Session 69 in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Session 69

*** Live Notes ***   Both boats start to make their way towards the icy landscape and the air is starting to get chillier. Here though, unlike in the Frostfall mountains, the wind hurts your face. It's so cold that one of Heena's men, is walking around giving out these long fur coats. Karis declines the coat, Pippy drowns in her coat, and he makes his way to the other boat to hand out cloaks over there too.   Wi Po is on the other boat talking to Remy about a dream he had where he was wearing pretty armor and his nipples were out. REmy is confused by the concept of nipples so Wi Po shows him his own nipples. A conversation begins about the purpose of nipples and Remy decides that they now need milk.   Zandro meanwhile is looking around the new ship for a birdcage. He begins his search in the captains quarters and he sees a giant map sprinkled with bird seed and peck marks. He sees a giant bird cage with lavish pillows that is clearly the place where the captain sleeps. He doesn't seem to find what he wants so he goes to the lower decks to find something to capture the captain with. He finds some rope, some cages for catching fish and shrimp, some bags of black powder, some cannon balls, and some barrels of food like apples and pumpkin seeds. The only other person he sees in there is the little rogue owl that stabbed Karis. It looks over at Zandro as he's taking the cages and says "Fishing?" Zandro plays off that he's interested in trying to fish and that he has never done it before. The owl offers to show him how to do it since it's a bit different in waters this cold. They make their way to the top of the boat to a contraption up top that is used to help cast these cages into the sea. The owl says that they need to get bait and the owl walks away. Zandro then spots the captain nearby and decides to try to catch them and put them into one of the cages. The captain looks over at Zandro right as he's about to capture him, and Zandro succesfully wraps his beak up with rope and stuffs him into the cage. He heads to the captains quarters with the captain in his cage and tries to shove him in a corner and while distracting the advisor by saying that he needs help fishing and that he's annoying the owl with his questions and wants the advisor's help with this task of fishing and getting bait. It works and the advisor walks outside mumbling to himself. Zandro then shuts the door and looks around the office for a key to lock the door. After shuffling about he finds something shiny under the map, the key. He locks the door and then calls for Astral. Astral appears behind him and walks up to Zandro. Zandro feels his presence, turns around and gives him the bird in the cage. Astral asks if there is anything else to report. Zandro tells him about the creature in the bottom of the ship and the plan to drop the creature off on shore. Astral then says that Zandro is a niave elf and that the bird being removed isn't so there is no captain on this ship, but that there will be a new one on this ship. Astral then takes the bird and vanishes. Zandro takes a moment to look at the map. He sees that the place we are going to is the Never Melting Desert. Further north of that the map looses it's detail and is just a big area of nothing. Zandro hears voices outside of the door and starts planning his escape from the Captain's quarters. He slips out without a sound and without drawing any attention. He then starts acting as if he's looking around outside the office looking for the captain. As he calls for the captain a door opens up.   Back on the other ship Pippy is curled up in her giant cloak, Marge is wearing 2 and has one around her owl bear, Snow is curled up on his like a blanket sleeping, Wi Po is making biscuits. Karis, sees Snow curled up on the furs and sneaks up to the sleeping Snow. She gets as close as she can to him and then pounces on top of him. The moment Karis does this, Snow instantly wakes up, fluffs up and freaks out like any startled sleeping cat would. He starts scolding Snow and Karis starts hugging him. Snow asks why she's doing this and she just says "I'm hugging you shut up" and explains that she's cold and that Snow probably is too. Snow says that they are now cold and scared cause of her. SHe then says she can make him warmer and then puts the coat back on him and tells him he's fine. She then calls him a good kitty which Snow just says "I will destroy you". Snow calls her his enemy to which Karis says "I gave you a hug and now I"m your enemy?" Snow also explains that she made a fool out of him in front of his elf friend. He then calls for Marge as Karis says "there's other fish in the sea". He asks Marge if that's offensive to her to which asks "are you calling me a fish?!" Snow plays it off as if Karis asked that and then Marge says that they aren't fish but that it isn't offensive. Snow then says they are going to their room and going to bed, he grabs himself and goes to his bunk.   