Thydrom Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Thydrom Foamtankard is a Life Domain Cleric and Paladin who also happens to be a famous prostitute. He comes from the Frostfall Mountains and was next in line for the throne. That all changed when he was blamed for the murder of his husband and striped of his name and title. He is the son-in-law to the curent king of the Frostfall Mountains, King Brogi Goldenhand.   Thydrom is 4 feet tall weights 280 lbs he has short Brown hair and a brown full beard that is mid neck length, he has dark purple eyes (hereditary) he is currently wearing a white skyblue robe that looks like it can be easily taken off and expose his entire body, his weapon of choice is a Warhammer, he's very blunt with answering questions and he is extremely wealthy, when asked about his past he either quickly changes the subject or gives very vague descriptions of it calling it boring and ordinary, he is a very famous (infamous) prostitute who's clientele is almost exclusively to the nobility and wealthy to those with a very high perception and/or Insight they will see Thydrom has a golden locket around his neck that he never takes off and can sometimes look at it with a solome look when he feels no one is watching him. Nobody can tell if Thydrom is telling the truth or if he's lying and can't tell weather or not if he's good, evil, lawful or chaotic or just neutral in everything.   When Thydrom first joined the party he let us know that he knew Yatish and Soj and was involved with hunting for artifacts before.   The party learns in the feywild that that Thydrom is not his real name. That his is married to the prince of his lands, he didn't not kil him but his spouse died in his arms and Thydrom was framed for his murder. In dwarven culture whenever you are banished your entire indentiy is striped off you so he had to forge a new name and that's why he is a whore.

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