Fogmoss is a plant that is found in the Fogland region of Myriad. Not much is known about the Foglands and Fogmoss but if you ask the citizens of Went, Fogmoss is one of the most useful plants found in the Foglands. It is considered a great magical insulator, even better than lead. If you need to hide something magical, be it an item or a full house, Fogmoss is the thing you're looking for. With it being three times as effective as lead in hiding magical items, Fogmoss is sought after by many. However, the issue with Fogmoss is that it has to be alive in order for it to work. Keeping the moss alive is a challenge in its own right. But, if you successfully are able to keep the moss alive it is the most effective magic-hiding item. It is said that if you have it growing on your house that anyone who attempts to scry or magically track you, and anything in said house, have an impossible time doing so. The Fogmoss' ability to cloak anything inside of it seems unlikely.
I love the shape and texture - barely there - of this plant. Fascinating! And interesting use to poison magic users by taking away their magic for a time so they can be killed.
Thank you so much!