Giff - Myrmier Variant (ɡˈɪf)

Myrmier Handbook

Giff (revised)

Sophisticated, strong, and explosive are all words that describe the Giff adequately. Giff look strikingly like hippos, and share some qualities with them too, with the exception that they do indeed love firearms, and all things that go boom. Commonly artificers, Giff are walking tanks with powerful limbs that can move mountains. Very aristocratic as well, Giff do partake partake in the pleasantries of the wealthy. Most of them have immigrated to Paladream from Inknotch.
ability score increase: +2 to Strength, and +1 to Intelligence
age: They age at the same rate as humans, and live an average of 120 years.
alignment: Usually neutral in alignment, they put money above many things in priority.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft walking speed, and a swimming speed equal to their walking speed. Giff do not swim, they walk on the bottom of the seafooor
Languages: Common, and one other language of your choice
race features:

Duel Oriented

Giff love firearms and are no stranger to using one. You gain proficiency with firearms.


Giff have enourmous heads, and their mouth is very large as well. You can make a grapple action without taking up your hands by using your mouth. However, if the creature is a size bigger than you, it fails. If the creature is the same size as you, they have advantage on their roll to escape.


Giff like taking long baths, and for good reason. You can spend a short rest wallowing in mud or water to double the amount of health restored during your short rest.
About 7-9 feet tall, weighing around 300-500 pounds, with whiskers and a hippo head. Large torsos and beefy limbs.


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