Lux Set (lˈʌks sˈɛt)

A common game played in streets, parlors, and is a test of intelligence and skill. Here are the rules;   The board is split up into an 8x8 grid, checkerboard style. Each player on the board has 1 shooter, 2 blockers, 2 reflectors, 2 unique, and 1 lightbulb. The object of the game is to hit the other player’s lightbulb with a laser. Every piece has a location and rotation. Pieces can only be facing in cardinal and diagonal directions. What you can do on your turn is move or rotate a piece. The lightbulb cannot move or rotate. Here’s what each of the pieces do!
  Shooter: projects a laser in where it’s facing. This laser takes up 1 square on the board.
Blocker: absorbs the laser. Takes up 2x1 squares.
Reflector: reflects the laser where it’s facing. If the laser doesn’t hit the mirror, passes through this square. 1 square wide.
Lightbulb: if the laser hits it on any spot, if lights up and is game over. 1 square wide.
Unique: found in shops around Myrmier. Examples include Prism, which duplicates the laser into 2 different lasers, or Refractor, which makes your laser shift a square over. It could also be a blocker or reflector.   At the start of the game, a coin is tossed. Each player chooses either heads or tails to see who places their pieces first. Whoever wins the coin toss, places their lightbulb anywhere on the grid first. Then the loser places their lightbulb. Then they keep alternating placing pieces until there aren’t any left to place. When that happens, the game starts, and the loser of the coin flip goes first.   People often play for each other’s unique pieces, and many play competitively in tournaments. Every year, the Light Cup is held in Aphaltrail, one of the biggest Lux tourneys. The prize can go up to 1,000 gold pieces.
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