Ollizan (ˈɑːlɪzˌɑːn)


Approximately between the years 400-500 Ripslakse was having a record breaking economic depression. Due to that it was too expensive to run prisons for the amount of people detained. As a solution, the dynasty decided to banish prisoners to the barren sands of Ollizan. A bloodbath broke out between the prisoners during the first few days, wearing out the aggressive ones to die. The only convicts that survived the first couple of weeks were the independent thinkers who dissented about the doctrine of the monarchy. They all started building rudimentary houses and building wells out of sandstone, stopped surviving, and started living. The set of prisoners were originally abandoned close to what is now known as the Oasis of Remi. The Oasis of Remi is surrounded by a mountain range that blocks all passing between there and Ripslakse. The only way to leave the oasis is through the Zeal desert. Soon after the town was created people started looking at ways to escape the desert and contact the world. The Zeal Desert it vast and the travel is bleak. The journey was far to big to make on foot, and the glass desert makes most wheels at the time inefficient, since treads hadn’t been created for wheels yet. The most imaginative engineers in the group started developing a flying machine, utilizing the prominent resources they had to spare. Sand elementals are sparse, but valuable in Ollizan due to the concepts these engineers pioneered. Using the working Plane Theory of the time, they reasoned that sand elementals must be related to the plane of Sand, a demi-plane between the plane of Earth and Wind. Once an elemental had been captured the scientists began working on a way to create Elemental Fissure, splitting the being into its two primeval components. The discovered technique was to use fire to vacuum out the air of the elemental, severing the two elements from each other. With access to an air elemental, they used it to power their plane, and get help for the resource deprived outpost. Soon after, some experiments discovered that by scorching the air elemental with fire, it became a smoke elemental, able to be split into fire and air. This process is now known as Elemental Mutation. Soon after help had arrived for the town people started flocking to the oasis, sparking a technological revival in Paladream. The like-minded individuals who sought out study and knowledge soon found the town, an oasis in the inveterate monarchy, and Ollizan started growing. Ripslakse had no interest in the land at all, as they saw it as a wasteland full of sand, leaving it to grow into its own civilization. As the country grew it made trade deals, patents of technology, and became the continental trade center. The flight technology pioneered in the Oasis of Remi became the framework for an international shipping agency of the country.  


The unusual circumstances of the country caused the citizens to adopt a curious form of government. The people in early Ollizan constructed a group of the most astute individuals in the colony, known now as the Prime Intelligence. In the present day, the members of the Prime Intelligence are chosen every 10 cycles by the current 3 members. The hierarchy of the body is divided into 3 roles, descending in rank. The Gold Intellect, the Silver Intellect, and the Bronze Intellect. The Prime Intelligence rules on laws, and the execution of them. Since Ollizan is sparsely populated, this small group is still large enough to deal with most problems in the country. When ruling on matters, the Golds decision is weighted at 3 points, Silvers at 2, and Bronze at 1. Meaning, a tie can be reached by the two lower Intellects working together. In the case of a tie, the ruling is given over to the people to choose.  


Creativity and Resourcefulness are core beliefs of the people of Ollizan. These traits rose from the unusual circumstances that built the country. The population is diverse in species, as the original colony did not originate from any specific region, only prisoner caught by the dynasty. The cuisine is built on the produce grown in the Oasis of Remi, as it is the main source of water for the country as well. The water is shipped through the nation via aqueducts, impacting the architecture of Ollizan.

Technological Level

Invention and innovation are vital to Ollizan, seeping into its government. Ollizan is the science capital of Paladream. The horrors of what this technology could be used for is enough for most nations to leave Ollizan alone.

Foreign Relations

Tense relationship with Ripslakse, alliance with Keelrox. Ollizan ships goods mined in Keelrox for a cut of the profit. Most countries look down on Ollizan for often breaking the core principles of most who live in Paladream, but in the end, breaking precedents is what causes growth.

Agriculture & Industry

Ollizan is an industrial nation, full of factories and refineries. Manufacturing machine parts and refining minerals is the backbone of Ollizans economy.

Trade & Transport

After the population boom had stabilized from the innovation migration, the Paladream Zeppelin Line was developed by scientists in Ollizan. The transportation is state-funded, and is used to ship goods across Paladream.


Education is a strong priority in the populous of Ollizan. Many go to study abroad in Ollizan in lieu of studying in a worse school.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Oasis of Remi, Spokesburg
Major Exports
Refined ores, interchangeable parts, and glass.
Major Imports
Textiles, cereals, and other difficult to grow products in the desolate sands of Ollizan.
Legislative Body
Prime Intelligence
Judicial Body
Prime Intelligence
Executive Body
Prime Intelligence


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