Session 60 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 60

*** Live Notes ***   Aramaous (the dragon) wants to talk to us all as we are sitting around the fire drinking and chatting and playing games. He sits down with a big book and begins his tale but before he does he counts us all and declares that some of us are missing and that he'll make due.   He says "I take it none of you know about your long long ago ancestors... or do you?" and begins to reference his book again and decides we don't.   Pippy.. you.. hmmm... Vistra Trueblood Ellywick.. For the Tabxi over there, he mentions the name that was written down in Baoth's book that only Snow could read. He goes name by name for each of us and then says that our ancestors had the artifacts originally and that they are the ones that created them.   Zandro says that he thought all of them were made by the elves. And the dragon tells us that is incorrect and that they were created by our kin. Going through the records it shows that after these artifacts were created they were seperated from their owners and given to the guardians. Some infused themselves with it and some tried to protect them. There was a tortle, a lion, a chuul/dragon thing... and looks back at us all. "Do you even know why you're doing what you're doing?" Pippy explains the visions we all had that started us on this journey. The dragon declares that this makes sense since our ancestors failed in their past and were unable to destroy the evil but were only able to seperate it. Because of them, the evil has not been able to fully show themselves. Because they seperated the creature, they did not become the god they wished to be. However they are trying to come back and the Goddess (name was smudged in the notes) but this goddess that our ancestors fought with was also seperated. Their spirit is still around but their body has perished.   The goddess sacrificed themselves to help seperate this evil creature, who became a god and took away magic, which is how these artifacts came to be. They restored the balance to the world. If this creature gets these artifacts it'll bring back his true form and he'll become the god he was meant to be once more, taking the place of another god. You all are roped into this, some family business it seems. He then asks to see one of our artifacts and Zandro steps up holding out his hand to show the stone. THe dragon corrects himself and says he wants to see him use it. Zandro then attempts to lift some stones from out of the ocean to show his power. He struggles but lifts a rock out of the water and it drops straight back down. THe dragon doesn't even seen the rock get lifted. Zandro explains he hasn't had much experience in trying to use this artifact. He does explain he used it once to kill. The dragon then looks at Thydrom and says that he used his on him and asks if he killed anyone and Thydrom says no. The dragon then asks about the red artifact, the one that Raui had. We explain that her arm had been removed to replace it and the dragon explain that it doesn't work that way, once an artifact fuses with you it's part of your soul and the only way to get rid of it is to die. Zandro explains that her arm had been replaced with a warforge. He agrees to let the dragon investigate it and the dragon gets excited and takes the arm back to his lair in the water, leaving his books behind.   Pippy immiedetly walks over and flips through the book. She is flipping through one that is hand written about Minithrul and it's earily similiar to the book of Baoth but it's older and ther is no energy emminating from it. There are actual chronicles and not an actual religion. This is the book that has everyone's ancestors names on them. ALso lists what everyone's ancestors did and what artifact they had. She notices that the artifacts do not match up to the current owners. Ellywick had one from the feywild, Snow's ancestor had the fire one, etc. There are also a few names we don't quite get cause we haven't met them. The other book, is a history book of the great war that happened so long ago. Pippy tells the party about the books and then asks if it'd be ok if the books got misplaced into her bookbag.   Flora, the female dragon, leans in and asks Pippy if she's trying to steal his books, she explains that her brother loves his books. Pippy learns that the books were previously misplaced into the dragons possesion so Pippy suggests that this should be ok. Wi Po declares that this is bad behavior and that we shouldn't take these books withouth permision. Snow suggests that we let the dragon keep Raui's arm as collaterall in exchange for these books. Flora agrees to ask her brother for us as long as we allow her to have fun with Karis's little friend. Her brother agrees to this exchange.   Suddenly THydrom receives a message from Stifle and asks if he's been back to his kingdom recently as things are weird. Rulers are geting notices and messages about a private meeting and Stifle is wondering if Thydrom has heard about it. Apparently it's taking place at the Frostfall Mountains later this week and THydrom agrees to head on back there. His plan is to ask Uraim for a ride back there. This displease Stifle slightly but he recovers from it. He then says he will figure out what city the meeting is in and will reach back out when he knows.   Meanwhile Flora goes and picks up her boy toy and starts to walk off. This guy is just relaxed and is very pleased to be going for this ride. Thydrom turns to Uraim to talk about the meeting of the kingdoms happening by the Frostfalls. Uraim explains that it's a meeting to go over war tactics in case something happens. Apparently Thydrom's father and the king are missing and no one from that kingdom are going, so he's the next one in line to go. Uraim ponders this, and Thydrom continues about how Stifle hasn't found his daughter yet and Uraim doesn't even know he had a kid. He declares he will take Thydrom back once he sobers up.   