Oskrat (ˈɑːskɹæt)

Myrmier Handbook


Crafty rodent humanoids, the Oskrat people are very clever. They take the form of many different rodents, from rats, to beavers, to capybaras. A single Oskrat could build a self sustaining doomsday bunker, and still have time for biscuits. Generally cautious and thoughtful folks who work for most of their lives to put an indent on Myrmier. They have become more paranoid since their land was intruded by the new races of Myrmier.
ability score increase: +1 to Wisdom
age: Oskrats live until 80 years old, and mature at the same rate as humans.
alignment: Usually good or neutral.
Size: Medium
speed: 30
Languages: Common
sub races:

Capyvorn Oskrat

Beavers, Capybaras, Muskrats. Although in nature tranquil, their bulk has been used in military long ago. The Capyvorn can get along with most anyone, and the few they can’t may be struck down by their muscle.
ability score increase: +2 to Strength
age: See Oskrat
alignment: See Oskrat
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
parent race: ]
race features:

Pact of Peace

The aura of chillness radiating off of a Capyvorn is enough to make anybody cool their jets. Once per short rest, you can force an enemy to miss an attack roll on you. The uses of this ability per short rest increases by one at 5th, 11th, and 18th.

Natural Mount

Bulky creatures, the Capyvorn can support a small sized creature or smaller on their back easily. At that point, their initiatives combine, and the small creature gains the speed of the Capyvorn.


You have a swimming speed equal to half your walking speed.
Tall, bulky, and strong.

Vermink Oskrat

Rats, to mice, to stoats. The smaller rodents, these Oskrat are especially acrobatic. They can lurk in crevasses, and scurry about when trouble comes knocking. Paranoid as well, they often go down the rabbit holes of conspiracy a bit.
ability score increase: +2 to Dexterity
age: See Oskat
alignment: See Oskrat
Size: Small
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common
parent race: ]
race features:


Jumpy, and alert, the Vermink usually strike when it is unexpected. If you roll 10 higher than an enemy in initiative, they are stunned for their first turn.

Hide in Plain Sight

Many Vermink are adept at disappearing into crowds, and keeping a low profile. You roll with advantage on Stealth checks if there are 2 or more medium or larger sized creatures within 5 feet of you.

Evasive Maneuvers

Paranoid and cautious, Vermin are often 2 steps ahead of their opponents. As a reaction, you can move as far as you can away from an area of effect before it activates. This ability can only be used once per short rest. The uses of this ability per short rest increase at 5th, 11th, and 18th level.
Small, but long rodent humanoids.
race features:

Rodent Resourcefulness

The Oskrat can make the most of any situation, you are no different. You have proficiency with tinkerer's tools, and improvised weapons. As an attack, you can use your surroundings to temporarily stagger you foes. Make a melee attack roll, and if it hits, the target has disadvantage on saving throws, attack rolls, and ability checks.


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