Back at the other ship it's the advisor that walks out with the little owl. He tilts his head and asks Zandro why he said he needed help and why he left and why he was in the captains quarters. Zandro says that he was trying to find the captain in case he wanted to supervise but that the captain wasn't there. The advisor says that he knows that Zandro knows that the captain wasn't in the quarters and asks again what Zandro was doing in there and if he knows where the captain went. Zandro says that he doesn't know where the captain went. The advisor excuses the owl and looks at him for a minute, then he yells "can you get away from the window" to a little owl that was peaking into the window. He asks again what Zandro did with the captain and explains that he saw Zandro tie up the captain and put him in a cage. He then asks what he did with Captain Plank. THe advisor explains that if the captain is not here, typically the advisor becomes captain and that there is a blood oath behind that. The advisor explains that they don't want to get rid of the boat. THey don't think they can take the boat from him either. Essentially Zandro has prevented Pippy from fulfilling the task to get the boat back. The Advisor starts contemplating how to tell the crew that Zandro killed the captain and that he is now the new captain. Zandro explains he didn't kill the captain but gave him away but the advisor (now captain) says it's all semantics. He then asks what he wants in return and Zandro asks for safe passage to land. Zandro then realizes that his actions are going to cause Pippy to become a Jin and for half the party to die because of this. So he looks around and notices all the metal in the Captains quarters and he summons his artifact, pulling the metal into him and then releasing them all at the Advisor. The boat starts to shake, some of the floor board nails come up, every piece of metal - a magnifying glass, a compass, etc - all goes launching at the Advisor. THe Advisor is incredibly fast and tries to dodge out of the way but Zandro is able to redirect some of it to hit him again. He spins around, partially injurded and draws his weapon and asks him "Are you sure you want to do this?". Zandro says that if he does this he can become captain. THe advisor laughs and says "1. you won't become captain and 2. you will die before you draw your bow". Zandro then relaxes and says that he won't attack any further. The Advisor says that when Karis comes over to communicate that Zandro needs to leave his boat or he will be dead before the reach land.   Zandro exits the Captain's quarters and Karis lands with a thud on the deck. Zandro says hi and explains that Pippy is gonna be pissed cause he got rid of the captain and a new captain is in place and the deal is off. Karis summarizes that everyone will die if we don't get the boat and Zandro explains that he was thinking about killing the new captain (right in front of the new captain who is watching this all). Karis explains that the gnome is gonna be pissed and the Captain says they expect them to come over soon to discuss things. He returns to his quarters and waits for Zandro to leave the boat before closing the door.   They get back on the boat and Karis comes over onto the boat and says "Hey - we got bad news" and kicks Pippy. Snow rushes over and is concerned about the bad news. Pippy wakes up as they reveal what Zandro did. He then reveals that he's working with Astral. Pippy lunges at Zandro but mid lunge she stops and feels this unnatrual cold coming from within her. SHe opens her mouth and her voice changes slightly as Baoth speaks from her. She says these words in a language none know as a chant and starts to float in the air. Karis can understand she is chanting "Baoth Baoth Baoth we shall become one". Pippy looks over at Zandro, still floating, she doesn't see just him but also sees the artifact spirit next to him, she sees the spirit of her little shapeshifter friend (her pet), and she says the following to Zandro "Do not sin against one of my beloved or you will rue the day Zandro Oakenwood". Zandro replies that it wasn't his intention. Pippy then hears Baoth speak to her and give her a promise.   She then comes to, and starts to talk patiently about a plan she has to stop the Jin. She is going to put her soul into a jar and try to possess the captain. Snow is going to be invisible with her body while they try to get her and the jar close to the captain. Karis offers to get them over to the boat, one at a time, and jumps with Pippy before she has time to protest. Karis lands and puts Pippy right on the boat in no cover so she tries to hide poorly behind a pole and starts prepping her spell. Karis then jumps back with Snow who spots Pippy immedietly. Pippy hops into the bag of holding, with her upper torso hanging out, and casts her spell to transfer her soul into the jar. Snow makes her invisible and they go to the captains quarters. She immedietly takes over the captains body and calls the crew together to give the boat back to Gallax. As she utters the words, a mist and smoke hovers up from the ship and hovers above Gallax,. Wi Po goes up top to check out what is happening. Heat lightening starts to come from this cloud "So it was promised and it is now done". The moment it happens the cloud comes crashing down onto the boat and transforms the boat into a black ship with green lining, no