Session 64 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 64

*** Live Notes ***   Snow and Karis are holding down the fake Soj and PIppy comes out from Wi Po's legs and walks over to fake Soj. She grabs his face and whispers at him in abysal about how pathetic he was for thinking he could kill the group. She then kills him and turns him into her undead half-lehroth puppet minion who only army crawls with his one arm. She calls him her pet. Before he passes his spirit comes out, purple with gold eyes, and looks like a halfling and says "I hope you're ready for this".   Meanwhile Zandro is still collapsed on the ground and Vaan appears in a portal, see the comotion outside and retreats to the bar. She steps on him by accident getting to the bar, makes herself a drink and asks Zandro if he wants a drink. He just groins at her and Karis asks for one. Vaan then treats Zandro bringing him out of his stunned effect and makes two more drinks.   Pippy turns her attention to the party and discuss what took place, and that her pet has an artifact. They decide what to do with it and decide to let Pippy keep an eye on it since it's her "pet" that has it. She then talks about putting a leash on her pet or turning him into a backpack. Then the genie pops up and reminds her she has 7 days to find his ship or people die and she turns into a genie. SHe sighs and heads over to the bar to join everyone else, her pet Lehroth crawling after her.   When she arrives Karis points out the purple mamoth with gold eyes that is still lingering around and asks if she can fight it and Pippy commands her pet to allow it. Snow goes behind the bar to grab a half barrel and Vaan takes it from him and Snow growls at her. Vaan says he should be happy that he was brought back. Snow is still in werewolf form and Vaan says she can't talk to him when he's like that so he detransforms, coughing as he does it. He then starts to discuss the fight and asks Pippy WTF about her pet and then realizes that it's possible this guy was also the fake Yatish. Pippy asks the pet Snow's questions and discovers that he worked for the fake Soj for 160 days and that this was the fake Yatish. The conversation turns to how Snow is back and alive and Pippy chimes in that he's only alive for 7 days unless PIppy finds his boat. Snow, Karis, and Thydrom are all at risk of dying.   Vaan is shocked by all of this and is iritated that Pippy found herself in another dangerous contract. Pippy explains everything to her and says we have to go back to Grandia, Zandro mentions that we also need to kill Bethrynna. Vaan mentions that Yatish and Bethrynna fought eachother at the Frostfalls and both of them got really beat up. She then says that both were taken by a dark elf (Astral). We then start talking about all of the tasks we have to do and Pippy creates a list while the group shouts things out (including some ice cream, a request from Karis while they had the mammoth in a headlock). Other items are to find Wi PO's friend, get the book to bring people back, go to the mountains and to the desert, find a boat, etc.   The conversation then turns to the books as it's reminded to Pippy that she has to return them. SHe then discusses how the knowledge book is very similar to her Baoth book but different (namely no voice of a god attached to it), and mentions the list of ancestors. Vaan sees her ancestor is named Lock and exsisted 7,000 years ago. We discuss this more and a thought comes to mind, how can Astral and Uraim be that old and we know that Uraim is a dragon and we wonder if Astral is too. We wonder is Uraim would know and add that to our list. Pippy suggests that we go to Grandia still to get the boat and Snow wonders if his cat he left at fake Soj's is ok (it's unknown) but then Pippy has a thought about the location and wonders if there are tunnels that lead to other places like the one to the feywild.   Karis has returned with his buddy's armor (who we are now calling Joe) for him from the dragon. Karis asks what we're talking about and Gallax fills her in and mentions the boat is named the SS Soft Herb (Vaan hears it as soft turd) and Karis offers to look into the boat situation. We then discuss how we are getting back to Grandia and Pippy asks Karis to talk to the pirates about the boat since they have a good relationship with them. We then wonder where the real Soj has gone to and we remember they were making another batch of coffee. He pops up and talks about the coffee he was making and then asks what the hell that is (motioning to Pippy's new pet).   Meanwhile Karis is going to Joe's cabin and goes to his bed to wak him up by sitting on him. Joe is in rough shape, all his bones are cracked, but Karis lets him know that she got his armor back. Karis also mentions that they are seeking solitude so they can speak with their god. She asks about the boat and Yalda does know them and knows about the boat and asks why Karis was seeking it. Karis then mentions how if they don't find the boat they will likely die due to the "little shit" aka Pippy. Yalda asks them "do you fear death" Karis says not in the slightest "Then why are you bent on finding this boat to ask for my help?" Karis responds with "if I do die then who will save my family?" the last one "what does this group of people mean to you, would you kill for them or would you let them die if it meant saving your own skin? A general answer will suffice." Karis says that she'd let them die. Yalda says that Soft Herb is in the ocean about 30 fathoms deep at the moment and coming back to the top as it recently stopped at the kingdom of galvas. BUt by the time we get to the ocean floor we will have missed them, the best bet is to figure out where their location is going - specifically go to Grandia and talk to a captain there and listen to the captain as there are other eyes and ears that will take you off that beaten path. If you do listen to those others, it may take you off this chance. She then asks Karis if there are any other questions and Karis says no. She then asks Karis for a favor - she whispers something to her and ends the connection to her. Joe is still laying there spread eagle. Karis leaves him there and shuts the door, as she does she hears him move and he falls off the bed and mentions to herself that he really embodies her 7th commandment as he is not weak.   