Session 58 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 58

*** Live Notes ***   Marge is sitting on top of her giant bag, kinda spaced out and humming to herself and kicking her legs, as everyone wakes up. The inn keeper is sorting through notes, doing his own thing. Karis is up early and just enjoying the morning, sitting by herself. Wi Po is serving breakfast to people as they wake up. As Wi Po walks past Marge's bag, the owl bear in the bag blows out the bag to signal it's hungry and Wi Po puts food outside the bag for it to grab. The owl bear scarfs up what Wi Po made and the plate is suddenly empty. Karis asks Wi Po what they made for breakfast Wi Po lists off a whole bunch of things including tea. The tea gets Karis very excited and she starts clapping her hands and chanting "Tea tea tea tea" and Wi Po gets some tea and bisquits for her. As Karis is clapping, Marge snaps too and sees that everyone is there and greats everyone. She asks what we're doing.   Thydrom mentions that we're going to Jaberwock Isle to talk to the Tortle again and offer our assistance. Thydrom takes the lead and Marge follows, she then asks if there is a leader and Thydrom speaks up that in social standing he's the highest ranking, Pippy mentions that she's the smart one so she could be the leader if anyone ever listened to her. Marge is confused by this and Karis adds that it seems like there really isn't a leader here. Zandro mentions that we all usually just vote on things. Lastly she asks if Yatish is coming along and Yatish says she is. She is less than thrilled about going to the beach.   As we make our way through the city there is a lot of chatter going around, about the miricle of the queen coming back to life. In general the community seems really upbeat and relaxed. We make our way through the gates and back to where we first entered the city. We come across Marge's brother, Durthan, and he greets us. He informs us that he is now in charge of the army here and that we are welcome to call upon the Galgas Kingdom should we ever have a need. He then says that he is sorry for our loss and refers to Raui and how she was a unique individual. Zandro then speaks up about how the weapon vault is currently ungaurded and Durthan thanks us for this information. He then asks if we are ready to surface and we say we are. A jet of air and water push us up all the way to the top of the water, on the surface, to a platform to allow us to walk back to shore.   As we look at the shore we see Hiena's entire pirate group relaxing on the shore, some of them are napping or plucking weeds. Marge drags her bag and sees the pirates and is concerned because she lost some bets with them and still has to pay them. Thydrom asks how much Marge owes and as he does the pirates notice them and notice Marge. Marge starts to panic but the pirates say not to worry and they'll work out a deal. THe pirates ask us where we are off to and we say Jabberwock Isle, the pirates are not thrilled by this and claim that Uraim owes more. Karis walks up to Yatish and nudges her and hands her the ring of water breathing and walks away. Yatish had forgotten about this and then walks towards the boat. Corin then asks who needs a ride up the ladder to the boat and Pippy immedietly raises her hand and Corin carries her. He calls back and asks if anyone else needs to be carried and Karis mentions that no need for ladders when you can fly and a set of spectral wings emerge from her and she flies up. Yatish mentions how she's always about the theatrics and then opens a portal and uses that to get on the boat. Thydrom misty steps to the boat. Marge is confused and asks if anyone actually uses their hands and feet any more and starts to climb up, Wi Po joins her and helps her carry her bag up. Karis then realizes that she's missing her friend, her little minion. Yatish looks around and doesn't see where he is, but then from the water we hear "WAAAAIIITTT", and the fighter is in the ocean swimming towards us as fast as he can. As he is swimming he is also applogizing. Instead of grabbing the ladder he insteads climbs up the side of the boat and Karis cheers him all the way and fist bumps him when he gets on board. The captain questions whether or not the missing 2 are coming and we explain that our trip was a bit troubled.   Pippy spends her time on the boat laying on the deck, trying not to puke, and reading the notes from Bethrynna and Pippy figures out that she is trying to find a way to stop death and become immortal. She sees within these notes that there were a couple things that seemed off - one talks about a basilisks venom, another talks about stone of a basilisks prey, and some blood ritual stuff as well. Bethrynna has become very close to figuring out something to do with immortallity. Pippy isn't sure exactly what it all entails but she sees something peculiar written down in her notes, some information about sunlight and how she foud a way to avoid it. Wi Po meanwhile packed a picnic and is eating. Karis makes her way over to Thydrom and knocks on his head. Karis says that she was warned about Thydrom and is wondering why she's been warned about him. He explains that him and Yatish go way back. Karis asks the question again and asks if they are an asshole, and Thydrom explains their history and the good things they've done. She then asks about the elephant and Thydrom says their name is Hemoo. They talk to Hemoo a bit and then leans into Thydrom and says not to trust Yatish as she doesn't either. Hemoo circles around and scouts about while giggling, circling Heck who is not thrilled about the assistance. Hemoo teleports him and Heck away and back and Heck is annoyed and suggests they go bother someone else and points to another deck hand, Corin, who is serving beer. Hemoo drinks a few. Karis asks for some tea and Corin says that they'll get some and Karis bows in thanks and returns to reading her book.   