Session 66 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 66

*** Live Notes ***   Snow is sitting impatiently at the exit of the church waiting to leave, Pippy comes up and suggests that we head to the college next to collect the items the spider left behind for us. Waiting outside of the college is Na'raam, clad in armor, guarding the entrance. She informs us that the college is closed for renovations. Pippy admits that they are there to collect items and Na'Raam silently speaks to someone and determines that we're telling the truth and lets us in the college. As Pippy passes she says that of course she was telling the truth cause she always tells the truth - to which Snow rolls his eyes at. Pippy asks who we should go see but the doors shut before the words can come out.   Pippy suggests to the group that we have free range of the place and as she says that someone walks up, a little Kobold knight. She counts out heads and then greets us and informs us that she's Lily. She says that she's our guide to show us where to go and explain how things have changed. As we get further in, we can see that the middle section of the college first floor has been torn down with a spiriling staircase heading down into the catacombs. Apparently Hapicord is not allowing new people in the college until he can trust them and to keep them from getting lost in the abyss. Lily then asks us who has our items and we explain the spider had them and she gets intrigued, asking about the big spider. Pippy says that they know everything and Lily asks if they know the future and Pippy says that it seemed like it. Lily then becons us to follow her down the stairs and Pippy, Wi Po, Snow, and Zandro follows.   Back at Thug Denny's, Vaan and Karis are in the restuarant. The bartender/chef, Sally, is talking to Vaan and Karis is staring off into space. Sally snaps their fingers in front of Karis's face to get their attention. She says that she was lost in thought after the mention of sneaking around. They are talking about breaking into the castle since no one has been able to get in there. Vaan doesn't want Karis inside for fear of her being too loud so she suggest she stays outside as a distraction. Karis is excited by this since it means she gets to be the distraction and beat everyone up. Vaan suggests taking Zandro with them since he's sneaky and Karis says that "Uncle Zandro" is very sneaky. Sally suggests that Vaan takes her entire group and she declines stating that she only likes 4 of them. Sally chuckles and says that they remind her of her old group, which was Uraim and Stifle and an elf person. Karis mentions the last elf she saw was eatne. Vaan says that "Uncle Zandro is an elf" and Karis is shocked (she hadn't noticed before). It's safe to say the donuts they ate have kicked in. Karis then does a random backflip, landing it perfectly as Vaan calls for another beer. The door to this place then opens up, in walks in Skywatcher. Karis gets excited and says "ooo you look big" as he sits down. His beard has grown out and he's wearing more tribal attire. Vaan and Karis are drunk at this point, Vaan is staring at him thinking she's sneaky about it (but isn't). Skywatcher then says "You know I can hear you, right?" THey say "No you can't we're too sneaky, and start giggling". Sally comes back up front and Skywatcher asks for the usual and Sally goes and starts cooking him up some eggs.   Skywatcher then looks at Vaan and says "you don't remember me do you?" She says "Ohhhh I do.. you're cloudlooker, right?" He corrects her and she asks what's wrong with him. He says he went on a journey but he doesn't think she's in the right state of mind to remember it. Vaan explains to Skywatcher that she never talked to him much, just watched him, nudging Karis and giggling as their donuts kick in harder. Karis says she's more sober than Vaan and does another backflip but this time she smacks her head off the ground. Skywatcher is just staring at them both as they explain they had donuts. Skywatcher then asks if the rest of the group is here and Vaan explains that they don't know about this place. He then asks if they are in Grandia and Vaan says she doesn't really know as they always are off doing their own thing and they always get seperated but somehow always end up back together. SAlly comes out with his food and Skywatcher says "if anyone asks, you haven't seen me". Karis is still on the ground giggling and Vaan says that she see's him though. Skywatcher gets up to leave and Vaan appologies and asks him to come back and asks why he looks so awful. Skywatcher says it's different, not awful. Karis says she think's he looks good and smacks his muscles. Skywatcher asks if she's hitting on him and she bluntly says yes.   Skywatcher continues to explain - he went out to find out more about his ancestors after the incident with Bimp Knoton. Vaan says that she wasn't there cause she was hanging out with her buddy Geomafrey and her best friend Tedd. Karis says "I thought I was your best friend" and Vaan tells her that she's too loud. Skywatcher says "Tedd is your best friend?" and she explains that she stole money from him and they bonded over it and he went missing. Skywatcher sits back down and orders more food. Vaan asks Sally to get him a donut and Skywatcher says make it 2 and then Karis offers to buy a 3rd. Skywatcher grabs all three donuts, smashes them together, and eats them like a sandwich. He looks at them and asks what brings them here. Karis says they are there to fuck shit up. Vaan then goes into chatting about how she read a book about ancestors (the book Pippy has been reading) and she asks if Skywatcher's ancestors were in the war. Skywatcher asks about the book and where she read it. Vaan explains she was on a boat and a little menance has the book. She then asks Skywatcher what he learned about his "grand pappy's" and he says he hasn't learned much. Vaan suggests he go find the menance to look at the book to learn more about her ancestors. Karis stands up suddenly and proclaims they forgot something and that they have to go find the other group and runs out, leaving their companion Joe behind. Vaan and Skywatcher are befuddled by this but let it be. Joe is trying to cath up but is too sore to move but keeps trying. Vaan orders Nyla to get Joe to keep him from leaving and Nyla pounces on him, causing him a bit more pain.   