Session 61 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 61

*** Live Notes ***   Morning comes and Soj is making coffee, stuffing oranges into his pot. It smells strangly delicious but we all know not to trust it. Snow is hanging out at the bar, looking depressed. Boblin the Goblin is also just hanging out. Karis walks up to Snow who is sitting at the bar, nursing a mug of something. Karis pops up next to him and nudges him in the ribs and encourages him to not be so down. Snow asks why and Karis asks why they are down. Snow plays it off that he's tired and then Karis calls bullshit. Snow sighs and asks if Karis is there to talk or drink and Karis says both. She then calls out to the bartender and asks for a midlevel, morning alcholoic beverage and the bartender then pours a bottle of liquor into a coffee pot and hands it to Karis, tastes like Jaeger and coffee. Snow asks if Karis wants something and she mentions that he looked lonely so she though she'd come see him at the bar. She then asks if Snow has any orders since he's the leader and Snow says to go try whatever is in Soj's coffee pot. Snow then mentions that the only clean thing that comes from him is the Snowball to which Karis is intrigued. Zandro walks up at that time and jumps into the conversation as well. Karis stands up, salutes him with the coffee pot in hand, and runs off. SNow leans into Zandor and discusses taking this as far as he can, and they start to ponder up a fake mission for her. Karis makes their way over to Soj, pot in hand, and asks for the beverage and for it to be dumped into her coffee pot she's holding. Soj explains that this is a specially crafted drink and needs to be poured into something clean. SHe downs her drink and offers the pot again to which SOj pours the mystery beverage into and she begins to drink it.   Uraim and Thydrom traveled through the night to get to the Frostfalls and arrive at the gather of kings queens and other royalties. Uraim transfers back into their human form and suggests that they play off that he's Thydrom's servant. He suggests to Thydrom to be honest about what happened with his dad and then asks if he wants a shot. Thydrom says they'll take several. They approach and THydrom is given the side eye by someone who walks by. Thydrom gives a judgey look back. Uraim then suggests a safe word in case anything goes awry tonight, and suggests cucumber. This is the most flustered Thydrom has ever seen Uraim be. It's clear he is uncomfortable around so many nobles. The meeting itself is held outside in a circular pit with a giant table in the middle. The table is a makeshift tree stump, the chairs seem like thrones and a lot of effort was put into these seats. Thydrom sees the one that looks him up and down smirking at him, looking down on Thydrom. He is wearing one article of clothing. He makes his way over to the throne with his family's crest on it and Uraim stands behind him. There is a warforged in attendance who's throne is the biggest. When everyone takes their seats he stands up on the table and begins to do a role call, kingdom by kingdom. Eventually they get to Thydrom's family and silence takes over as they ask who Thydrom is. Thydrom explains that he is there in place of his father and that he doesn't know if he's ok. He then explains that he's the next in line. The man that was eyeing him up continues to eye him up. The warforged then declares that everyone is accounted for and then stops at the elf that's been looking Thydrom up and down. He declares that he didn't have him on there and the elf explains that they are part of a new kingdom but he did receive the invitation from him and he obliged. The warforged seems a little flustered trying to figure out who this is and finally asks for a name. The name given is Latholas from the Kingdom of Theriatis. The warforged introduces themselves as 5. They go on to explain they had to call everyone here due to a big issue, there is a problem with bringing people back to life. Resurections are not working, healing isn't working as well as it should and this is causing people to panic. 5 proposes a treaty to prevent wars from happening until this is solved. The issue is that some of these kingdoms may not get along. He explains that this is a problem and if anyone has any news to please explain. Behtrynna then raises her hand and asks if resurections are no good and your dead for good? The warforged says yes and she continues "It sounds like someone got a hold of an artifact". THe table begins to murmur about this, calling it a fairytale. SHe explains that she knows they exist and that a group of people have been looking for these artifacts and that one of them is right here, and then she calls out Thydrom. He says "Yes." and everyone looks over at him. She continues to question "what happened to this artifact?". He turns it back on her and says she should know as he reported it to her. She then explains that the artifact in question actually came from his kingdom. He explains the King had it and was killed in a duel. Bethrynna continues to poke at it. She explains that if someone is infused with an artifact it is illegal to kill them. She proposes that they find the individuals that have these artifacts and try to extract them to get people back to their everyday lives. Thydrom explains that the one that Raui had was extracted from her. Bethrynna explains that this is not how they work at all and that he should have studied more in school. Bethrynna proposes that we should have a treaty - that none of us should be forthright to let the legends of these artifacts be known. She then calls out King Galgimus about how he no longer has his artifact and that it was never infused with him. This continues as she continues to push Thydrom into a corner about these artifacts and his involvment with them. He then spots someone nearby in a black hood.. could it be AStral?   Back at the beach - Karis is drinking this drink that Soj made. They finish the drink ad realize that this is coffee and oranges, but someone he's allowed this to ferment that it's aclholic. Karis is fine, but if someone drank too much they'd feel it. Karis ask Soj how much they made and Soj shows it's the coffee pot that is full. Karis goes to dump it "on accident" by tilting it with their staff, it starts to pour into the fire and then BOOM a busrt happens as the can itself is on fire. It now smells like burnt oranges. Soj pours it all out and tries to make more and Karis then asks about Yalda again and if Soj is against her or not. Soj decides to wait for everyone before going into things and asks where Wi Po and Pippy are. Wi Po is in the kitchen, cooking food and the staff there just think he's a new hire, not realizing that he's only cooking food for his party. They keep giving him a jar of honey every time he asks and he;s gotten quite the pile of honey jars accumilated. So much that Soj has begun to expirment with coffee and honey now. He's contemplating adding lime into it and Zandro snaps on him to stopmixing citrus into it. Karis then suggests he cleans the pot and SOj explains that it's indestructable and that he's superstitious about cleaning it. Pippy meanwhile has been near the fire this whole time, just silently reading the book. Soj then decides it's time to talk and asks Karis if Yalda is really their god and Karis says yes. Soj asks about Pippy and she finally speaks up, she's been speed reading this whole time trying to get as much of the book read as possible before Yatish shows up. Soj is uncomfortble to hear that Yatish is coming back and suggests waking up the boat crew and getting ready to leave.   