We eventually make it to Jabberwock Isle and are greeted by Lee, the Tortle, who is standing by his beach house, waving to us. Pippy asks yatish if she can portal them to the ground and Yatish does, but before opening the other end she pauses to change into her suit and Pippy does the same. Pippy mentions how she actually does know what is in Bethrynna's notes and she'd be happy to tell her if she's actuallyl interested. Yatish mentions that we should talk over a drink. The portal opens and they exit. The rest of the group makes their way off the boat and Lee greets us and asks who Karis and Marge are. They introduce themselves. Lee explains that they have a bit of a connundrum and then sighs and looks over at Uraim who is running open shirt in swimming trunks towards us. He asks us why we aren't dressed for the beach and Karis says that there is no need for an outfit here, then she greets him and says that it's been a while. He sighs and says "oh, you're with them now? I'll have to explain some stuff to you later." Karis gives a thumbs up. Uraim then explains that he's there to explain things so Lee doesn't take 8 hours to do so. He says that there is a dragon problem here. This gets Karis very excited. There is a bronze dragon here and Uraim explains that we should go have a drink and some food and talk about what happened to us and he'll fill us in on the troubles here.   He makes his way over to a hut with a little counter. A little dog head pops up, turns out to be a seal, and Glop comes out. He's excited by how many people are here and hops up onto the counter in excitment. He says that he heard we are there to help with the problem. Glop explains that they served a temple in the outter plains and along the way they became friends with a dragon, a bronze dragon. he met the dragon when it was a little hatchling. The dragon is a little gullible and believes that he has to tear down any ship that comes this way. This has only recently started in the past few days and Glop can not find them. He wants us to find the dragon and talk to them. He also mentions that there are 3 other dragons here, all are also bronze and related to the dragon. There is a little family drama going on between them and Glop isn't good with their words and want us to assist. Glop explains that they are all over the island and usually hang out at the other beach. Glop then quietly suggests that we should not try to have relations with one of them, as in sexual. Apparently the female dragon is well protected by the other dragons.   Lee comes over and says "Oh you are talking to my friend Glop". Thydrom looks around a little bit and then time just stops. The only person moving is Lee, who looks at Thydrom and he sees that his eyes are the same color as the artifact Thydrom has. When he locks eyes, he feels his artifact shake a little bit. Zandro and Wi Po also come to in this moment. The only thing they can move is their eyes and they see the blue artifact pulsating, along with everyone elses (including Yatish's who's is purple). Then time resumes and Lee goes from looking at Thydrom to mid conversatino as if nothing happened. He explains that this is his vacation spot and that he needs help with this dragon as he doesn't have the power to stop this. He then asks if the pirates were taking care of the farm and we say that we think they were as one of them was weeding at least. Lee then says that they are going to go take a nap now and goes into his shell. Glop says that he'll make sure Lee gets to where he needs to be.   Glop then says that he will draw the creatures out and give names to them and will be back in a few hours. Marge asks if they can enjoy the beach and Glop says yes and Marge rips her clothes and is just in her underwear and asks why we are in special clothes. Karis says some people wear special things to swim and Wi Po strips into a loin cloth. Marge feels self concious and runs into the water. Wi Po follows in and comes back up as a dolphin delighter. Pippy meanwhile explais what she found in Behtrynna's notes and Yatish thinks she's trying to become a lich and Thydrom suggests maybe a vampire and Pippy suggests that she's trying to become both. Thydrom remembers that any time theyve seen BEthrynna she was always on top of Castle Rainfall and that she was always doing spells up there to change how the sun looked and that she always stay there unless it was night time.   Glop then comes back with drawings of the bronze dragons, three of them. Airamaias has a blue tint to them and is the one destroying everything and is a thinker and looks for those who are geniuene. Floramaias (Flora) is the female dragon with a green tint and she's a little flirty and is easily approached, and Lino who is red tinted as is control and demands respect and is quick to ignore. Suddenly a giant wave comes up to Wi Po and Marge and another large dragon comes up to play, named Morphmo (or Mo Mo) and just likes to have fun. Glop thinnks he's forgetting something about them but says it'll come to him eventually. Then he goes off to hang out with Flora. Glop goes to leave and Karis asks if they know where they would be located. Flora is in the fauna area, Lino may be somewhere rocky or flying around. But they also come to the beach occasionally to talk to people but they haven't much due to the tragedy that took place on this island long ago. Glop explains that some think this island is haunted. Karis thanks them for the information and then announces that they are heading into the forest. Yatish then stops her and asks that she's not going to try to sleep with the dragon.   