Back at the college the grou pis making their way down the long staircase to the bottom. When we get down there, we see some dwarves there and they look familiar, wearing apparel of the Frostfell Mountains. They are surveying the land and then we see Hapicord who is huncehd over a table staring at some papers and drawings of stones. Clearly he's been busy doing research. There is a giant chest near him and he is buried into his research. Lily says "Hey!" trying to get Hapicord's attention and it isn't working so she tosses a rock at him. He sees us and greets us cautiosly, surprised to see us. Pippy says that she's pleased to see that he's making use of the new space. He then gestures to the chest and says he has items for us.   Pippy gets a bubble pipe, it blows bubbles that burst and make a giant fog cloud or the bubble can be used to misty step somewhere else, or use it to summon a steam mephit. Zandro gets a pair of gloves, gloves of theivery. Anything that is trying to be stolen or picking locks will help him suceed at it. Wi Po gets a necklace with a bunch of random beads on it of various stones - one looks like a diamond, one like a moon, garnet, coral, ect. It's a necklace of prayer beads and can be used to cast bless, cure wounds, greater retoration, planar ally, branding smite, and windwalk. Snow receives a pair of boots with wings on them which help him to fly for 4 hours a day. Vaan will get a little ball, like rubberband ball made of iron. If she was to hit someone with this item, the creature will become restrained within it.   Hapicord then asks Pippy about the dead guy she's dragging around and the party explains everything that has happened in the past. Hapicord is stunned by all of this. The group then trails off talking about the next tasks they need to complete. Hapicord looses interest and goes back to his work. The group chats about finding the boat, finding the rest of the group, there is some banter back and forth between Pippy and Zandro about how he knows where the boat is and he wants to know what really happened in the ocean city and they agree to gloss over the details. Pippy mentions to Snow that she needs to copy the documents he has for the captain of the boat and Snow thinks about it. We decide after that we're going to head to the mountains to help Wi Po find Cri-Ro as well and then we make our way back upstairs, led by Lily.   Meanwhile outside Karis is talking to Na'raam trying to get in. After some chat she makes her way past the guard and comes inside. Lily is making her way up the stairs with the party as Karis sees the hole and jumps down. Lily sees this and screams and casts feather fall on Karis who is upset by this and asks to release the spell cause they can fly. She does and Karis continues to fall, faceplanting on the ground and hurting herself severely. Hapicord looks up from his work and aks "are you Karis?" and Karis croaks out a weak "yes" and crawls back up the stairs. She meets up with the party and they ask her where Vaan is and Karis doesn't know who Vaan is, but Waan they know. Snow asks where "Waan" was and Karis says that she'll go get her and heads to Thug Denny's.   Vaan has left Thug Denny's after chatting to Skywatcher a bit more. She then makes her way to the entrance to find Geomafrey and asks if he's seen Tedd and he hasn't. She starts calling him "G" to which he is isn't amused. She asks about when he was gagged and what happened to him and fills him in on what happened to her while looking for Tedd. Neither of them know where he is. She then says "Well, I should go, I'm gonna go invaid the castle". Geomafrey is stunned by this and Vaan explains that she wants to see if Tedd is in there. Geomafrey explains that once people go in they never come out and that all the doors are locked and windows are closed up, no one stands guard there. Vaan thinks it'd be a good idea to become someone else that can go into the castle and Geomafrey says "Bethrynna". Geomafrey asks what to say to her friends and she jokingly says "tell them I'm storming the castle". She is concerned about the group knowing her secret.   Karis approaches in this moment as Geomafrey says "oh looks theirs the loud one". Karis hits him for saying that and Vaan tries to step in to block it and Karis hits her instead. Karis appologies to Vaan for hitting her and then Geomafrey asks why she did that. Karis explains he said she's loud. Karis then asks if he needs a hug to which Geomafrey says no but Karis hugs them anyways. The group approaches and Karis calls out to Pippy. Vaan brings up how Skywatcher was looking for information on his ancestors and she was curious on if it was in the big book Pippy has. As her and Pippy are looking at this book they can't find any information and Karis asks to look at the book. She then asks if Pippy trusts Baoth and she says she trust him just as much as she trusts the party. Karis then says good, I needed to hear that and sets the book on fire. Pippy flips out and jumps to grab the book, taking damage, and casts a spell on Karis in retaliation. Wi Po drenches the book in 40 gallons of water putting out the fire and making the book soggy. Pippy is fully distraught by all of this and yells at everyone. Snow then asks Karis why she did that and Karis explains her god commanded it. Snow asks if Karis can talk to her god like Pippy can and Karis says she can and reaches out to see if the book was destroyed enough. Yalda is pleased and says it was destroyed enough and Karis gives the book back to Pippy by tossing it at her. She is in utter shock as she tries to grab the soggy burned book and atttempts to slip through it.   Pippy gets a tap on her shoulder and she turns around and sees Yatish standing there. Pippy hands her the book, soggy and scorched, and explains that Karis set it on fire. Yatish asks if this is true and Karis says yes. She asks her why and Karis explains that Yalda requested it and Yatish, frustrated, understands. As the group stands there Pippy hears a voice in her head. She glances over to the woods and sees a familiar lizard in robes of Baoth standing in the woods. Pippy hears in her head "My dear child, I have a favor to ask..." Pippy is intrigued and asks what it is. The voice says that this will be her biggest task yet but in return he will grant her anything she wants. She asks if that includes bringing a friend back and he says yes, that he can bring Lehroth back but she will need to complete a task that will be her hardest yet.

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