Soj goes to say something and the moment he does, Yatish goes over to him and throws him to the ground and has her forearm on his throat. Yatish explains that the next time she saw Soj she'd kill him and Thydrom explains that Soj isn't responsible for Sirus's death. Yatish has an outburst about this and then calms down and gets off of Soj and declares that Soj is coming with her. Soj isn't pleased with this notion but Yatish explains that he must and that they will have a discussion away from here or she will kill him in front of everyone.   Pippy is flipping through the book about Minithrul, she notices a name in there. Astral. And it's under the names of the ancestors that had artifacts. That's when Thydrom reminds her that Yatish was Astral's daughter. Yatish meanwhile is opening a portal with Soj and Karis recognizes that this isn't her usual portal and asks her where it leads to. She declares that it's a place that she plans to kill Soj and asks if she's happy. Karis asks if she can watch and Yatish looks at her and then says go ahead. Wi Po is concerned that Yatish is trying to kill Soj and Wi Po says that if it's the fake Soj then he's fine with it but if its the real Soj then he's concerned about that notion. Soj then says to her, "Do you think I'd kill my only son?" He explains that the fake Soj sent his son on that quest and that is why his sone died. Soj says that if she wants to kill him, to go ahead but she can't do that while he has things left to do and if she tries, he will do what he can to stop her and if need be, kill her. He then asks if anyone wants some coffee and walks away from her. Wi Po offers to help him make the coffee better.   Yatish is just standing their stewing. Uraim comes over with some glasses with some drinks for us and says that him and Thydrom need to head off and he see's Pippy reading her new books. She explains what they are about and Uraim eyes them cautiosly. Karis asks Yatish if she wants to blow off some steam and fight in her portal and she closes it and suggests they duel there. Screams are heard from the forest and she mentions to Karis that her friend is probably being taken against their will. Yatish then asks about the books and Pippy says that there is a list of ancestors and that Yatish's is listed there, which is interesting as we've met her's. It's Astral. Pippy asks about it and Yatish is unable to say anything due to some curse. Snow is confused about it all so Pippy rattles off about the how she brought him back and that she is making him help her find the boat so he and evreyone else doesn't die. The little kobold then reminds PIppy that she could have asked for everyone back, including this "Lehroth" she keeps mentioning.   Soj comes back with the coffee pot and Karis asks if they'd like the fire lit. Soj then asks Karis where they came from and how they know Yatish so well. Karis beats around the bush to this and asks Karis if they've had any dreams about a mysterious face. Karis is confused by this question and then asks one fo their own - how is he related to this group of people. Soj explains that he's there on behalf of his goddess and Karis asks if he is an enemy of Yalda. THis sends Soj into a deep thought and Karis takes over the coffee making.   Yatish looks over at Pippy and asks if there are any pictures and Pippy flips through until she finds the image of the group of people. In this picture she sees an image of what could be Astral but it looks nothing like him as here he appears as a human. The party starts discussing if this is the same Astral as the one we know or if perhaps this is an ancestor of Astral and the name was passed down. Pippy then ponders if a human can turn into a tiefling or demon (as we aren't sure who Astral is).   Thydrom and Uraim had taken off during all of this and is flying back to the frostfalls. Uraim starts to say that he is surprised that THydrom even wants to go there with how they treated him. Uraim asks if he has ever found out who killed his husband. Thydrom said he has his suspicions, the previous rulers of the frostfalls may have had a hand in it but he doesn't have proof. The dougar could also be responsible. Uraim then asks how his mansion is going and Thydrom explains he's trying to get it back together and that his father was trying to help him but went missing. They talk about the Aboleth situation as well and how much recovery they have to do. Uraim appologizes for how many lives were lost during that challenge. Uraim brings up an akward topic - that Thydrom knows he is a dragon and that eventually they may have to have a discussion about his involvement with the Frostfalls as Uraim overlooks it as part of his domain. They arrive at the frostfalls...   Meanwhile back at Jabberwock island Yatish is glaring at Karis who is still working on the coffee, Soj is still off in his mind. Karis pours themselves a cup of coffee and spits it out, it taste old and is old, almost like it's fermented. Snow says no to the coffee and then asks if Karis is part of the group now. Karis suggests asking Yatish and Snow asks why she wants Yatish to answer and Karis explains that she's basically Karis's caretaker. Snow says that basically Karis is in love with Yatish and that's it. Karis threatens to break Snow's leg and Snow claims he can run away before he's caught. Karis then explains that she is faster and then the two make a bet to see who is faster, the winner gets an IOU from the other. Snow transforms into a werewolf. Karis runs as fast as they can but Snow wins cause of this and then turns back into himself. Snow then taunts her and Karis punches Snow (she's a sore loser) with a firey fist. Snow then turns and says, since we're away from everyone now tell me - why are you helping us. He claims it has to be more than Yatish telling her to help and asks why she's really here. Karis says that they have a job to do, set things striaght between mortals and dragons. She explains she's there until she gets