Zandro Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Zandro Oakenwood is a Wood elf. He is copper skinned with reddish-brown hair that is just past his shoulders when put up in a “ponytail”. His eyes are green has fresh spring sprouts. Growing up he was taught about the things elven kind did, where elves can from, and learned basic skills that would help him when he left the village. He learned to hide very well at a young age, as well as learning when to take items from thieves that would try to hide in the forest. Zandro enjoys his freedom just like any creature in the wild; it can roam wherever it pleases. Every Wood elf is taught to defend the village with bow and arrow as well as the dance of blades. Each village has a Druid or two that would help keep the village in check with nature. They also tell their stories about the world beyond the forest. These stories always fascinated Zandro. So he thought of a plan to leave the village when he was old enough to leave. Zandro hatched a plan with one of the traveling “traders” to help him leave the Woodelf village. The trader was not a good guy. This traveler had Zandro magically bound to him until his (Zandro) debt was paid. Zandro has learned to steal, kill, and maiam to pay this debt off. Because of this debt Zandro is always looking for any value, or where it is kept.   While the party was working in Gurina, they went to obtain the first artifact. Zandro absorbed this golden artifact into his hand and was able to briefly control the skeleton of a dragon. He later speaks to this spirirt and learns he is the spirit of a dragon.

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