Session 68 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 68

*** Live Notes ***   We're all together in the alleyway again and we notice that the doors to Castle Rainfall are still open. The party is discussing what just happened and what they shoudl do next. Do we go and find the boat to prevent Pippy from becoming a genie and other memebers of the party dying? Or do we stay and deal with the soon-to-be-lich. The group decides to go back to Heena's boat. Pippy convinces Snow to show Heena the papers and Snow reluctantly agrees. He instructs Pippy to lead the way and she takes it as she's in charge and walks off to the boat. Snow turns around to the rest of the group and says "kill me now". Karis takes this literally and tries to punch him (laying down) but misses. Snow walks off and Karis catches up to him. She asks "Hey, can I buy a spell from you?" and Snow is confused by this question. This is when Karis shows the ring she has and Snow gives her a spell to put people to sleep for a trade to steal something for him at a later date.   We make our way to the boat, and we see the captain Heena laying on a chair with her hat on her face. It is unknown if she is asleep. Zandro knocks on the railing and says hello but nothing happens. Karis just walks onto the boat and says "what's up my bitches" but she still doesn't wake. Pippy then whispers into her mind "hellloooo we're baaaaaaaaaaack" and this jolts her awake. Karis then remembers about Joe and takes off to find him. Snow and Pippy start to talk to Heena about the paper she wants. Eventually Snow and Heena go talk in a corner and make some deal for his paper and then she comes back and agrees to let us on board and to take us to where we need to go.   Karis eventually finds Joe hanging with Geomafrey. Joe is tied up and is still trying to crawl away when Karis walks up. Joe says that he's in so much pain but he's still trying to help out. Goemafrey hands Karis the leash. The group mentally talks to Karis and Vaan asks him to pass a mesage onto Geomafrey that Tedd is not in the castle. Karis then says to him "Vaan wants me to tell you that Tedd was found decapitated in the castle" and then walks away carrying Joe. Geomafrey is dumbstruck and kicks a table over and as he does Karis turns back around and says that she was lying and that we really don't know where Tedd is. Gromafrey starts to walk off and says under his breath "I can't believe I"m about to do this". Karis message Vaan and says "Hey Vaan... I may have fibbed a little bit and it made your friend angry and now he may go do something stupid." Vaan is ticked. Snow asks to talk to Karis when she gets back, Wi Po is lecturing her telepathically. Vaan is pacing back and forth on the boat and Heena is starting to look impatient.   Karis hauls ass back to the boat. Heena asks us where we need to go and Pippy eyes up Zandor and says "YEah Zandro... where do we need to go since you somehow know where we need to go without sharing your source of this information... curious..." Zandro makes mention that Pippy has secrets too. Heena gets interested about the secrets and asks if we're handing out secrets. Pippy says that Zandro is handing them out and he dodges that. Snow jumps in and says lets put everything on the table, starting with Karis. Snow then asks Karis why Yalda wants the artifacts. Karis says that Yalda wants to round them up and destroy them. Snow asks how to destroy the artifacts when they are attached to us. We think on this and don't really know and Snow suggest we ask Yalda. Snow then turns his attention to Pippy and asks her what the last favor she did for Baoth. She thinks long and hard about it and says "I think it was when I had to attack that singer". Then the attention turns to Zandro who is still unwilling to chat about his source. Eventually the person we're waiting for, Quick, appears on board and we set sail.   Zandro says we need to head north towards the region where Wi Po's buddy is and that the boat is up in that region. Heena says it'll take about 3 1/2 hours to get there. Zandro then asks about the book and Pippy laughs about it and stares at Karis and says "SOMEBODY burned it and then we put it out and then Yatish got it back but it was wet and soggy and partially frozen." Zandro mutters under his breath and says that Pippy is going to be pissed. She says that she already is.   