers to buy a dress or cloak for her. Karis offers to carry her on her shoulders. Thydrom then saunters out of the house and Karis asks why Thydrom walks like that. Pippy leans down and whipsers that he's a professional whore and Zandro adds that it's how he makes money. Karis is taken aback by this, not knowing that you can earn money that way. After Thydrom explains more Karis has a revelation that his mother was also a whore. Vaan commands Nyla to stay at the house with Raij and they both bond while going through the cabinets in Marge's house.   While walking Zandro gets a message from Uraim and they asks if we are still working on the artifacts. Zandro fills him in on what happened, that we got the artifact, a deck of cards, and lost Snow's soul and that the party is going after his soul. Uraim says good luck to Zandro, and that he has a request to help the tortle with his crops. He says to stay away from those cards and to not do anything stupid. Zandro says he'll pass them off to his fellow thieves group and the entity says no, just hold onto them and ignore them. Zandro then fills in the group. We have 24 hours to help Lee the tortle at jabberwock isle and help with some crops.   Now the group is in the shop looking at clothes, Yatish grabs a random item off the rack and pays for it. Karis is confused by why people would want different clothes for different occasions. Karis asks Pippy if she wants down to get a swimsuit and she snaps to as she's distracted this whole time. As she jumps down she notices something shiny and jingly behind her and then she hears a voice in her head. She see's Lehroth's helmet and it feels like he is looking at her. She hears his voice speak to her. Yatish then looks at everyone and asks who is getting a swimsuit and goes one by one to everyone. She then offers to buy them as a gift to us. Karis is jealous cause she's never gotten a gift from Yatish. Vaan offers to buy her own as well.   Yatish is pondering out loud "should I or shouldn't I..." and Thydrom tries to convince her to come with us to the beach. She then calls out to Pippy and asks to look at documents that Bethrynna had that Pippy now has a copy of. She then opens a portal and beacons Pippy to come into the portal with her. The rest of the group dispersses, Thydrom goes to find some weapons. Vaan asks if Karis is going to come look at weapons but Karis says that they need to look for some other items but asks to catch up later as she has a gift for Vaan.   Thydrom goes to the weapon shop and sees some items that are pretty nice. He overhears some guards talking and hears that the king has left his station and that no one is guarding the secret stash of weapons. Thydrom casts a sending spell and tells Zandro all of this. Thydrom isn't sure where this stash is so he casts another sending spell to talk with Marge to see if he can find the location. He asks what the secret stash consists of and Marge agrees to help. She tells him where the door is and how to open it and that it contains all the best items her father has taken from prisoners. Yatish then pops out of a portal with Pippy and is amazed to see that everyone did disperse. She looks around and then says "by the by, did you take Snow's bag by chance?" Thydrom thinks that it's with Snow. Pippy says that she's missing her items and need to get them, Thydrom offers to buy her new things but she's determined to get her stuff. Yatish offers to help Pippy get her items back (and Raui's), Thydrom offers to tag along and gives Vaan some gold to buy weapons. Vaan stays behind to shop for weapons. Yatish offers Wi Po to come with us and then strikes up a conversation with him about Cri Ro. She says that she was talking to Yalda and that apparently he's still in the snowy tundra. Wi Po starts listing off all the things we have to do and is starting to be overwhelmed. She thanks him for the biscuits.   Yatish then asks about the artifacts and how many we have. We have three, she has one, and there is the one that Raui had but was taken from her. We know of two other, one in the desert area and one in the snowy tundra. That leaves 5 more which pleases Yatish as it seems like better odds. Yatish then says that she paid someone a visit, someone that he knows very well. Thydrom recalls the vision he saw of Yatish talking with his husband and inquires more. Yatish explains that they are still not here, but she needed to confirm that she talked to him. What Thydrom saw was him and Gunta talking with Yatish. He passes on a message that he is proud of you and can't wait to see you. Thydrom asks when he can see him again and Yatish explains it comes down to when we can ressurect because his soul has not moved on. Thydrom gets down about this as he knew his love wouldn't move on. Yatish says that he has to resurect him or die to see him again. Thydrom wants to get the artifact that Raui had so he can fix resurection. Yatish then says that she had another good deed down. She asks what everyone else is up to and Thydrom guesses that Karis is getting tea and that Zandro is on a misson for him. She then asks if we want to team up with her and Yalda. Thydrom is in. Wi Po agrees it's a good idea to destroy the artifacts. Pippy is on the fence still and wants to get everyone's opinions before she decides.   We make our way to the inn and approach the innkeeper and Pippy approaches asking for her and Raui's items back. The innkeeper gives all them items, all at once to Pippy. She checks it over for everything and notices that everything is there. She stuffs everything into her bag of holding and asks Thydrom if its ok if she can stay in his room. He agrees that it's ok and lets her stay.

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