longer does it look ghostly and decrepid, it looks brand new and the mist that surrounded it is gone. Gallax gets his little captain hat back. We look around and we see skeletons along the boat, and the voice says once again "as it was, so it remained as the first day". Gallax is excited cause he can feel stuff now, expecially that it's cold. Pippy, currently in charge of the old captain's body, leans into Gallax and reveals its actually her. She then promises to vacate the boat and jumps off the side and transforms back into Pippy as the body she possesed plumits into the icy cold waters. She comes to in the bag of holding and Snow and Karis pull her out of the bag. She is heavier than normal and with much effort they tug and pull her out however the helmet that is always strapped to her waist also comes out with a body... Lehroth's body.   Everyone sees Lehroth's body lying there, eyes closed. Snow drops Pippy when he sees Lehroth, dropping her on the deck. She rushes over to Lehroth saying "it worked it worked it actually worked!" and begins checking on Lehroth. Wi Po says "this will be hard to explain to Remy, he doesn't even understand nipples". This confuses Snow more. Pippy has moved Lehroth's head into her lap as he takes a giant breath, and she is weeping uncontrolably and over happy. Karis is confused on who the person is and Snow explains that it's our party member that dies, Lehroth. She goes and pokes Lehroth in the cheek and Pippy slaps her hand and screams "don't you touch him!!!". Gallax says "this is all great and weird but can you get off my boat?". The party starts to discuss how to get Remy off the boat.   On the other boat, Vaan and Zandro see the boat change and decide to head over. Vaan says they need some whiskey and Zandro agrees cause it's been a day. Zandro explains to her that the party may be upset but Vaan says that it doesn't bother her too much cause she understands like he has his reasons. Zandro says that he was betraying the party back in the fey and Vaan says that she betrayed the party longer with Yatish. She then asks Zandro if he was trying to get with Astral like she was with Yatish. As she says that Yatish appears behind her and asks "what was that?". Yatish then asks where everyone else is and they explain that they are on the boat, Yatish opens up a portal to get on the boat right as Gallax is kicking everyone off the boat. It's at this time it's noticed that Lehroth is butt naked. Pippy is still cradeling him. Wi Po notices the old crew looking a little lost now that they lost their boat and he invites them to come along with us and Remy. Snow face palms and walks towards the rope to leave the boat as Yatish appears with Zandro. Wi Po offers to get Lehroth onto Remy's back to get him to the land. There is an argument on how to get Lehroth downstairs as Zandro tries to drag him by one leg and Pippy yells at him for potentially hurting Lehroth's body. Karis then comes in and picks Lehroth up and carries him downstairs to Remy.   Meanwhile Vaan is leaving the other boat and making her way to land. She notices that the shoreline is a giant forest, she notices some wildlife here and there and she hears something off in the distance but she is unsure what it is but it isn't threatening. Vaan starts making her way towards the sound making her way through the forest. She sees some foxes and a snowy rabbit. She hears the noise coming from one of the trees. As she gets closer she hears a language that she recognizes but she doesn't know it butknows it's one that Karis and Zandro have spoken in before. Something is cursing in the trees but she can't see it but can see the tops of the trees shaking. Out of the corner of her eye she sees something in a net and that they are red. She looks further and realizes that it is a kobold. Stuck in this net is a tiny red kobold with a green scarf around their neck and green shorts on (his name is Red). He's cursing in draconic, thrashing around. He can see the ranger (Vaan) and calls out to her. "Excuse me madaam, I seem to be in a bit of trouble here, perhaps you could get me down?" Vaan agrees that they look like they are in trouble and hops off of Nyla and starts looking through her things to see what she can use to cut him down. She climbs the tree and warns him that she's gonna cut him out of the net and that he will fall. She cuts him out and he thuds to the ground, landing in the snow which essentially burries him. Nyla is hissing at the top of him and Red says "You're a cutie" and tries to pet the weasel. Vaan asks how they got into the net (looking into the hole that Red is in). Red explains that they were in the feywild and lost a lot of gold there and ended up here and stuck in a trap and that they lost their boomerang. In that moment they realize they don't have their boomerang and starts digging through the snow. They find it and stow it away in their satchel and props themselves up and thanks Vaan for saving them. They introduce themselves as Redulphous and bow to Vaan. She sighs and says "Ok little Red, don't mind me but I"m gonna pick you up now" and she sets him on top of Nyla and instructs her to be nice. She then asks Red if she can take him to the shore to get a game plan for them. Red asks where they are and Vaan says they don't know. Red nuzzles into the weasel cause they are freezing. Vaan goes into her bag and puts her cloak on, then pulls out the date night suit jacket of Tedd's and wraps it around Red to keep them warm.   