the knoweldge she needs and then she's out of here unless Yalda tells her to stay. Snow explains he isn't thrilled by another god being involved and explains how Baoth almost got him killed. He then warns to keep an eye on Pippy as she may stab. Karis then asks Snow about some questions. Karis asks who the leader is and Snow says it's them. Karis then asks about Raui and Lehroth. Snow says Raui was crazy but they liked her and explains that she touched the fire artifact and eventually died (which was recently). Lehroth was an individual that showed up in the mountains, didn't care that Snow called them shiny, but they were honerable. Said a lot of people simped over him (Karis is confused by this term and Snow explains) and explains that Lehroth died to fake Soj and that Pippy has a strong soft spot for them. Then Karis asks about Soj and how they should feel about them. Snow explains that Lehroth and Yatish used to work for Soj and that Soj is the one trying to locate these artifacts. He explains that Soj is someone to listen to but you have to make sure it's the real one as there is a body double. Also Snow doesn't know what his end goal is and doesn't know who his goddess is and why he's compelled to help her. Karis asks if Snow is a bard and mentions that they've heard their name in regards to savage guardian. And they talk about music. Lastly Karis asks if she can see his tail and then pets it. This pisses Snow off and Snow says that they have to trust them first. Then Karis suggests that they should get back so people don't think they are having sexual relations. This also annoys Snow and she mentions that he's easy to fuck with.   Yatish meanwhile leans over closer to get a closer look at the picture in the book Pippy is reading. She asks for Pippy to flip back to the list of names, she stops at one and looks at Soj and then looks back at it. Pippy then asks her if she minds sharing her thoughts with her and Yatish says no. Pippy then internally asks her to share and Yatish says that she will share her thoughts if Pippy answers truthfully about whether or not she would have saved Snow. PIppy says that she wasn't going to because Baoth told her not to go there but then this wish thing happened and she had to test it and on a whim said Snows name and then when Snow appeared with his body and soul disconnected and that weird mechanicle man she had to use the final spells to correct that. Yatish then says she'll give her thoughts if PIppy tells Snow this to his face. Reluctently Pippy agrees.   As she agrees, Karis's friend Bob gets dropped out of the sky naked and belly flops into the sand. Zandro asks if he's alive and PIppy wakes up Wi Po to go check on him. Wi Po goes over and tends to him, makes sure he's alive and comfortable and then goes over to the coffee pot and dumps it out and makes tea instead. He also gets rid of Soj's coffee beans so they can't be made any more. Boblin the Goblin helps Wi Po out. Karis and Snow come back. Wi Po explains that he's resting and is now making food for the rest of us. Karis says that makes sense.   Pippy then goes over to Snow and tells him that Baoth commanded her to leave his soul in the realm where it was instead of getting his soul back into his body as he didn't want her or the party in that realm. She explains that him coming back is an accident as she was testing out her wish spells and then was met with the situation that appeared of his soul and body sperated and the mechancial cfraeture holding his soul so she used her final wishes on him instead of bringing Lehroth back. Snow goes quiet and asks Pippy to leave so she heads back to the group.   Yatish then asks Karis to go and check on the pirates, no reason - she was just curious if she'd do it. Karis runs over there and sees the pirates partying on the boat. Karis is just taking in this show of drunken debachery. Yatish thenturns to Pippy says that she wants the Minithrul book that Pippy has and Pippy declares that it's a no from her. Yatish threatens her life and Pippy laughs at the threat declaring her life means nothing. She explains that the group wants to get rid of her every other day, she lost the love of her life. And she declares she needs a better deal. Yatish flips a coin to see if she will be nice, in this moment Pippy makes herself invisible to run away but Karis counterspells her, amused by all of this. Yatish then says she will let Pippy talk to Lehroth. This catches her attention and she rebuttles with another deal, let her read the book until moring then she'll hand over the book in exchange to talk to Lehroth. Yatish agrees but says that she will want one more thing from Pippy to be declared in the morning. Pippy agrees and begins reading.   Meanwhile Snow walks by the group and doesn't look at anyone and just says he's going to bed, PIppy calls out and says that he hope he sleeps well and that it was good talking to him. Yatish then says that this is a good vacation and then says that she finds it odd that PIppy hasn't spoken to Baoth recently. Pippy says that she has, most recently while we played truth or dare. Pippy reveals that Baoth asked her to ask Yatish a truth and to make it count so PIppy asked her who she'd fuck, marry, kill in the group. Yatish then goes silent and opens up a portal and leaves declaring she'll be back in the morning for the book.   Lee walks slowly over to us. The moment he gets close to us Zandro and Wi Po's haert rates go up a bit. Suddenly the pirates are shooting things out of the cannon, including Karis. Karis eventually is shot over to the group who also faceplants into the sand. Karis murmurs into the sand "Im good" and gives a thumbs up. Wi Po goes over and helps her up and heals her a bit. Wi Po then hands out food and drinks and when he gets to Pippy she suggests that he check in on Snow as he may need a friend who isn't her. Wi Po checks in Snow and hangs out with him for the night.

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