Keelrox (kˈiːlɹɑːks)


Before most other countries were even created, 2 major kingdoms rose as the superpowers of Paladream. Ripslakse and Ryoka dominated as early empires in Paladream. The emperor of Ripslakse began to resent the perfectionism shown by Queen Nepheli, the monarch of Ryoka. Jealousy overtook him and he launched a siege on Ryoka. During the early 400s, the empire of Ryoka started collapsing. After Queen Nepheli had been granted godhood, she abandoned her old kingdom in favor of creating a new, perfect one. Ripslakse tore into Ryoka like knives through flesh after the leave of Nepheli. This event is known as the Forsaking War, ending the kingdom of Ryoka. The people of Ryoka were scrambling, in anarchy. Many fled west as refugees, and found the rocky coast of now Keelrox. Better yet, the Molvarps of Ryoka discovered an underground utopia. They expanded deep underground, leaving the surface world completely. As Nepheli ascended to the clouds, her people delved the depths of the Underdark. The actual land of Keelrox is rather barren, the only surface trade being fishing. However, mining through the tough rock on the surface reveals valuable minerals. Keelrox’s main exports are raw metals and jewels. The people of Keelrox are peaceful, and there haven’t been many conflicts in the country’s history, excluding Ryoka’s fall and the seizing of northwest Paladream. While Subterra and most of the country is underground, there are some rural areas where people live on the surface. Denston is the biggest surface city.  


After the fall of a monarchy, the people decided to rethink their government structure. They eventually created a simple parliamentary republic where people elect 2 leaders every cycle. One is the Ambassador of Keelrox, who speaks to the public and other leaders on political matters. The other is the Minister of Keelrox, the lawmaker and high judge.  


The people of Keelrox mainly consist of Molvarps, Drow, Duergar and other cavern-dwelling peoples. The architecture is carved and chiseled stone, as well as metal and gem embellishments. The cuisine might seem strange to foreigners, but there isn’t so much to eat under the ground. An example is Darkmantle Takoyaki. Keelrox has to import many things, including clothes, and other agricultural products such as cotton, and grain.

Technological Level

Technological innovation is rare in Keelrox. It is generally isolated from the rest of the world, making it’s technology primitive by comparison to some countries such as Tangelix.

Foreign Relations

Peaceful, no major enemies. A strong alliance with Ollizan is present as they transport exports to the rest of the world for Keelrox. Not engaged in the Ripslakse Zealotry.

Agriculture & Industry

Incredible mining bounty exists in Keelrox, which was overlooked by many countries before them. Precious metals and minerals litter the underground, making the day job of many mining.

Trade & Transport

Keelrox and Ollizan have a lasting deal where Ollizan will ship their goods for a cut of the profit. The goods mainly consist of jewels, metals, and coal. New Ryoka is the base of the operations, being above ground.


Education is generally low, as most people work in mines, and are sent there from a young age.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Subterra, New Ryoka
Major Exports
Minerals are the main exports of Keelrox, consisting of metals, jewels, and coal.
Major Imports
Textiles, cereal, and other agricultural products are hard to come by in Keelrox due to it’s rocky soil and dry weather.
Legislative Body
Minister of Keelrox
Judicial Body
Minister of Keelrox
Executive Body
Ambassador of Keelrox


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