Snow and Zandro keep plotting and decide to send Karis on a misson to find the legendary honey and to trick her into getting a tattoo of a bear. Snow then calls for Karis and says he has a task for her thats super secret - but they will talk about it on the boat and that this job is just for Karis and that it'll be the most important mission given yet. Karis says they haven't given any missions yet and Snow then says that this is the most imporant mission he'll ever give.   Pippy then hears a portal open up next to her and she sighs. She continues reading and then gets a few pats on the shoulder and then she looks up expecting to see Yatish and the voice says "its time". Standing there in the portal is Xemeria - Stifles daughter. Pippy is confused as to why she's there and she explains that she is there to bring back an item. Pippy asks who sent her and she says it's Yatish. Pippy then tries to barter to carry the book with her to Yatish so she can get payment from Yatish as she's concerned that Yatish isn't there and she doesn't want to get stiffed for her payment. She agrees and then right as they are about to walk into the portal she hits Pippy with a spell, pushing her away and damaging her. She reveals herself to be the fake Soj and makes her way to the portal. Pippy runs after her and then casts blight on this shape shifter screaming "this is for Lehroth". Karis is hauling ass towards him with her staff to try and smack them but they dodge out of the way, swiping the attack off to the side. Snow and Zandro see this commotion and try to wake up Momo, the only dragon left on the beach. Fake Soj looks at us and says "are we doing this here? Is there where you die?". He takes his hood off and says "I guess we'll settle this here".   Thydrom, back at night with the meeting of leaders, asks Bethrynna if they should try to speak to someone that is dead by bringing her someone to kill. She agrees and then he instead uses planar ally to talk to Yalda to summon Yatish to help him prevent Bethrynna from interfeiring with Yalda's plans. She asks if he is asking her to send someone to kill Bethrynna. He eventually says yes and that it's up to Yatish but he knows she's capable. Yalda agrees to send Yatish on one condition - the next artifact you come across, tell her before someone takes it. He agrees and she thanks him as a portal opens up, Yalda is in the shawdows of this portal as Yatish walks through, who is covered in a purple aura. She looks around and sees Thydrom and he fills her in on whats happened that Bethrynna wants to prove that we can't speak to the dead or deceased. He says that Bethrynna has agreed to fight to the death and Yatish says "did you now?" and summons a blade in her hand and asks if we are doing this here. Bethrynna is upset by this that he's trying to bend the rules. Bethrynna then says let's calm down and what if I told you I have an artifact. Thydrom says she's not the only one with an artifact so the odds are even. He continues to press into her "Are you saying you're not strong enough to defeat Yatish?". Yatish cracks her neck and says "so are we doing this here?". Bethrynna says "you brought up the dead and talking to one, I have someone here who is dead. Would you like to talk to him?" Thydrom messages Yatish and says "kill her". Yatish raises her hand and runs in towards Bethrynna, while messaging Thydrom "I want a fight out of this". She swings her waepon at Yatish and we see a figure run out and put his arm out to stop this weapon. This creature, this being, looks familiar but it's not quite what Thydrom remembers. He sees this face and he notices that it's Pangead. THeir entire body is made out of metal and an oath smelted into them. Behtrynna says "this is a dragon forged" and Pandjed pushes Yatish off, looks at Thydrom and titls it's head and says "I have been reborn, because of Bethrynna I"ve been given a second chance and I will kill all that oppose". Uraim then gets up and stands in front of Thydrom and says that it's goinna fight him. As this happens the elf from earlier begins to clap. He says that this is marvelous and asks if the counsels are always like this. Thydrom says they are when he's around. The elf starts to point out who has an artifact. Bethrynna and Yatish start to go at it, the elf pays him no mind. He continues "we just fight over artifacts taht are ancient?" Thydrom explains that the artifacts need to be destroyed so the magic can return to what it once was. He continues - only an artifact can destroy an artifact. He explains that the resurection artifact doesn't work because the person who wields it choses it not to work so they must destroy it. The elf asks what one Thydrom has and he says he has the one that controls water. The elf asks about Bethrynna's and Yatish's. Panjed is fighting Uraim and Thydrom temporarily banishes him to another realm. Bathrynna just yells "shit" as that happens. Thydrom continues to explain that someone took the artifact from Raui, and that he suspects it's Astral as he's trying to collect the artifacts to ascend to godhood and that our paty is trying to stop it. The elf says that he hears him and that he likes that and begins to ponder. He then says he'd like to talk to Thydrom at a different date as he thinks they will be useful to one another but now is not the place, he glances over to Bethrynna who is currently getting her ass handed to her by Yatish. The elf asks where Thydrom is planning on going next, but takes a piece of his hair and hands it to Thydrom saying it'll help him find him when it's time. The elf says goodbye, turns around and walks away. Bethrynna is on the ground, bloodied, Yatish has some marks on her ask well. Bethrynna says "are we done" as Yatish looks down on her and says "no" and swings at Bethrynna. The moment she swings there is a slice, and Yatish falls to the ground, holding onto her throat as this being in the hood walks over. He walks over, looks at everyone, takes off his hood, and it's Astral. He comes up to Thydrom and says "I want to talk".

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