Fast forward a bit, some of us have retired below deck to rest our eyes briefly while we sail to our destination. Zandro wanders off to a secluded part of the ship and summons his friend, Astral. He explains that he can no longer get the book as Karis burnt it and then it was put out with water and Yatish, his daughter, now has it. Astral is confused by this concept of "daughter" but asks him what he will do then. Astral still wants that book and knows that Zandro still wants to find the boat. Astral then informs him that the boat has moved. Astral says that Zandro can do something more for him and if he does not comply, someone will die. Zandro agrees to this and makes another deal with Astral. Astral then shows him on a map where the boat is located, about an hour more to the north west. Astral then repeats himself about the consequences but adds that if he doesn't even attempt to do what has been asked of him, there will be far greater consequences than death. Astral says that he's learned soemthing and has gained the ability to control death. Before he leaves he adds one more thing - do not be upset about whats going to happen. Astral walks back towards the shadow and disappears. Zandro makes his way back upstairs and talks to Heena and sets her on course.   Karis is on the deck, sitting on Joe's chest right on his broken ribs, and calls out to her god Yalda. A portal opens up directly in front of her and she pops in but stops and grabs Joe and then the portal closes up. In the realm where Yalda is, Yalda praises Karis for fulfilling her task. Yalda then asks if what Karis needs of her and Karis asks if Yatish is angry with her. Yalda wants to know in what way, knowing that Yatish is generally annoyed and irritated. Eventually they get down to about if she is angry about the book. Yalda confirms that she is but she will get over it and it wasn't and long lasting damage to the relationship. Yalda then asks Karis if she spoke about how Yalda wants to destroy the artifacts and Karis confirms. Yalda asks if she knows why she wants to destroy the artifacts. She says that it's to ensure Astral's quest to become a god ends. She goes on to say that Artifacts cannont be destroyed simply by crushing them or throwing them into a fire. Instead each artifact has another that it can destroy and thats the only way it can be destroyed. Yalda then says that leaves one question - why there would be one artifact left after all of that. The final artifact can not be destroyed by any means outside of one possibility. This artifact is bound to their flesh and that individual must choose to sacrifice themselves to destroy the artifact. There is no other way. Yalda won't provide what artifact that is yet, but that she'll find out when the time comes. She also clarifies that to take an artifact you have to kill the weilder but it won't destroy it. Yalda then asks for a favor - keep your mind unclouded from Baoth. Karis says it valid advice but she doesn't think she could stray from her. Yalda then opens a portal up and Karis nudges Joe and instructs him to say goodbye (which he does so akwardly) and then drags him out of the portal and back to the boat.   Suddenly we are jolted to alertness as a 45 foot wave approaches the boat. Heena screams to grab something and we all try to grab something. Pippy tries to grab onto something but it's not weighted down at all or conencted to the boat. Snow wakes up mid nap and sees this happening and they both are swept off into the water. Wi Po sees this and turns into a dolphin delighter and jumps into the water after them. As he jumps in he sees a scaley leg pushing away and swimming deeper, but it's gigantic and swiming away. Wi Po makes his "O bother" sound in dolphin and swims after Pippy who is holding her "pet" and slowly drowning. Snow is doggy paddling back to the boat, hating every second of this. Those on the boat notice a fog and a silloute of something... the boat.   THe boat and fog approaches and as it gets closer the fog is very cold and other worldly feeling. It inches closer and closer. It is not a small boat, it's a 150 foot long boat emerging from the fog. Those on the boat are having a hard time seeing. Pippy and her pet make it back to the boat and Karis helps pull her back on board. Wi Po changes his attention to Snow and goes help him out. Snow is not a fan of this and is shivering. Heena sees all this and drops anchor. Gallax gets excited and starts rappidly tapping Pippy on the head the moment she gets on the boat and says that this is his boat and he's super excited.   The group tries to coordinate getting on the boat and Karis just flies over there. When she lands it's very creaky and not very well taken care of. There is no one at the top but she can see through the floor board some green lights eminating from where she is. These lights are shining from the entire boat. Wi Po changes into a griffin and sends us all over one by one till we are there. We see the captains quarters and a few ways that would lead to under the boat. We try to sense whats going on in this boat but can't tell so we decide to go downstairs. Karis takes the lead and she hears someone from the side asking "what are you doing here" and she answers back "walking down the stairs" it tells her to stop and she says no and continues on, ignoring the warning. This thing jumps up, an owl looking rogue creature that slices at her and deals a fair amount of damage. Karis out of reaction casts a hellish rebuke back onto the creature. The creature asks again why we are here. Karis is still complaing about the wound but Pippy pops out and polietly introduces herself and explains why they are there and asks for the boat back and bows to him. He explains this isn't his boat and that he needs to talk to the captain and becons us to follow. Apparently they are in the middle of transporting a creature to dispose of them.   