Back on shore the cargo door opens with the creature and it looks out at us and says "do any of them have nipple milk?" Wi Po instructs Remy to keep Lehroth on his back utill we get to shore. THe little birds are hanging out with us as well. Yatish looks around for Vaan and realizes she isn't there and decides to wait. Out of the forest comes Vaan with Nyla. Yatish looks at it and recognizes the jacket. Snow fills in Vaan that Lehroth is back, Pippy is in a trnace just overlly happy about it and Vaan slaps Pippy with mage hand for being too happy. Vaan then points to the weasel and says that they made a new friend. Snow says that it's Nyla but then music starts to play from under the jacket and Snow peaks into the jacket and see's Red playing a Lyre. Vaan introduces Red and explains what happened. Pippy sees them as it's explained to her that she is no longer the shortest in the group and this makes her happy and she declares this the best day ever. Remy asks Red if they have nipples and Wi Po translates. Remy is dissapointed that Red doesn't have nipples. Red then says that they have horns and shows them to Remy who asks if they make milk. Remy explains that they can help us find some population. Snow then asks Remy about their music and shows off his lyre and his flute. Snow is in love with the fact they know music. Vaan says that Red can trust him and Snow is shocked by this act of kindness.   Remy then says that they are going to feel where people are and that we need to get Lehroth off his back. Remy then goes up on his hind legs and burrows into the ground to feel for people. He pops back up and says he found people, or wolves, one of the two. We then discuss following but Pippy wants to give some clothes to Lehroth. Red then asks if they need healing and Pippy pokes him and says she doesn't know. Red comes over and heals him and his eyes pop open. Pippy gets really excited and SNow and Wi Po ask hwo this is possible. She starts to explain that she had to make a deal that didn't involve killing anyone. She then eyes up Yatish and says that she just needs to talk to her. Yatish asks what she wants and Pippy comes out and asks about her artifact. Yatish just says no. Pippy begs and pleads and Yatish stands firm and then says "don't you want to know why I'm here?" Snow and Wi Po say yes and then we start to discuss coming back to the town.   Pippy is standing near Lehroth who is opening their eyes. The last thing Lehroth remembers is taking the fireball for Pippy, their first and final kiss, and then a really dark and twisted time (from when they became the night twist). He recalls a memory but he doesn't know what it is, like it's on the edge of his mind, but he has come to. The first thing he sees is Pippy. He starts to clutch his head in pain as he recalls everything. Pippy pats him on the shoulder and he flinches. She then backs off a smidge, remembering how volitile he could be, and welcomes him back to life. Snow says "welcome back, you were dead and now you're not" and instructs him to get onto Remy and Lehroth obliges silently and Pippy follows.   We start to head towards life, piled on Nyla and Remy. Vaan makes her way over to Yatish and hands her a bottle of whiskey. Yatish asks her why she has Ted's shirt and Vaan says it's a long story that she'll explain later. Zandro asks her how she knows that he had some issues on the boat and she points to the guy Pippy tossed into the water, he was cursing Zandro over and over. Yatish then starts to talk to us about why she came here. She said it isn't good news but it is kind of good news. She says that where we are going now a certain person can't follow you. That person is THE person that can't follow you. Zandro asks who that is and Pippy says that it's his friend Astral that can't follow us here. Yatish is taken aback by that and starts asking for other secrets people have. Karis admits to punching an old lady in the face. Yatish asks Snow if he wants to tell peple why he's the reason one of his party members died. Snow says no. SHe says 3 things - 1 is good news for Wi Po that Cri Ro is around here. Bad news is that they are unsure if they have made their way to a certain city further north of here where none have traveled to. She calls it Moonreach. She says its closed off from civilization and is inside a ring of mountains and that there is a guardian that protects it. The third thing is that she found out something important, that is an artifact that is not documented. She says that she is telling us this because she will need help finding that artifact. Yatish says she has perfect control over her artifact and Zandro says that artifacts can communicate with eachother and reveal the locations of others. She reveals that her artifact might be able to destroy the artifact that can't be destroyed by other artifacts. She then reveals that her artifact does...

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