Thydrom decides to go to find the dragon destroying the boats, Zandro decides to also go to Flora. Wi Po and Marge ask what this creature is out by them and Pippy calls from the shore that it's a dragon. Mo Mo explains they are a dragon and and Marge is just floored by this. Pippy swims up and explains what's going on to Wi Po and Marge and Mo Mo introduces themselves. They talk about how Airamaias only lisstens to themselves, then goes on to explain that they are all there because Flora wanted a family vacation. But after a few nights they got into a fight and now they aren't talking to eachother. Mo Mo then says that they just want to play and then invites us to go up to the beach for drinks and to talk. Pippy then fills Marge in on all the dragons and what she knows of them. Pippy then asks about getting something to drink on the beach and Mo Mo gets excited and asks if we'd like to try something called Dragon's Breath and Pippy agrees. As Mo Mo runs onto the beach he kicks sand up onto Yatish. This makes Vaan giggle and she pokes fun at Yatish.   In the forest area Karis is making their way towards where Flora should be and Zandro is tailing behind. Karis notices out of the corner of their eye a giant log and somthing moves on it. There is a dragon camoflaged on it sleeping. Karis just observes for a moment sipping on tea then turns to her little minion/companion and asks their opinion. They chat back and forth about if they should wake it up and Karis decides to call out to her in draconic "Sorry to bother you but can I have a moment ofyour time?" THe dragon's eye opens and closes quickly and then she blinks and stretches like a cat as she wakes up. She looks at Karis and says that she thought initially that it was a sibling of hers and then says that she didn't realize it was a dragon born and Karis corrects her and explains she's just closely connected to dragons. Karis then introduces their companion, Raziki (Raz for short) and Karis explains in common to them what is being said. Karis then explains that she's there to talk about Flora's brother that is destroying the ships. Flora then asks if theyd like a drink and Karis shows her thermos of tea and says that she's good. Flora then offers some floral tea and then mentions that they can make something stronger too. Raziki then asks for the strong beverage, excited that it's booze. She goes off to fetch the beverages. Raziki sniffs his cup and is surprised by that it is sweet and Karis says to just drink it. Raziki chugs it and Flora suggests going slower. Suddently Raziki begins to speak in slow motion, drops the glass, and begins waving back and forth. Karis tries to catch the glass but it slips from her fingers and breaks. Flora is upset by the littering on her property but realizes she shouldn't have assumed a human could handle that drink. She turns her attention back to Karis and asks what she can do for them. Karis then says they just want to have a conversation cause it's been a while since theyve spoken to a dragon. Karis asks how old she is and she scoffs at this question but answers that she's 89 and is considered a young adult. Karis explains that one of their family members, a bronze dragon named Oxden, was about that age before they died. She explains that Mo Mo is about 51, Lino is 180 years old. They reminince about their families, and Flora says she's going to rest again. Karis then asks how strong the drink that Raz got and Flora admits that it isn't booze. Karis then asks if she knows of any illness that can cause a dragon to rot from the inside out as her last remaining family member is suffering from this. She suggests talking to Airamaias about it as they are well read. Flora then asks Raziki if he'd like to cuddle and he agrees and Karis helps him up to her perch. Raziki is fully taken by this beverage he had and is rubbing up on things and is just feeling this drink. Karis then walks away leaving him to Flora. Zandro is looking on in shock and worry about what is going to happen to Raziki. Zandro decides to try to grab Raziki away from her. As he approaches he sees Raziki wiggling out of his clothes and getting naked. Zandro gets up close, and Flora doesn't see him approaching.   Thydrom meanwhile is out looking at the boat and sees a wing sticking out of the water. Like a missle it's coming straight at the boat. Thydrom tries to use his artifact to protect the boat and push the dragon back away from it. Thydrom calls upon the ocean and he feels water well up from within him. He feels like he's choking on water and tries to move the water. He is able to move it how he wanted but it doesn't have the force he needs. Instead the dragon goes up at an angle, causing it to fly up and damages the boat a little bit. The dragon does a spin around, opens it's wings, and looks down at Thydrom who is glowing from his artifact. The dragon knows that Thydrom used an artifact on him and the dragon is puzzled that he has an artifact. He says "you... what is your last name?" Thydrom replies with "Foamtankard" and the dragon asks what their real last name is and Thydrom explains he can't say it cause it's been taken from him and he can only use it if he's been proven innocent from the crime he's commited of. He says that his father was a Frostpeak in case that helps this dragon answer their question. The dragon is excited to hear this and is excited to be meeting a decendant of the Frostpeak. They then ask if there is an Ellywick, a Crimsonscale, and an Oakenwood with us. Thydrom confirms this which excites the dragon. Thydrom explains that they are trying to stop this dragon from destroying the ships and the dragon says they are protecting. But they will stop protecting if Thydrom brings the others here to talk to Airamaias. Before Thydrom can get anyone, the dragon asks how many artifacts there are and who has them. He explains that there are four, Thydrom being one of them. He says he'll let the others say if they own one as its not his place to reveal that information. Airamaias instructs Thydrom to call for him once he's gather everyone and then goes back into the water and swims away. THydrom sends Hemoo out to go get everyone to meet at the ship to talk to Airamaias.

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