Back at the cabana Soj is talking about his coconut coffee with star fruit he made. Vaan threatens to kick it over, Karis says they'd rather drink one of Zandro's poisons. Pippy decides she will try the coffee and Soj pours her some. Karis is nudging Zandro because they did agree to giving her a poison to drink and Zandro pulls out a pink poison and Karis chugs it. Nothing happens other than a tingly feeling in their eyes and nose. The poison turned into a gas the moment it touches the air. Karis is dissapointed and asks for something else Zandro steps out of the cloud and Soj asks what they are doing and mentions that the poison blinds you. Karis says they can see just fine. Soj has been filling up Pippy's mug this whole time and it overflows. He then pours one for Wi Po and a mini one for Zandro. Its very diluted and watered down coffee and it just tastes not great. Soj then inquires about Pippy's new pet and she explains who it was and that it has an artifact. This concerns Soj and he decides he needs to do some research on this, picks a few hairs off of him and then retreats to the boat. THe rest of the party follows.   On the boat we see Korin, the big dragon who is chipper as can be. The Aarakrocka is laying on the ground next to him passed out. Marge is also up on the boat with her bag and she is drunk, leaning up against her big bag. The captain comes out and does a head count to ensure everyone is on the boat. Karis then thanks her for shooting her out of the cannon. The captain asks where we are going and we say Grandia so we can go find the SS Soft Herb and Gallax pops up. The captain is disapointed to see them and calls thema little creeton. Zandro and Pippy explain the ordeal.   On the boat Zandro spends his time in seclusion and has a conversation in private with Astral. He fills in Astral what the runes on the arm were and hands him a paper with the runes drawn out. He explains that the arm did survive and that a dragon is currently doing research on the arm. THe arm was warforged and it peaked the dragon's interest. He then explains that they have an artifact and that the shapeshifter currently has it. Zandro explains that he's kinda dead and explains that the necromancer is currently in control of them. He also mentions that they are headed back to Grandia and explains the situation with Gallax. He also mentions how the shape shifter came to the island to get the book. Astral says that this is very useful information and then asks what Zandro seeks. Zandro asks how old Astral is because his name was listed in the dragon's book as being associated with the artifact. Astral asks what Zandro wants to know, how old he is or if he's in the book. Astral says to just ask what he wants to ask and ask outright. Zandro asks if he was there when the artifacts were created to which AStral says no. He explains that his ancestor helped to create them to stop a god. Zandro mentions that they met Yalda and the goddess of truth. Zandro says that the book of Baoth and the dragon book are similar but different, like a story told from two different perspectives. Astral then asks Zandro a question "If you let me look at that book, I shall not only tell you where the boat is you are searching for, I will assist you - all of you - in getting it and stopping whatever creatures are on that boat. And as a sign of good faith, I will tell you where that boat is and I can track it for you. But you must not tell the others where you got this from and I will do my best to hide that I am helping. Do we have a deal?" Zandro says yes and Astral holds out his hand to shake on it to which Zandro does. As they shake, he leans in and says that "they are currently leaving the Galgas kingdom and that they shall be going along their own path, they are seeking trade. YOu have 24 hours to let me see that book and if you do not let me see that book I will end you and I will make it look like an accident. Or, for shits and giggles, maybe I"ll attack someone else."   At the top of the boat Snow is trying to talk to Heena but it isn't going anywhere. PIppy is leaning on her pet reading the book she got from the dragons, Vaan is leaning on Nyla reading as well with her. Karis sees this and makes Joe lay down and sits on him wanting to join the leaning on the pet party. Korin is walking around getting people drinks and gives Karis some tea, some water for Nyla, some for Marge too cause she hasn't stopped drinking. Karis mentions that they need to talk to their mother and gets up, ordering Joe to hold her tea when it arrives. Snow comes over and Karis offers him her seat (aka Joe) and Snow declines. Karis wanders to the front of the boat and pulls out a sending stone to talk to their mother.

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