Wi Po Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Wi Po

Wi Po is a Leonin druid of the circle domain. He is a gentle soul who is obsessed with honey and making a good meal.   Wi Po was born a raised in the Thousand Acre Woods. A mystical place magically shrouded from the rest of the world. (Actual in game location yet to be determined with the help of the DM) The woods are home to a large variety of creatures both mundane and magical who live together a harmoniously as wild creatures can. The woods and it's many wild creatures are tended to and watched over by a village of druids and other lovers of the green. Wi Po led a happy life in the woods working and playing, loving and learning with his friends and family, and most importantly his best friend and mentor Kri Ro. Wi Po's life was suddenly spun into turmoil when Kri Ro mysteriously disappeared one night. Kri Ro hadn't left a note or told anyone he was leaving and no one had seen him leave woods. It appeared that he had simply vanished. Few outsiders know of the Thousand Acre Woods and few of it's inhabitants feel the need to leave so this was a very perplexing situation. After a very thorough search of the woods and a very long discussion it was decided the Wi Po would leave the woods to search for Kri Ro and has been looking for him ever since.   Wi Po's Artifact is the third artifact obtained from the feywild. It appeared as a pink rose and when he sniffed it he absorbed it into himself, turning his mane pink. His mane also has roses sprouting from it.

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