Xerrik Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Xerrik is a rough 6’3 and around 250lbs. He’s muscular in build, but not really all that bulked out. More so toned from a life of hunting and working the forge. Looking at him you would first see his bright red scales and off-white underside. Although he does have horns they aren’t really displayed and pointed as most Dragonborn horns, but more curled downward along the sides of his head as if pushed down from years of wearing a helmet that wasn’t made for his head. His eyes are a deep yellow/amber color with a cat like pupil. He is from a village called Kano.   Although he appears intimidating in appearance he’s actually very kind hearted and has more of a softer personality. Always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it. Even if that means putting himself in harms way.   Xerrik sees himself as a battle master fighter in trade. Taking up arms in any form that may be needed to get the job done. Although he does favor the long sword paired with a sturdy shield or a great sword if the battlefield permits it. He uses his wit and cunning to quickly evaluate the battlefields in order to keep situations favorable for him and his party.   Xerrik revealed to Pangean that he has never met another dragonborn before while the party was in Gurina. He told him that his egg was found by his adoptive village and he was raised by them.

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