We follow him upstairs and as we do he says his name is Genhue. He goes over to a door, knocks, and this big guy comes out. Pippy explains why they are there and he agrees to speak to the captain on their behalf. Pippy asks to come along and with some pursueding he agrees with it. When we meet the captain comes out (it's a parrot) and it introduces itself as Captain Plink. Pippy again explains everything and it agrees to hand over the boat under three conditions - we help find a boat at a future date for them, Gallax isn't allowed on the boat while they are there, and finally we need to help dispose of a creature they have on board. The party discusses what to do and they have two ideas - Karis wants to test if they can scare easily and Wi Po wants to try talking to them. We decide that Wi Po is plan A and Karis is plan B.   Captain Plink takes us to the bottom of the boat where it is hollow. There is a lot of room down here and he takes us to a door with four chains, two locks. We see a a beefy owl guarding it. The Captain calls him Deeno. Deeno rips the locks out and opens the door and Pippy comments on how agressive he is. When the door opens we see a few steps and a ledge, we look down and see a big monstrosity curled up. It is 30 feet long, and 5 feet wide. Wi Po casts speak with animals and introduces himself (Vann also casts so she can listen in). He says he wants to help him but the creature is asleep. Wi Po calls out again and tries introducing himself and explaining that he's on a boat and that Wi Po wants to help and asks if he wants to go for a swim. As Wi Po says that the creature uncurls and brings it's head up to Wi Po. It's confused cause Wi Po can speak to him. Wi Po asks if he knows why the people want to dispose of him and Wi Po asks why and the creature says that it was hungry. Wi Po offers to make it food and then asks if it can swim but it says no. Wi Po asks where it would survive best and it says somewhere cold. Wi Po then asks for a promise to not hurt anyone and only to eat the meat that we say is ok. It then asks if people hunt him if he can kill them and Vaan says that would be ok. The creature agrees. Wi Po then fills the party in on this plan and comes back to the creature and asks what they are (a Remohraz) and what they want to be called and why they want to be in cold regions. He has no name so Wi Po suggests he choose one, Remy.   We then decide to help the creature and then decide to spleit the group between the two groups since Pippy can't be on the boat with Gallax. Vaan also doesn't want to be on the boat with the creature and neither does Snow. We decide Karis will be our go-between. We fill the captain in on the plan and he agrees to it. Karis meanwhile goes and finds the little owl that stabbed her. She asks him to teach her how to do it or how to avoid an attack like that. He says he has to think about it and to come back later.   Snow has made it back to the other boat along with Vaan, Pippy and Karis. Karis asks Pippy for a spell and she reluctantly provides Blight. We then fill Captain Heena in on what's happening and decide to drop anchor and sleep for the night. Back on the other boat they are discussing sleeping arrangments as they agree to also drop anchor. Wi Po chats with Remy again and asks if they'd like Wi Po to join them for the night. They are confused as to why and Wi Po says to eat fish and share stories. It agrees.   Back on the other boat Pippy is filling Gallax in on the plan and Gallax gets excited knowing that they will get their boat back. They discuss having a party when this is all done cause Gallax can't feel or taste anything. They start to get sad because they are thinking of their crew and how they miss them. The one they miss the most was someone named Hobs. PIppy's jaw drops at the mention of that name, she reveals that she was engaged to Hobs and that he is no longer with us and that he "fell apart" (glossing over the fact that she killed him). He lists off a few other people and also mentions the painter and that they were transporting Bethrynna. Pippy is noticably distrubed by all of this and Snow is nearby trying to stay quiet about it. Gallax asks why Pippy is reacting the way she is and she explains that she just wasn't expecting it and says she's sorry to be the bearer of bad news about the death of Hobs. Gallax goes and sulks in the corner about this. Snow then approaches and asks Pippy why she promised Gallax a snowball and she explains that she wants to throw a party after this is all done. Snow then demands his own party and she agrees and they decide that the entrance fee to the party is that you have to drink a snowball. Snow then gets an idea and disapears.

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