Session 65 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 65

*** Live Notes ***   We're on the boat heading back to Grandia and Pippy is reading as much of the book as she can, taking advantage of the extra time she has with this book. Vaan is reading over her shoulder as they both snuggle their pets. Some people (Marge) are waking up from their drunken slumber.   As they are reading, they start to read about families and the name Astral shows up. We start to read about the different lineages of our party members. Pippy remembers that Snow was able to read a name in the feywild, and that the book that froze had the names of the artifacts and what they did. As they read more and more into this book, Pippy notices that some of these names are on one side and some are on another side, like they've been intentionally seperated. Pippy's family fought in this war but not on the same side. Pippy and Snow's lineage fought on one side while Zandor and Xxerick's family fought on the other side. We start to realize that this book is going over the war that happened and realizing that each side had members from this party's lineage. Pippy is able to see Astral's name on her side. Karis is nearby observing us and notices the name of this book. Vaan is trying to find her family's name. Vaan finds her family's name also on Pippy's and Snow's side with Astral. Pippy sees a name that hits her, on the other side with Zandro and Xxerik she sees the name Bethrynna. It's written a little differently as Beth'ry'anna. She notices with this name that it says that she was a bearer of an artifact but gave it to a college uncerimoniously. Karis is still obsreving and starts to ask about the names we are seeing and Pippy rambles about how the are split and Karis starts to look for their family name but they are looking at it upsidedown and asks to see it and Pippy acts suprised that she can even read but hands over the book.   Meanwhile Vaan is asking Pippy about the names and Pippy learns that Vaan is also listed on the Astral side and gets excited about the connection. Karis is flipping through the book while this is going on and Pippy is egging her on about reading which is making Karis overwhelemed. What the group doesn't know is that Karis is looking for something specific. Karis looks over and sees Snow walking around with a big glass of mead, like he's looking for someone.   Snow is looking for Wi Po cause he has made a concotion, a honey brewed mead. Something he's been trying to make for a while and he think he's finally perfected this. He comes up to the group asking if we've ween Wi Po and Pippy siggests looking in the kitchen. Karis asks Snow if they have any orders. Snow is confused and Karis says that they said they were the leader and Pippy gives Snow a look as he scuttles away.   Snow finds Wi Po who is in fact in the kitchen and and mentions that he made a special drink just for Wi Po. He mentions that he's making one for everyone but not to share that information cause he doesn't want people to think that he's nice. SNow is very nervous as he hands it over and says "hope you like it!". Wi Po takes a sip and says that it's very tasty and asks if he'd like to help in the kitchen. Snow agrees and asks if he can just make drinks and Wi Po says that there are no rules in his kitchen other than be nice to eachother. Snow then offers to share stories and then says he'll likely talk his ear off. Snow begins to tell him about his bartending stories at Soj's tavern. A story about someone who said they were a detective, another about how someone claimed he was their father, etc. They are having this lovely bonding experience while sharing stories. Snow then starts passing out the food and beverages that they've been making (except to Marge who is very hungover still). Grandia is fast approaching.   Karis is still looking at the book and the boat starts to rock a little and shake. Something under the boat starts to move and everyone starts to sway as a wave is coming. Karis keep's their footing and looks up and see's Marge falling toward her and they smack into her knocking the book down. The book is now sliding all over the deck. Pippy sees this and makes a grab for it but looses her balance. Vaan also sees this and leans over and grabs it. The wave was not a normal wave and Vaan senses this and puts the book into her bag for safe keeping. Pippy is ok with this and suggests she's ok since they are now "besties". Karis dives into the water while this is happening and Marge, who was leaning on her, falls in after her. Karis can see something swimming away, she's unsure what it is, some sort of claw or foot swimming away from her.   