Talpidian (tælpˈɪdi͡ən)

Myrmier Handbook


The solitary people under the surface, Talpidians. Originating from early Ryoka, then migrated to Keelrox as refugees from the Forsaking War of 463. They discovered the Underground Labyrinth and navigated it. Slowly as they lived underground, they developed qualities such as improved lung capacity, and better vision in the dark. Now, Talpidians are very traditional beings. The culture mimics the phrase "don't rock the boat".
ability score increase: +2 to Constitution, and +1 to Intelligence
age: Talpidians reach adulthood at 12 years old, and live about 50 years.
alignment: Talpidians are usually neutrally aligned, generally being solitary people.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft walking speed, and a burrowing speed equal to half their walking speed. You can only burrow in soft surfaces such as dirt or sand.
Languages: Common, and Undercommon
race features:


Centuries of living underground has given your people an acute sense of the soil around you. You have tremorsense for 30 feet. You see bright light as if it were darkness, dim light as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. This does not apply to magical darkness.

Efficient Respiration

In terms of suffocation, your constitution modifier is doubled.


Your powerful forearms for digging can also be used as weapons. Your unarmed strikes do 1d4 + your Strength modifier slashing damage.


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