Soul Scribe

Grave Robbing

Soul Scribes are high ranking wizards and artificers who have studied Phantastasis extensively and work on the front lines to harvest souls from the Malora Wilds. Years and years of studies are required for this unorthodox form of magic to succeed, and to make a mistake is to give up your mortal coil. It takes a brave kind of mage to walk up to a horde of undead and wrench their wicked essences from their husks and into a machine. The courage of a soul scribe is paramount to their efficiency, and what separates them from other paltry professions. Even though they mostly do battle, they exceptionally analytical in their ordeals. When analytics meets violence, what comes of it is cold ruthlessness.  

A Dirty Job

Despite the intense training and skills necessary for the job, it's often looked down on by modern magical society. There is an elitest mindset among prestigious wizards and witches that you mustn't soil your hands with the dirt of battle. Magic is to be studied, not weaponized. In a field where intelligence is prioritized, soul scribes can be seen as brutish. Considering the stigma and fear associated with the undead, this profession is given an air of unnerve. Dealing with the dead is unnatural to most, and the vast majority stays as far away from the Malora Wilds as possible. To willingly frolic under the shade of the undead is lunacy, and that reflects on the soul scribes. Most soul scribes are odd types, which makes it even tougher for them to strike the preconceived notions associated with the job.

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Technology / Science | Oct 5, 2023


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