The boat is calm and Marge is trying to climb back up, Karis is still in the water back stroking while Marge says "you could of held me" and Karis just tells her to fuck off. Pippy is looking over the ledge asking what happened and the Owlbear dives into the water while Karis yells "puppy!!!" and the owlbear does a belly flop. Marge is back in the water. Marge swears to never drink with us again and Zandro says they learned that the first time. Heana comes stopping around angry about everyone in the water and orders the crew to drop anchor so they can retreive Marge and the owlbear. Karis just flies up and starts wringing themselves out. 30 minutes later we reach the dock in Grandia. Heana then goes to find Soj who apparently was in the captain's cabin and Heana is yelling at him and pushing him out. He's got some vials in his hand and reaks of super strong coffee beans. She then yells for us to get off the boat and Pippy comes up to her thanking her for her service and that we are a super helpful group of people. She leans into Pippy and whispers into her ear "get the satchel off of Soj's left side". Pippy then messages Zandor asking for his assitance to grab that satchel for her. Zandro agrees as long as Pippy gets a copy of the notes that Snow has that Snow hasn't shared yet. Pippy doesn't know about the papers but agrees to help. Her little pet flops off the boat and lands on the red stain from Ra's blood.   Snow asks what we're doing first and Pippy mentions that she needs to look into the boat but also wants to stop off to the college too. Snow is dismayed by this and Pippy reassures him. Vaan gives the book back to Pippy. Karis is dragging his buddy Joe off the boat with her. Vaan is confused as to why we're going to Ale Storm and Pippy reminds them that we need to talk to people to find the boat. Zandro then says that he may know where to find the boat. Pippy asks how he knows and Snow gets sassy and asks if Zandro's been talking to Baoth or to "Katniss's" god. Zandro is vague about the details of who gave him the information and plays it off that he overheard them. Zandro explains roughly where the boat is located - that is recently left Grandia and is going towards a cold place, north of the Galgus kingdom. Close to wher Wi Po's friend was/is. Snow assumes that Zandro heard this at the hotel we were recently at. Vaan suggests we supply up for the cold while we're here. Zandro also suggest we grab our stuff from the Feywild.   Snow asks where we are going and that we should stick together and Vaan wanders off on her own towards Thug Denny's. Karis chases after her. Snow sighs and then suggests the rest of us stick together. Zandro suggests we find out where the spider put our stuff and so we head off to talk to our favorite guards. Pippy is walking and reading at the same time.   Snow is asking us where we want to go and waht we want to do, we decide to find Tedd and Geomafrey to see if they know where the spider left the items for us. Pippy nudges Zandro to speak and he mentions that we are looking for our items from the spider from the feywild and Geomafrey becokons us to follow him to the church and says we will talk in the chapel. He says that there are items for each of us and goes through his pants pocket, pulls out a paper and starts doing role call. He lists Pippy, Snow, Wi Po, Raui (who's dead so he scratches her name off), Thydrom (who's alive but not here), Xerikk, Gum Gum, Vaan (who's at Thug Dennys), Ra (who is also unfortunetly dead and he scratches off) and then says he is done calling names and just asks Zandro who he is and ignores everyone else. Our stuff is in the College and we have to talk to someone and say a secret word "You like honey?" and they will resopnd with "I am the milkman". They will have our stuff. He mentions that he's been missing his friend, Tedd, and that he's been covering their shifts. He passes on a message to us to have Vaan meet him at sundown in the place that only they know about. Snow then asks why Pippy is there at the chapel and she mentions that she wanted to visit a certain shrine to ask about the book she's been reading and how it compares to her Baoth book. Snow sighs at this and asks if they can come with and Pippy agrees that everyone can come with.   