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Birth of a Planet - Pre Splinter

Myralia, a planet adrift in the vastness of the material plane, host to a great number of continents that once were one. Oria, once the majority landmass, of Myralia was splintered and shattered as the nine dragon deities burst from their subterranean slumber. As Tiamat, Bahamut, Tamara, Hlal, Astilabor, Garyx, Sardior, Null and Task emerged from the ground tearing the continent apart, they brought with them life, and weather, emersing the land of in a plethora of climates and habitats. Alongside Oria was the Isle of Palera, a large separate continent cut off the from the main body of Oria.   After the splintering of Oria, three large continents were formed drifting apart from where the centre of Oria was. To the west, Menegos. To the east Doqar. To the north Cartha. Standing tall in the middle of these lies the Isle or Arsete, a small but exceptionally high cliffed remnant of Oria's original position.  

The Gods Awakening

  As The Nine tore open the world and formed it anew, they also tore open connection to the outer planes, and other lit up Myralia in an aura of extreme magic. To celestial beings of enormous power, Myralia glowed like a beacon drawing the gods to a new land to influence, and they came. With the god's arrival on Myralia they brought forth sentient life from which to gain more reverence and worship, the true currency of the gods. Elves were the first to awaken wandering the forrests and plains across the continents. Next came the Dwarves, emerging from the craters left by the dragons and moving into the mountains left in their wake. Halfings, Gnomes, and many more races over time awakened and found their place amongst the vast landscapes.  

The Banishment

  For millenia the gods walked amongst the races of Myralia, enacting their will wherever they went, shaping land and seas as they deemed fit. As each god seeked to gain more and more power within the realm, each became more brazen, creating avatars of their will to engage in warfare with the others. Tensions amongst the gods reached their peak when The Nine ventured out from their respective dwellings after giving birth to their own broods of mighty dragons. For 1000 years the lesser races of Myralia were subjected to the horrors of a war of celestial scale, gods and dragon lord fighting eachother and themselves. After much bloodshed and chaos, on the Isle of Arsete, a land devoid of the lesser races the gods and dragons lords met an accord, they would leave the land of Myralia and leave only their dormant power on the planet itself. They would exist outside of the material realm, influencing the world as they saw fit in a way that prevented the complete annihilation of the lesser races and the world itself, banished from walking the mortal lands for fear or resparking the conflict.