Vaan and Karis arrive at Thug Denny's and Vaan stops at the door blocking Karis from coming in. Vaan asks Karis to stay outside cause this place is for regulars only and Karis agrees as long as Vaan brings her a pastry thats filled with something delicious. Karis then chat's with their buddy as Vaan goes inside. She's greeted with the bugbear who is the only one there and Vaan asks for a pastry that's filled with something weird in it. The bugbear goes into the back and grabs two pastries that are donut shaped and comes back to Vaan. The first one she warns that it'll make you feel good. SHe looks around and sees someone else in there, a man named Tin with a mustache. SHe chats with them a little and then goes outside and invites Karis in but requests their buddy, Joe, stays outside. Karis is concerned about them getting in trouble with guards so Vaan suggests tieing them up. Karis agrees, ties them up, and walks inside. She looks around and declares that this is a shitty establishment. Vaan says "wait till you try the eggs" and then sits at the counter with Karis. The bugbear (Sally) then heands them each a pastry. Sally says that if Karis does anything to this establishment she will kick them out. Karis agrees and then Sally asks Vaan what she can do for them. Vaan says she just wants to get to know whats happening in the town. Sally explains that Grandia is going through a bit of a change. She then looks at Tin and asks him to step outside for the next five minuites, walks over and locks the door, and then comes back to them. She explains that Bethrynna is not around and Vaan explains that Bathrynna and Yatish got into a fight outside of the frostfalls and that Bethrynna was being dragged away by an elf. Sally then shares the rumors. The first is that Bethrynna went away and that no news was coming from Castle Rianfall and that they think the king is dead. There has been no official updates and no one is allowed near Castle Rainfall. Karis asks if ther are any guards posted and Sally says no and that the doors are locked. Sally suggests that if we want to go there that we don't tell anyone that we want to do it and don't go in a big group as that will draw a bunch of attention. Karis asks why they shouldn't go as a big group and Sally essentially says that it's best not to be noticed. Vaan thinks about who would be best to go. Sally then goes into a story about how when she was an adventurer how she would sneak about and who was capable of sneaking. She says that sometimes you need to give people the benefit of the doubt. Karis then asks Sally if she can hug her. Sally says no and makes up excuses about food restrictions and invites Karis back after her shift. Karis locks eyes with Vaan and says that she has to come back to hug the bugbear. Vaan then asks if Sally has seen Tedd. Vaan then chugs her drink and eats the pastry along with Karis. Vaan suggests eating half of it cause they are on a mission. Karis says that Vaan is now her friend and that she can't be showing weakness in front of her. Vaan is adamant about eating only half and Karis and her fight until Sally agrees with Vaan and Karis agrees to let Vaan eat her half while Karis eats the full and that Karis will force feed it to Vaan at a later time. Vaan explains that she doesn't want to be drunk and Karis is surprised that it's boozy and just eats the whole thing. Vaan eats half and throws the other half in her bag. They both bite into their pastry and it's jelly - like a jelly shot (not to be confused with a jello shot). Both are feeling good and tipsy.   Meanwhile everyone else goes to the top of the chapel and we see this priest. Pippy knows them, it's the priest of Baoth she met so long ago. The priest agrees to chat with them and Snow says he doesn't know if he can trust Baoth and Pippy says that she hasn't killed Snow because of him, just harmed him a little. SNow shows his leg where some hair has yet to grow back from Pippy's failed attempt to kill him and she waves her hand over his leg and repairs it and he glares at her for it (she used necromancy to repair it). She then asks the priest about the ties between the two books she has and starts to point out all the similarities. THe priest listens and then says that Baoth will provide her (and the group) with one freebie question and Pippy asks who the entity is that failed to achieve godhood and Baoth speaks through the priest and says that the person who failed to achive godhood is Uraim. Pippy is stunned by this, Snow is still looking at the book and doesn't hear any of this. Pippy then paces back and forth muttering to herself about all of this and that it wasn't the answer she was expecting. Wi Po, Snow, and Zandro are against Baoth and all he stands for. Pippy asks another question, directly ot the priest this time, and asks if Yalda can be trusted but the priest has never heard of that god. Lastly Pippy thanks them for the information, then sends a message to them asking if people can br brought back from the dead from Baoth and the priest says that Baoth has that power. Pippy mutters to him that she thinks the cost must be great but the priest says that if she stays on the path she is on, Baoth has been known to reward his followers with a gift that doesn't cost a favor. Snow then says he wants to ask the priest of question then second guesses himself and then leaves. Pippy asks him what thats about and then Snow says he will show her and walks out.

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